The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 684: True Blessed Star Hasuen

Chapter 684 True Lucky Star Hasuen
“Hey, bro!!”

As soon as the call was connected, Hasuen's cheerful voice rang out.

Li Ming was no longer surprised. Ever since he saved Hasuen last time, the second generation of reincarnation had been treating him very well.

But this time, Hasuen's attitude was surprisingly good.

He first praised Li Ming a lot. Although he was a little worried about the clown's origin, he never mentioned it in front of Li Ming.

It seems that it will be okay if you don’t say it actively.

Then he asked cautiously, "Brother, are you in the Spider-Man world?"

"What's wrong?" Li Ming asked instead of responding directly.

But at the same time, Duncan, the captain of Hasuen's bodyguards, sent him a video and world coordinates.

The video shows what Hasuen is like now.

He was hiding in a small room with just him and Duncan, secretly communicating with Li Ming.

The coordinates are their locations in the world.

Li Ming's face looked a little funny, because he found that the world where Hasun was now was exactly where the Iron-faced Man from the hero camp was attacking with all his might.

Hasun knew nothing about this and had no idea that his younger brother had sold him out.

"Hehe, I heard that there is Spider-Man in a world that the hero camp is attacking, and I thought you might go to help, big brother." Hasuen gave Li Ming the lowdown and revealed some key information.

So Li Ming also answered directly: "I'm here."

“Wuhu!” Hasuen exclaimed softly, “I knew it. As soon as I heard that the world over there had repelled the invasion of the hero camp, I knew it must have been Big Brother who took action…”

Li Ming interrupted his rainbow fart spell in time and raised his own question: "Why does hell not care about the world with Spider-Man?"

Hasuen immediately explained to him: "Because that world only belongs to the Hell camp in name only in the reincarnation space, and is not actually controlled by Hell. I heard that the queen there is too powerful."

"So there's no reason for Hell to come help that world."

No wonder, Li Ming also understood.

The reincarnators are the kind of people who won't release their eagles until they see the rabbit. They won't do anything like helping Hela resist foreign enemies without getting any benefits in return.

Li Ming knew without guessing that what Hell was thinking was to let Hela fight against the hero camp first. It didn't matter if she died or the world was destroyed, as long as the strength of the hero could be consumed.

Then they would find an opportunity to attack back, which would not only eliminate the stubborn Hela, but also reduce some losses.

"Hey, those idiots in hell will never think that you, brother, will come faster than them." Hasuen said with some relief.

Li Ming keenly noticed the problem.

Although the Hela world is the sphere of influence of the Lord of the Starry Sky, what Hasun said just now clearly included everyone in Hell.

So... is this a contradiction?
Because Duncan was unable to give a response after crossing the world, Li Ming chose to ask Hasun directly.

"What's wrong, did someone in hell piss you off?"

Hasuen sighed loudly. Under normal circumstances, he would not complain to people from other camps, but if it was Li Ming, it was not impossible.

"Father had a conflict with Beelzebub, and then in a fit of anger, he handed over the command of his area and was sent here to resist the invasion of the hero camp."

What's so big a conflict?

Li Ming knew that the sphere of influence of the subordinate worlds of the Hell Camp was clearly divided. The war zone led by Grand Lord Ramande definitely belonged to his own power. If it was not voluntary, no one could force Grand Lord Ramande to hand over the command.

"What happened?" Li Ming asked.

He thought it would be a big deal.

"This..." Hasuen hesitated for a while. He should never reveal this level of information, but his father was wronged and he was already displeased with Beelzebub, and he also thought of the unclear relationship between Li Ming and the clown.

So he said it anyway.

"Father suspected that the Hell camp really had independent consciousness, so he went to Beelzebub to verify it because he didn't want to fight an unclear war."

"But Beelzebub was furious and told father not to tell anyone about this issue. He also revealed to the public that father had challenged the authority of his demon leader, so he sent father to deal with the hero camp legion here."

Li Ming's heart was instantly in turmoil.

Does Hell Really Have Autonomous Awareness?

"I thought I was just making it up, but I didn't expect that you, hell, are serious?" Li Ming thought.

Although Beelzebub did not admit it, Li Ming had already known from his reaction that Lord Ramand was most likely right.

"But if Hell has its own camp consciousness, why can't it figure out which family the spider totem belongs to?" Li Ming suddenly thought of this.

If what Lord Ramand thought was true, the abyss should have been exposed long ago.

So Li Ming had a deeper guess.

Hell's autonomous consciousness is still imperfect and is likely in its infancy.

Hasun became more and more heated as he spoke, and it was obvious that he was very dissatisfied with Beelzebub.

"He just wanted to disgust my father. There are several legions in the hero camp, but he chose to attack the one that attacked Lord Star. Lord Ramander helped Lord Star to protect his territory? No one would believe it if they told him that!"

“It’s such a humiliation!”

However, Li Ming had different feelings. He always started with conspiracy theories when dealing with these reincarnation bosses.

How could it be possible that a reincarnation of the level of the demon leader Beelzebub would be sent to guard the home of his enemy just to disgust Lord Ramand?
And Maharaja Ramander agreed.

Li Ming still needs to verify: "By the way, what is the extent of the damage to the worlds that your father previously commanded?"

“It’s almost broken,” Hasuen replied.

Okay, Li Ming is sure.

He felt that there was a 70% chance that the autonomous consciousness of the hell camp really existed.

Because this was a tacit deal between Beelzebub and Ramand.

Lord Ramanda used some worlds that had become worthless in exchange for the opportunity to shrink his forces so that his forces would suffer less losses in the war.

The so-called helping the Lord of the Starry Sky to guard his home was just an excuse Beelzebub made for Ramand.

Everyone knows that Ramand and Xingkong don't get along, so it's normal if they fail to hold on at that time, isn't it?

This is just hush money given by Beelzebub.

Normally, this level of information cannot be known to outsiders, but who can blame Maharaja Ramand for loving his son so much?

Or maybe Ramand had told Hasun about his speculation about faction consciousness before this incident, but didn't tell Hasun after the deal with Beelzebub.

But who knew that Hasuen turned around and told Li Ming.

Now there is something to play with.

Li Ming couldn't help but smile.

This gave him a good opportunity to incite Maharaja Ramand to rebel.

All I can say is that Hasuen is indeed his lucky star.

It’s like playing Spatula and losing 13 times in a row before encountering an AFK opponent. Who can withstand this?
(End of this chapter)

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