The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 683 Li Ming's contribution is admired by everyone

Chapter 683 Li Ming's contribution is admired by everyone

On a habitable planet in the Andromeda Galaxy, countless people raised their glasses to celebrate, and the banquet covered the entire planet.

After all, Hela is the king of Asgard, and who among the Asgardians doesn't like banquets? So naturally, it was held in the grandest possible style.

And there are indeed a lot of people joining the battle, with more than a hundred Spider-Mans alone.

It is both a celebration of victory in the war and a welcome to new friends.

"This is O'Hara, the leader of the Weaving Organization." Li Ming introduced him to everyone in the Abyss Alliance.

Spider-Man 2099 immediately waved his hands: "In fact, Lee is the real leader of the Web. Without him, the Web would have been destroyed long ago."

When talking about this topic, the atmosphere became even more heated.

Dutch Spider told everyone how Li Ming saved the 616 universe which was caught in time and space chaos.

Tony also described how Li Ming helped them overcome the Thanos crisis and made the Avengers more united.

Loki, the God of Stories, also vividly recounted how Li Ming led the Time Variance Administration to break free from the control of the Legacy and eventually turned TVA from a judge into the guardian of the multiverse.

Even Arthur was not to be outdone, and gestured as he described how Li Ming led them to attack the planet OA and reclaimed the abandoned Earth.

Everyone was then surprised to realize that Li Ming had helped save so many worlds!
Indeed, Li Ming can now say this to many people -

"I've saved more worlds than you've ever met!"

In fact, Li Ming himself has a very high reputation, but except for those who have direct contact with him, other people join the Abyss Alliance just to protect their own world, and their impression of Li Ming is limited to the organizer of the Abyss Alliance.

Even some superheroes are secretly wary of Li Ming.

However, now that people from many worlds have "checked accounts" with each other, they have discovered that Li Ming's brilliance is far greater than they knew before!
So many people began to admire Li Ming from the bottom of their hearts.

Even Hela couldn't help but say to Li Ming: "I thought I had done a good job, but I'm still far behind you."

"You could have been the King of the Multiverse, but you became a greater Guardian!"

Many superheroes nodded at the same time, agreeing with this statement very much.

Like Diana, the look in her eyes when she looked at Li Ming was so gentle that it seemed as if water was about to emerge.

Rather than being the king who rules the universe, Diana undoubtedly hopes that her man is a great hero.

Others such as Bruce, Clark, Tony, Thanos and others also had a new understanding of Li Ming and supported Li Ming more firmly.

But as for Li Ming himself.

What king is that? A King of Gotham is enough.

Is the faction's dominance over the subordinate worlds sufficient? Is it sufficient for the reincarnations?

There aren't so many people scheming against each other.

He is nothing like Li Ming, who tied the safety of the Abyss Alliance to the safety of the superheroes' own world. Protecting the Abyss Alliance is protecting his own universe. He becomes a comrade-in-arms with the superheroes and is not afraid that anyone will cheat. He can be said to have fully exerted his subjective initiative.

Do you understand what the power of bond is?
When the abyss faces threats in the future, all the people here whom Li Ming had helped before will be his strong backing!
Other camps think that the Abyss is fighting alone, so there is no need to worry?
In fact, the abyss had already accumulated considerable power.

"The Multiverse Guard? A group of natives?"

At the branch command center of the hero camp, the leading eighth-order reincarnationist asked with a frown, but he was wearing a thick metal mask, so others could not see his expression clearly.

"Yes, they have at least ten level sevens!" Mordred replied indignantly.

He proposed: "I request that the focus of the battle be changed to this world. They have gathered most of the power of the surrounding worlds. If we can defeat them, our camp will gain many worlds at once!"

It sounds very attractive at first glance, but the leader of the eighth-order reincarnations just smiled and said, "If King Arthur were here, he might agree to your proposal." "But unfortunately, I am not your suspicious father, so I will not agree to your plan."

"Sir Iron-Masked Man..." Mordred wanted to say something else but was interrupted by the Iron-Masked Man with a wave of his hand.

"You may have some truth in your argument, but they are just natives and will not go to other worlds. If we change the world we attack, we will bring the army of Hell with us, and we will face even greater challenges then."

The Iron-Masked Man said in a profound tone: "I will not take such a big risk just to save your face."

Mordred's face turned pale when his thoughts were exposed, but he could not refute it. He could only turn around and leave unwillingly.

"Your Highness, does the Iron-Masked Man agree?" His men came over and asked.

"No!" Mordred said this and walked away without looking back.

But he didn't see that at this moment, a yellow light suddenly flashed in the pupils of his confidant.

"They won't come back to this world for the time being, but after they defeat the enemy in other worlds, they will return here."

In the Hela world, Li Ming warned everyone.

In fact, both Li Ming and Thanos are fully capable of destroying the army led by Mordred.

But under Li Ming's instructions, Thanos did not take action.

The purpose is naturally to plant a nail in the hero camp.

As the camp that Li Ming knew the least about, he sent many spies to follow Mordred back.

Mordred, King Arthur, and the Man in the Iron Mask are all famous characters. It seems that the main body of the hero camp is the characters in various heroic legends.

I just don’t know which world they are focusing on. If there is a chance, Li Ming would like to go over and play around.

“But we can’t let our guard down!” Hela said.

"I will continue to gather my forces and call together all the superheroes."

At this time Tony suddenly suggested: "We can collect the Infinity Stones, so that the world can be saved!"

But Hela shook her head.

"There are only five Infinity Stones left in this world, and the Cosmic Cube was stolen by outsiders some time ago."

After her explanation, everyone knew that when the Hell Reincarnator came to this world before, he once helped Odin invade the Earth, but was ultimately defeated by Hela, who became the Goddess of Light.

But before they left, they stole the Mind Stone, resulting in no one in this universe being able to snap their fingers anymore.

This matter was learned from Thanos when Hela led people to stop Thanos from invading Gamora's home planet some time ago.

Li Ming, who was familiar with the rules of the reincarnation space, also guessed that it was probably because of the submission of the cosmic cube that the reincarnationist's task rating reached above C, and this world was considered to be in the hell camp.

I guess even if the hero camp doesn't come this time, Hell will send people to invade in the future when they have time.

"It's so chaotic here, why is there so little noise in hell?" Li Ming was a little puzzled.

He went back to the reincarnation center and suddenly received a communication.

Li Ming laughed suddenly.

His lucky star - Hasuen.

(End of this chapter)

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