The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 682: The Wheel-Chaptered Ones Have Their Own Way of Fighting

Chapter 682: Reincarnationists have their own way of fighting

The arrival of the Abyss Alliance army directly reversed the declining trend of the local camp on the field.

Hela has gathered the power of half of the universe, and in fact, the number of warships is not inferior to that of the hero camp.

But they lack in strength among the top players.

Of the five seventh-level reincarnations, Hela could block two, but the other three were difficult to deal with.

The Spider-Men did come, but they could only deal with the sixth-order Reincarnations at most, and they were completely unable to defeat the seventh-order.

After all, Captain Universe Spider-Man cannot leave his own universe. The most powerful among them is Madea's father B. Parker. He has the power of other things, just like Kane before. When he bursts out with extreme power, he can be comparable to the peak of the sixth level.

In addition to this, there is the ultimate Spider-Man, John Parker, who has upgraded his tentacles and his energy attacks are even more powerful than before.

But the Abyss Alliance Legion brought by Li Ming not only has a sufficient number of troops, but also has extremely high quality.

Scarlet Witch, Captain Marvel, and Thor all have the strength of level seven, and Thor has three more!
Tony has barely reached the seventh level, not to mention the presence of a glove Thanos of his level.

However, Thanos did not take action for the time being as he had to guard against the possible appearance of an eighth-level Reincarnator on the opposite side.

Li Ming didn't have one either, he still needed to hide his identity.

Even so, the Guardians have completely gained the upper hand in terms of high-level combat power.

On the Justice League side, basically everyone is at level six.

At the bottom of the list is Arthur. After all, there is no water in space, so he can barely exert the strength of an early sixth level.

Batman, who is supposed to be the weakest, is not much different in strength from Clark because of his Extremis Metal and Yellow Lantern Ring.

However, Bruce held back and did not use the yellow lantern ring.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Henry's super ability is weaker than Reeve's super ability. The power of the version is so terrifying.

So Li Ming's next step is to think about how to improve Clark's strength. After all, DC's big daddy Batman has already contributed S-level abilities to him, and he definitely can't let go of a DC giant like Superman.

Hela was trying hard to hold on, but the surroundings suddenly became pitch black.

“Such a familiar power.” Hela thought to herself.

Then countless violent bolts of lightning burst out from the darkness, shattering the darkness as well as the encirclement of the two seventh-level reincarnations.

At this time, three Thors flew to Hela's side. Two of them were holding Thor's hammer in one hand and Stormrage in the other, and only the Supreme Thor of Strange World only held Stormrage.

He lent his Meowth Hammer to Captain America.

"Are you Thor?" Hela asked uncertainly with a frown, "I heard Spider-Man talk about"



The Thors all nodded, and at this time Loki, the god of stories, also jumped out: "And Loki, sister."

Hela raised her hand to fight off a reincarnation, then smiled.

"I've never had a brother, and this is the first time someone calls me sister."

In the normal timeline, Hela was sealed in 950 and Thor was born in 964, but the situation in this world is completely different.

When Li Ming first learned about Hela's situation, he knew that this was a world in "What If Season 2". Here, Hela was not sealed in the underworld, but because of her desire for war, she was exiled to the earth by Odin, who wanted to stop the war.

Odin's original intention was to let Hela learn kindness through her experience, and Hela did it, but a little too well.

Even beyond Odin's expectations.

On Earth, Hela met Wenwu, the master of the Ten Rings, Shang-Chi's father, and entered the mysterious area of ​​Tarot. Under the training of the elder of Tarot and Shang-Chi's original mother, she realized that she did not actually love war, but that war was Odin's pursuit.

So Hela broke free from Odin's psychological control, became eager to pursue her own goals, and spread this love to the entire universe, willing to fight for the freedom and peace of the entire universe.

Odin still has ambitions. After learning that there are ten sacred rings on Earth, he comes to Earth in the name of revenge for Hela and attempts to take away the ten rings.

After beating up her daughter Hela and son-in-law Wenwu, Hela regained her crown and became the goddess of light. She finally defeated Odin and took his throne of Asgard.

So in this world, Thor was not born, Loki was not adopted, because Wenwu and Hela were together, and even Shang-Chi no longer existed.

No wonder Hela was so deeply moved after seeing Thor and Loki.

She noticed that the Meow Hammers in both Thor's hands were covered with cracks.

"Oh, has your Mjolnir been restored? Or did Odin destroy it and then have the dwarves reforge it?" The Meowth Hammer in Hela's world was crushed by Odin with one hand.

The posture used is still the same as Hela's.

Thor and the others were a little embarrassed, and it was Loki who came to the rescue: "These are not important, let's repel the enemy first."

At this time, the situation on the battlefield has begun to become one-sided. The most powerful group in the hero camp has five seventh-level reincarnations. Now the number of seventh-level reincarnations on the opposite side is far greater than that of the other camps.

And the other killer weapon, more than one hundred low-level reincarnations with temporary strength of level six, were also blocked by the fleet in the sky.

The Transformers performed great merits. Not only did they control hundreds of spaceships, they were also able to disguise themselves as enemy vehicles on the chaotic battlefield and suddenly launch attacks after entering the enemy's hinterland. They were able to kill two or three temporary sixth-level monsters at a time. Li Ming was so scared that he quickly ordered them to be gentle.

These are all his clients. If he kills them, he will earn fewer points. After rounding off, no profit means a loss.

Then Megatron commanded the Transformers to shift their target and deal with those sixth-level Reincarnations.

Li Ming didn't care about these things and asked Megatron to increase his efforts.

He couldn't earn points from a sixth-order reincarnationist, so if he couldn't become his client, he would die!

It just so happened that the death of these genuine sixth-level reincarnations highlighted the importance of the temporary sixth level, and he was able to earn more points.

Without points, where would his [Source Power Advancement Lv.7] come from?
This is called battlefield wisdom.

"Mordred, the enemy's reinforcements are too strong, we should retreat temporarily!" A crowned reincarnation said, holding the battlefield commander tightly.

The commander named Mordred looked very young. He was very unwilling to accept this, but he also knew that the situation was hopeless and it would be difficult to report if he suffered too many losses.

The most important thing is that the Reincarnationists never fight against the wind. Even if Mordred does not give orders, the Reincarnationists will not fight with all their heart and effort.

No matter what the military order is, the reincarnations have their own combat rules!
By then, the portal will still not be able to be preserved.

"Retreat!" He squeezed out this order from between his teeth, and then said angrily, "We will be back!"

After performing the actions of Big Bad Wolf, the reincarnations in the hero camp ran towards the portal at a rapid speed. The speed of their retreat shocked many civilization leaders who were following the camp into the battlefield for the first time.

So this is the way to survive by fighting for a faction?

(End of this chapter)

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