Chapter 685: Strength
The purpose of Hasuen informing Li Ming was very simple.

Ask for protection.

Of course, it’s not that Maharaja Ramander couldn’t protect him on the battlefield, but it was in other aspects.

"You want to steal the treasure of Lord Starry Sky?"

"Yeah, big brother protects me."

"Don't go!"

"I'll give you half!"

"Can consider it."

Regarding Hasuen's attempt to steal the Star Lord, Li Ming said that he was courageous.

Hasuen even gained his current fifth-level strength by accumulating resources, so why is he trying to provoke the eighth-level boss Huxu?

Although the Lord of the Starry Sky is not here, there are still seventh-level reincarnations under the Lord of the Starry Sky in their world.

So Li Ming asked: "What treasure?"

If it works for him, you can give it a try.

Hasuen quickly told Li Ming the specialties of that world, and he immediately knew which world it was.

"Gods of War: Eye of Power".

The treasures that Hasun mentioned are things like the Eye of Horus, the Brain of the God of Wisdom, and the Heart of the God of Life.

It's a good thing for Hasun, but it's not very useful to Li Ming.

He thought about it and felt that it was not worth it.

"Why not try something big?" Li Ming suddenly suggested.

"How do we play?" asked Hasun.

Li Ming smiled cunningly: "Do you want to help Lord Ramander win this battle?"

Normally, if Lord Ramand does not make any contribution, the battle here will definitely fail, and Hasun also understands this.

"Of course it would be great if I could help my father win the battle, but this is Starry Sky's territory..." Hasun was conflicted.

It can be seen that he really hates Lord Starry Sky.

So Li Ming released his skill - the seduction of the abyss succubus.

"I have a way to make Lord Ramander win the battle while Lord Starry Sky lose his subordinate worlds."

Hasuen's eyes lit up and he immediately became interested: "How to do it?"

"You just need to tell Lord Ramander to lead the army of the hero camp to my world. We can work together to kill them, and then I will lead this world out of the control of the hell camp, isn't that enough?"

"What a good idea!" Hasuen exclaimed in surprise.

He knew Li Ming's ability. If Li Ming dared to say so, he must be able to do it. Moreover, if he disguised himself as a character in the plot, no one would find fault with him. As long as -

"Brother, the clown has nothing to do with this world, right?" Hasuen asked carefully.

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter at all." Li Ming replied with a smile, "You just need to tell me the time when Lord Ramander will lure the other side over."

"Okay, I'll go tell my father right away!" Hasun put the matter of snatching the treasure behind his mind and immediately said excitedly.

But then he frowned: "But how can I contact you, brother?"

There is a time difference in the reincarnation center, and it is impossible to contact in the plot world. Hasuen is worried that the message will not be delivered in time.

"It doesn't matter." Li Ming smiled after searching for the source power mark in his mind. "The Siren Civilization No. X233 Legion has a fleet commander named Joel. You just need to tell him the news."


Hasun's heart was shocked. His elder brother had actually planted spies in the subordinate world of hell. It was really scary.

He couldn't help but look around, thinking to himself: "Is there someone like that around me?"

Then he saw that Duncan was the only one beside him.

"Fortunately, Duncan is one of us." He finally let go of his worry.

"Okay, okay!" Hasuen quickly agreed. After hanging up the phone, Li Ming finally smiled with a look of triumph.

There are indeed no clowns here, but there is an abyss!

If Lord Ramander really comes here and is discovered to be working with the Abyss Alliance, then it will be hard to explain.

Abyss, Abyss Alliance, Reincarnationists do not believe in coincidences.

Hasuen thought he was helping his father solve his problem, but he never imagined that Li Mingtu was targeting his father.

He has already dealt with Hayes in heaven, so he must have accomplices in hell, no, companions.

Thinking of this, Li Ming immediately returned to the Hela world.

Although that is what he said, Li Ming could not really let the Abyss be connected with Lord Ramand so early.

Whether to expose or not, and when to expose are all matters of concern, and Li Ming has the final say.

Although Li Ming has told the members of the Abyss Alliance not to reveal the name of the organization, there is no guarantee that a hundred or so loud-mouthed superheroes will blurt it out.

Yes, I'm talking about you, Spider-Man.

So Li Ming had to take precautions against this happening in advance, and it just so happened that he learned a trick from Freya in the God of War world.

In order to protect Balder and prevent Mimir from revealing the method to break the protective spell, Freya cast a spell on Mimir so that he could not say the name of mistletoe.

What Li Ming needs to do is to upgrade Freya's spell and cast it on the entire universe, so that people in this universe will temporarily forget the word Abyss Alliance.

It sounds similar to the forgetfulness spell that Doctor Strange once cast on Spider-Man.

But the recoil of casting the Oblivion Spell is too great, so it is much safer for Li Ming to use Vanir magic.

He began to cast spells in the depths of the universe. With his level of [Vanir Magic Lv. 10], his casting speed was incredibly fast. As his hands flew, a huge magic circle appeared on the scene.

The magic runes flowed with Li Ming's movements, and then with the injection of Li Ming's source of power, they turned into golden light that continuously sprinkled into the universe.

"It's done."

Li Ming smiled with satisfaction. Now there is no such term as Abyss Alliance in the Hela Universe.

Of course, because Li Mingyuan's strength level is at Lv.6, there are still some flaws. He found that strong people with strength above level seven will not be affected by this spell.

But it doesn’t matter, the Spider-Man that comes this time is not a level seven one.

Among the many people with abilities above level seven, Li Ming only needs to give Thor some important instructions.

He returned to the battlefield base camp. Although the war was over, the army was not disbanded. Instead, it continued to recruit people.

After all, Li Ming also said that the invaders would come back again.

Here in the base camp, Hela also used the Rainbow Bridge to build a huge portal so that they could rush to the new battle site in time.

The superheroes took this opportunity to scatter and wander around the universe.

Loki and Thor returned to Asgard and saw their long-lost hometown. Their Asgard was destroyed in the Ragnarok brought by Hela without exception.

Now the Asgard they saw again was actually under the protection and rule of Hela.

Thor, the god of stories, even had a sudden thought: "Can Asgard only be preserved in Hela's hands?"

They even met Odin and Frigga, but this universe did not have the two Asgardian princes Thor and Loki, so they tacitly agreed not to disturb them too much.

Bruce and Tony, together with Bruce Banner, found a high-end laboratory to study the new possibilities of Extremis Metal.

Not to mention Arthur, he and Hal are having a great time with the Spider-Men and are wandering around the Earth.

Diana left Li Ming behind. It was the first time she saw so many female superheroes. She formed a female circle with Hela, Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch, and Black Widow.

Li Ming didn't want to get closer, so he activated the source power mark and came to Nei Yin in the universe where Lord Ramand was.

Just then, Hasuen came over.

"Go tell Li that my father agrees!"

Li Ming chuckled. To him, these words turned into "Go tell Li that I'm bringing my father into the abyss!"

(End of this chapter)

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