The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 680: Organize the army and set out!

Chapter 680: Organize the army and set out!
After some commotion, we finally got to the point.

Li Ming turned on the projection and showed everyone the world battlefield scenes that he had seen before.

When they saw the battlefields in ruins, with only one in ten lives left, and even the dead becoming war resources because of the existence of professions such as necromancers among the reincarnations, everyone fell silent.

At this time, Li Ming released the highlight. What he finally showed was the overwhelming army of hell in the world of the Nordic God of War, and several worlds that were beaten into chaos and fragmented.

"We have to stop them!" Steve said.

The others also nodded. No one wanted the above scenes to happen in their own universe.

"Our universes are interconnected. If we turn a blind eye to disasters in other universes, it will soon be our turn."

Li Mingyi said sternly: "To protect the multiverse is to protect ourselves. This is also the significance of the establishment of the Abyss Alliance!"

Everyone's fighting spirit was ignited, and then Li Ming began to discuss the battle plan with Steve, Tony and others.

Of course, not all of these people can go. The Abyss Alliance headquarters also needs someone to be in charge to deal with the superhero crisis in their respective worlds.

Finally, after everyone's discussion, Li Ming and Thanos brought the heroes from the Supreme Strange Universe, the 616 Universe and the Loki Universe to provide support.

And Supreme Strange stayed in the Abyss Alliance with the heroes of the Thanos Universe to deal with the superhero crisis in the four universes.

There are more than fifty superheroes from the three worlds, including such experts as Thor, Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch, and Vision.

But since it is a major war, superheroes alone are not enough. Powerful superheroes have also summoned part of the Asgard army, Kamar-Taj wizards, Wakanda army, and the combined army of various interstellar civilizations. In terms of numbers, they have the largest number, with more than a dozen interstellar fleets.

Then there is the Dark Order.

This was specially formed by Thanos. He knew that an army was necessary to protect the universe, so he reorganized the remaining former members of the Dark Order in the universe to prevent them from causing trouble in the universe and to also contribute to protecting the universe.

After gathering like this, the number of troops dispatched by the Abyss Alliance this time exceeded 100,000.

But compared with the number of troops a camp can mobilize, this is just a drop in the bucket.

Even if the army attacking the Spider Universe only has a small number of troops, referring to the previous time when Hayes led the team, there were at least three cosmic civilizations mobilized in full force.

But don't forget, Li Ming hasn't made a move yet.

He released his two major legions.

A biochemical army led by the Titan dinosaurs.

Megatron and the Transformers team led by Sunday.

The individual quality of the biochemical army is now very strong. Even ordinary superheroes will have to work hard to deal with them and then be defeated.

Are you kidding? The Titan Dinosaur’s physical fitness is not as good as that of a level 5 superhero and it can’t even break through the defense.

Because Li Ming occasionally transforms, the Transformers Corps currently has a total of fifty members, big and small. Although they are small in number, their fighting power is the strongest.

Because Li Ming's Transformers army does not rely on melee combat like in the movies. Megatron and his men have a lot of Cybertron technology and a robot army as soldiers. More than fifty Transformers can control more than a hundred fleets.

After all, Cybertron dominates the universe not by physical combat but by relying on technology.

The superheroes all entered the Saint Tianzun, along with the rest of the military, much to everyone's surprise.

After all, a Temple II with another Temple II inside, and bringing with it a fleet of one hundred or eighty people, would surprise anyone.

Saint Tianzun is at the seventh level in strength, and his specialty is the law of space, so there is naturally no problem for him at all.

This also made the heroes realize the extraordinary nature of the Temple II.

When they entered the spaceship, they were naturally surprised by the Titan dinosaurs, but when Thanos saw that familiar skin, his expression became a little subtle.

But the more than 50 vehicles of various types parked in another hall left them puzzled.

Spider-Man pointed at the strange combination of cars, tanks, and airplanes and asked blankly, "Lee, is this your garage?"

At this moment, the fighter plane next to him suddenly transformed on the spot and transformed into a robot in the blink of an eye. "We are Transformers, and I am Commander Megatron."

Megatron put his head close to Spider-Man, which scared him and he quickly hid behind him.

"Robot?" he asked in surprise.

"No." Megatron shook his head, "We are Transformers, silicon-based life forms."

"Silicon-based life?"

The superheroes were very surprised to learn that the robots in front of them were not man-made but aliens. Although many of them had traveled across the universe, they had never seen such life.

Especially scientific researchers like Tony, Banner, and Shuri, their eyes were shining brightly, and they obviously wanted to do some research.

In other words, everyone in the Justice League is relatively calm.

Especially Arthur and Hal, they both looked up at the same time and smiled at each other.

If they knew that the spaceship they were riding was also a Transformer, their expressions would definitely be very interesting.

Arthur and Hal tacitly kept silent.

Although they know it, they just won't say it.

Before setting off, Li Ming specifically reminded everyone not to reveal the name of the Abyss Alliance.

Otherwise, it would be easy for people to associate it with the abyss.

Saint Tianzun quickly passed through the portal opened by Li Ming and arrived at the corresponding universe.

As soon as they exited the portal, alarms sounded on the ship.

Suddenly, everyone in the Abyss Alliance felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.

"The spaceship has been locked by fire. Should we break free and fight back?" Saint Tianzun asked.

"No need." Li Ming shook his head, "He's one of us."

Before coming here, Li Ming had of course inquired about what kind of world this was. According to his style of doing things, how could he just bring everyone here without caring about anything?
So he just smiled: "Overall, it's an interesting world."

At this time, a wave of light came from Saint Tianzun, successfully revealing the thing that was locking them.

There was also a group of interstellar joint fleets on the opposite side. Everyone immediately spotted the familiar Nova Corps, Sovereign's Golden Legion, and even the Dark Order's spaceships.

"Has the dark cult in this world also reformed?" Loki of Asgard complained.

After both sides came out of hiding, the other side also sent communications.

The commander of the Nova Corps appeared on the big screen inside Saint Tianzun, staring at them with a serious face.

"This is Queen Hela's fleet, foreign spacecraft, please explain your purpose."

Asgard Loki frowned, turned to his brother and asked, "Did I hear something dirty just now?"

"I heard that, too," Thor replied.

Loki, the god of stories, was also very curious: "In the stories of this world, does Hela rule the universe?"

Although he can see all world lines, there are too many multiverses and the God of Story cannot see them all.

Not even the observers.

"That's really..." The God of Stories shook his head, "It's terrible."

(End of this chapter)

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