The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 687 Batman vs. Iron Man, Hell Bat Armor Draft

Chapter 687 Batman vs. Iron Man, Hell Bat Armor Draft

After getting the confirmation from Lord Ramand, Li Ming immediately went to tell everyone in the Abyss Alliance.

"Cooperate with a third party to defeat the invaders?" Bruce thought carefully. "It's feasible, but we have to be wary of sneak attacks from third parties."

Because of his close relationship with Li Ming and the fact that Batman has shown himself to be smarter than other heroes, his words carry a lot of weight.

"I agree too."

Zhang Parker, who was wearing white armor and carrying several mechanical tentacles, also said.

Thanks to Li Ming's help, he successfully separated from the body of Peter Parker in the main universe of the 616 comics and became a formal superhero.

"The octopus agrees, and so do I," Tony said.

Hela also said it was okay, so the matter was decided.

After the meeting, Li Ming left with Bruce, Tony and others, and Zhang Parker also went with them.

"I said don't call me octopus!" Zhang Parker sighed.

Because Tony had studied his mechanical tentacles and put forward many suggestions for upgrading, Zhang Parker did not have too much objection in his attitude.

Tony immediately changed his tone: "OK, Ultimate Spider-Man."

Although Zhang Parker acts rather coldly, he unexpectedly gets along well with Tony.

Because Tony did not look at him differently because of his style of doing things and the fact that he had once been a villain, but instead was considerate enough to help him modify his suit, Zhang Parker also liked to exchange technology with Tony.

It is worth mentioning that it was from Zhang Parker that Tony first learned that there was a living Tony Stark.

But Zhang Parker comes from the main universe of comic 616.

As we all know, the complexity of the relationships between comic characters, the confusion of emotions, and the bizarre encounters are simply extreme.

So after learning from Zhang Parker about the general life experience of Tony Stark in his world, Tony wanted to wash his ears.

Being loved by artificial intelligence, being beaten naked by the Iron Man suit, playing the girlfriend combination game with other superheroes...

Just listening to it makes me feel perverted.

Although he had played lavishly before, he had never done it to this extent.

And now Tony is a good family man, a good husband and a good father, which makes him even more repulsive.

"Might as well be dead Tony Stark," he thought.

Although the Tonys we heard about before all died, at least he died as a hero and was admired by thousands of people.

But as for Zhang Parker's's hard for even Tony himself to evaluate.

In fact, Zhang Parker was also surprised.

“I didn’t expect there was a nice guy version of Tony Stark,” he said.

In their universe, good men are almost extinct.

"Shut up, you lolita complex." Li Ming sabotaged without mercy.

Bruce and Tony didn't know, but he began to understand clearly that Zhang Parker's girlfriend Anna was very old.

Tony and Bruce didn't say anything, but when they heard there was melon to eat, their ears pricked up instantly.

"Mr. Li Ming, Mr. Jerome and his team didn't come this time? I thought I could see them."

Zhang Parker looked at Li Ming and asked. At the critical moment when he was about to get into trouble, he changed the subject in time.

Bruce frowned, "Jerome?"

"They are carrying out missions in other worlds." Li Ming explained first.

Then he turned to Bruce who was looking at him in confusion and explained calmly: "Just like Zod, before Jerome died, I also gave him a choice to join the Abyss Alliance."

"After all, some tasks are not very public, but for the safety of the multiverse, people have to do them." Li Ming said frankly.

"Not only Jerome, but Fish Mooney, Scarecrow, and Ivy are all here."

"I thought before that maybe Jerome and the others could turn over a new leaf, and now I see the effect is actually quite good." Bruce nodded and quickly understood Li Ming's approach.

He is not a child anymore, so he knows that things are not black and white.

It was only then that Zhang Parker realized that Mr. Jerome, whom he respected, was actually from the same universe as Bruce, so he became closer to Bruce.

He also spoke well of Jerome: "Yes, Mr. Jerome and his team are very powerful now. The last time the Spider-Verse encountered a crisis, Mr. Jerome and Mr. Zod led the team to rescue many worlds."

"Zod?" Clark hadn't heard this name for a long time. He didn't expect that Zod was really saving different universes.

Bruce was also very happy to hear this. He didn't care whether Gotham's first Joker really turned over a new leaf, as long as he was really doing something.

In comparison, Tony is actually the person with the highest moral standards among their group, but Tony's moral standards are also ranked last in the Avengers.

So no one would have any objection to Li Ming's approach.

"But Ivy?" Bruce said with a smile, "Selina thought Ivy was dead and was sad for a while, but she didn't expect that she was with you."

Tony then turned his attention to Bruce. He was very curious about Bruce's growth process.

Because he always felt that Bruce was very similar to himself.

"I heard you matured early? Ever since..." Tony asked. He paused, "Well, the same experience as mine."

His parents died suddenly.

"Yes, from then on, I knew I couldn't be a child anymore." Bruce didn't have so many taboos and said frankly.

Bruce had long since been able to face that night, that alley.

Tony said shamelessly: "I am different. I have completely started to enjoy life."

They went in completely two directions, one was extremely independent, and the other was extremely big baby.

"Being a playboy? I've heard of it." Bruce laughed.

"I have also pretended to enjoy life, but to be honest, that is too empty and tiring." Bruce shook his head. "If I had that time, I might as well go to the hibernation chamber and learn some more technical drawings."

"Speaking of which, we are both super-rich and both wear combat uniforms to fight crime. What a coincidence." Tony was very interested. "When did you reveal your identity? People's reactions must be interesting."

Tony will never forget the stunned expressions of the reporters in the audience when he said "I am Iron Man" at the press conference.

"I haven't made it public yet," Bruce replied.

Tony was very surprised: "Why?"

"I don't want too much attention, it would distract me," Bruce explained.

"Our experiences are really similar," Tony sighed, "but also very different."

That’s right, the personalities of Iron Man and Batman are almost two extremes, but these two people who were deeply influenced by Li Ming have one thing in common.

That is a sense of crisis.

"Come to think of it, we still need more powerful armor," said Tony.

"We can hardly participate in a battle of the level of Hela and the others. Our armor strength is still not enough."

This is also the reason why they are traveling together this time.

"Perhaps we can change our thinking?" Li Ming suddenly suggested, "For example, we can learn from the strengths of many other superheroes and create a set of armor."

"Sounds great." Tony was an authority on armor-making, and he nodded immediately.

If the advantages of various superheroes were concentrated in one armor, it would definitely be very powerful.

Bruce was also interested, not to mention Zhang Parker.

"I just happened to have a draft."

After arriving at the laboratory, Li Ming put out a plan drawing. The data and manufacturing methods listed on it made Tony's eyes light up.

Looking at the blood-red bat mark on the dark battle suit projected on the screen, Li Ming introduced it with a smile: "I call it - Hell Bat Armor!"

(End of this chapter)

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