The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 681 Goddess of Light Hela

Chapter 681 Goddess of Light Hela
In most worlds, the Thor brothers discriminate against every Hela equally.

Because of the fight for the throne, Hela slaughtered her own people, and in the end the entire Asgard was destroyed because of her.

Isn't this the way the goddess of death should die? She should start from her own home, right?

So after learning that this universe's Hela was the recognized queen, all of Thor and Loki's faces froze.

Strictly speaking, their hatred for Hela is no less than that for Thanos.

But they came here to help this universe, and it was not the Hela from their own universe, so even though they were depressed, they didn't say anything.

"We are the multiverse legion invited by Spider-Man to help the universe defend against foreign enemies." Li Ming stated his purpose.

"Spider-Man?" The Nova Corps commander's tense expression eased a little. "Please provide a name. I need to verify it."

"Li Ming."

"OK, just a second."

Seeing the opposing commander's attitude change so much, the three Dutch spiders gathered together and chattered.

"Haha, it seems that the Spider-Man in this world is a universe-famous hero!"

"Will it be like Captain Universe Spider-Man?"

The two little spiders whispered to each other.

However, the most mature 616 Dutch Spider covered his forehead and asked, "Didn't you guys see the intelligence? The web has the identity information of Spider-Man who came to ask for help."

The little spider in Loki World spread his hands: "I haven't joined the weaving of the web yet."

Their eyes turned to the Supreme Strange World Spider, and he laughed twice: "Hey, I... I didn't notice."

The one who passed this news to the Abyss Alliance was Spider-Man 616.

Among the three, Spider-Supremacy has the least experience. He has not experienced the Avengers War or Mysterio, and he is also the most unreliable.

While they were talking, the picture on the big screen on the spaceship changed from the commander of the Nova Corps to Spider-Man of this universe.

Loki Spider-Man and Strange Spider-Man Supreme exclaimed at the same time: "Dad?"

That’s right, although the man who appeared on the screen was younger than the one in the photo, he looked clearly like the father of the little spiders.

Richard Parker!
Only then did the Supreme Strange Spider ask, "What year is it here?"

"1995." Spider-Man 616 replied.

They were not born yet at this time, no wonder Richard Parker was so young.

Li Ming was also surprised when he learned about this.

Among the versions he knew, there was Uncle Ben's Spider-Man, Aunt May's Spider-Man, and Mary Jane sometimes played Spider-Man, but Peter Parker's father?
He is mostly just a background panel, and I have never seen him as Spider-Man.

After some investigation, Li Ming found out that the Spider-Man in this world had not yet appeared, and Richard Parker was an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

So did his wife, Mary Parker.

According to normal circumstances, the couple should have died in a plane crash while on a mission.

But it happened that the Reincarnationist discovered this world, and at that time the Hell camp had already colluded with the Heir family, so in order to incorporate this world into the web of fate, the Reincarnationist forcibly created a Spider-Man.

Without Peter Parker, the person with the highest chance of success is naturally Peter's father Richard.

Of course, everyone must have understood at this point that this world is the territory of the Lord of the Starry Sky.

However, the Starry Sky Lord could not have imagined that all the good things in his territory were snatched away by Li Ming.

Richard Parker was very excited when he saw Li Ming. "Mr. Li Ming, it turns out that this is the team led by you. Thank you very much for your help!"

"The war has begun. The Queen is in the Andromeda Galaxy fighting off foreign enemies. Do you want to go to Earth to rest first, or go directly to the battlefield?" asked Richard Parker.

His words made many people in the Avengers look at each other in confusion.

When did Hela become so capable of leadership? Even Spider-Man respects her very much.

"Tell me the coordinates of the battlefield." Li Ming replied.

"Okay, here are the coordinates." Richard sent the location to Li Ming, and then added, "By the way, our companions from the Weaving Network have also joined the battle."

Li Ming and Tony were both happy to hear that the Spider-Mans had arrived.

Li Ming wanted to meet some acquaintances, while Tony simply wanted to see what the scene would be like with hundreds of spiders in the same frame.

The power of the Space Stone enveloped Temple No. 2 and opened a wormhole directly on the spot to reach the target location.

This move shocked the commander of the Nova Corps.

"This Li Ming seems to be really strong." He said to Richard.

"Yes, Lord Li Ming is very strong, almost as strong as the Queen." Richard was a member of the Weaving Organization, so he naturally knew that Li Ming had fought a great battle with Solus.

"how is this possible?"

The Nova Corps commander immediately retorted: "How can anyone's power be comparable to the Queen's? You know, the Queen has been roaming the universe for more than a thousand years!"

"I have been roaming the universe for more than a thousand years, and you are the most cruel and evil people I have ever seen!"

On the battlefield of the Andromeda Galaxy, Hela said loudly.

She looks exactly like the other Helas, the only difference in appearance is that her clothes, including the crown, have turned white. She does not have the temperament of the goddess of death at all, but appears extremely holy. It is obviously more appropriate to call her the goddess of light.

Hela held the Gungnir in her hand and attacked the Reincarnator on the opposite side with all her might. Li Ming sensed that her strength was at the peak of the seventh level, but Hela was facing two seventh-level Reincarnators and could not gain much advantage.

"So what?" A reincarnator holding a skull said disdainfully, "To them, we are gods, we can do whatever they want!"

After he finished speaking, a faint green light flashed from the skull in his hand, and all the corpses on several planets on the battlefield stood up. They were turned into undead warriors by him.

Hela gritted her teeth and unleashed a violent burst of energy from Gungnir's spear, forcing the Reincarnators to retreat. She pointed another shot at the Undead warriors, turning them back into dust.

She angrily shouted: "People who disregard life are not worthy of being called gods!"

These words happened to be heard by the Abyss Alliance forces who arrived at the scene.

"She is really different. I am beginning to like this sister a little bit." commented Thor from Loki World.

Loki, the God of Stories, also nodded: "In fact, she seems much more decent than us."

Li Ming was delighted, of course he knew which world this was.

However, the top priority now is to ease the war situation. The hero camp has armies from six civilizations attacking together. In addition, there are five seventh-level, more than thirty sixth-level, and one hundred low-level reincarnations who can transform into sixth-level at any time. The situation on the local side is not optimistic.

In such a chaotic situation, the arrival of a Temple II would naturally not cause any waves, and they did not even attract much attention.

But things soon changed.

Li Ming ordered Saint Tianzun to open the hatch, and then the reincarnations on the battlefield were surprised to find that three more Temple IIs of the same size emerged from the Temple II, and then there were more than a dozen fleets, dozens of Cybertron mechanical legions, and densely packed superheroes.

The heroic reincarnations were stunned.

This is called a spaceship?

Should it be renamed Portal?
(End of this chapter)

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