The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 679: A True Leader of the Righteous Path

Chapter 679: A True Leader of the Righteous Path

After Loki confirmed it again and again, he felt relieved to know that Bruce was not laughing wildly.

Although he likes to play pranks, he is also averse to manic laughter, a serious disease that even Arkham dare not admit.

After a brief acquaintance, they headed towards the teleportation point.

After all, the headquarters base is too large.

Along the way, Arthur and Hal kept marveling at the facilities of the Abyss Alliance, and they quickly became friends with Thor and Loki.

Stupid people can always find the organization accurately.

Bruce approached Tony and asked, "Did you research Extremis Metal?"

Tony nodded: "Yes, how did you..."

Then he saw Bruce's hands instantly covered with black armor, which was obviously his Extremis Metal.

"You and Lee must have had a great relationship," Tony exclaimed.

He knew that desperate metal needed to be specially customized and was extremely expensive.

"I've known Lee since I was 12," Bruce replied.

"That's right." Li Ming, who was walking next to him, also interrupted, "At that time, I was still a boxer being hunted by gangsters."

He and Bruce smiled at each other.

Seeing that Bruce was Li Ming's closest person, Tony was also very enthusiastic. Especially after discovering that Bruce's knowledge was not inferior to his, he became even happier.

Especially since Bruce had mastered a lot of technologies that he didn't know about, so Tony and Bruce discussed the understanding of Extremis Metal.

"In fact, I have now developed a new generation of Extremis Metal."

Tony's heart moved, and he put on a red battle suit with a cape.

"Extremis Metal 3.0, I added magical materials into it. Now the Extremis Suit not only has physical damage, but can also release magic at the same time!" He couldn't help but show off.

The spellcaster suit and the iron suit are perfectly combined into one. It can fire laser cannons and release magic beams at the same time. It is indeed worth showing off.

"That's amazing!" Bruce showed an expression of admiration on his face, which pleased Tony very much and immediately won Tony's favor.

After all, Bruce grew up learning from Li Ming, so he knows how to get closer to people with ease.

Then he and Tony started discussing what new modules could be added to Extremis Metal, and the discussion was very heated.

The same was true for others. Captain America and Superman had a great conversation, and Diana and Wanda also had many common topics.

Li Ming smiled slightly. This was why he brought the Justice League here.

When superheroes from different universes communicate with each other, they can always create stronger sparks.

They teleported all the way to the Abyss Alliance Hall, where more people gathered.

Thanos, Star-Lord Techara, Hulk x4, Hawk x4, Spider-Man x3, Black Widow x2...

The Avengers here mainly come from four universes.

The Supreme Strange Universe, the God of Stories Loki Universe, the Thanos Reformed Universe, and the Marvel 616 Universe that Li Ming first entered.

Among them, the Supreme Strange Universe has the most complete personnel. The Loki Universe and the 616 Universe have the same personnel configuration except for multiple Lokis and Scarlet Witches respectively.

Of course, 616 Thor doesn't have Jane Foster, but has a daughter.

As for the universe where Thanos returned to good, the heroes on Earth have been swept away by Tivan the Collector, leaving only Thanos and the Guardians of the Galaxy led by Star-Lord T'Challa.

This was the first time that Li Ming summoned members of the Abyss Alliance from all universes at the same time.

That’s why there are four Hawkeyes competing in eyesight and four Hulks arm wrestling at the same time.

Except for Steve and Tony, they both only have one.

Steve was fine, as he already knew that he would die of old age in other universes.

But Tony has never heard from anyone else that there is a living Iron Man.

Too bad.

Loki knew it, but he liked to see Tony frown, so he deliberately didn't say it.

Li Ming didn't say anything, because this would stimulate Tony to work harder on researching new technologies.

Of course, there were also some superheroes who didn't come, either because they had something to do or they just didn't want to.

It's okay to let them protect their own universe, but not everyone is aware of the need to fight for other universes.

The hall was crowded with people, but after Li Ming and others arrived, everyone quieted down.

They knew that they were not here for a social gathering today, but that something big was going to happen.

Alien world invasion!

Li Ming briefly introduced the Justice League. After learning that they were a superhero organization from another world, a large group of Avengers welcomed them.

Everyone understands that there is strength in numbers.

But at this time Tony jumped out, pointed at Diana and said loudly: "Let me add to what Lee didn't finish. "

"This is Diana Prince, daughter of Zeus, Princess of the Amazons, Wonder Woman."

Everyone exclaimed at the right moments and showed great support.

What they are most familiar with is Norse mythology. Thor is already their closest comrade-in-arms, and now a daughter of Zeus has appeared. It is indeed very strange.

Normally, it would end here, as the Avengers heroes are people who have seen the world.

But Tony wasn't done yet.

He shook his head: "But Diana has another important identity..."

"That is--"

After everyone's curiosity was aroused, Tony revealed the answer.

"Lee's girlfriend!"



"Hahaha, that's great!"

The Avengers were instantly excited, especially those who had the best relationship with Li Ming, they were all very happy.

Spider Holland rushed to Diana and said, "Hi, I'm Peter Parker, Lee's first friend among us!"

Spider-Man spoke with great pride, and Li Ming nodded with a smile, indicating that he was right.

The fact does not stop there. Spider-Man is not only Li Ming’s first superhero friend in Marvel, but also his angel investor.

If it weren't for the Spider-Man bloodline supported by Spider-Man and Tony's authority, Li Ming would not have been able to take off so quickly and create such a big gap with the reincarnations of the same level.

As for why it is only the first superhero friend?

Because Li Ming’s first friend in Marvel was Quentin Beck, the Mysterio.

This is why he always mentions Mysterio.

To commemorate a friend.

Serious face.jpg.

Li Ming saved the lives of most of the people here, and even those who were not very familiar with Li Ming knew that without Li Ming, they would not be able to gather here.

If their world were left to face the invasion alone during a war between universes, it would be a catastrophe even more brutal than the Thanos crisis.

After all, with the addition of reincarnations, their technology is unable to allow them to travel through time and space again.

So everyone was very grateful to Li Ming, and this emotion was also extended to Diana, so everyone was very enthusiastic and respectful to Wonder Woman.

Diana was very touched because these were all brought to her by her boyfriend.

The other members of the Justice League, Bruce, Clark and others were also shocked.

They truly felt that Li Ming had indeed helped a lot of the world.

He is indeed a righteous leader!

(End of this chapter)

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