Chapter 688 PUA Superman
Bruce fell in love with the Hellbat Armor from the moment the concept art appeared.

It's not only because this set of armor is cool, but also because of its parameter introduction.

If it can be built according to the draft, Bruce even feels that he can beat OA Star alone!
Of course, his feeling was not wrong.

The Hellbat armor in the comics was built with the combined power of the Justice League: Superman got the shell forged on a star, Wonder Woman got the Olympus enchantment, Cyborg laid the electronic engineering system, The Flash connected it to the Speed ​​Force, Aquaman put it in the deep sea to quench it, and then there is the cape forged by Green Lantern.

With this luxurious forging process, Batman can even solo Apokolips in his battle suit and temporarily suppress Darkseid!

And now the construction plan proposed by Li Ming has a more powerful lineup on the original basis, because he has also added the help of the Marvel Universe.

"Scarlet Witch provided the runes, Doctor Strange used secret magic to enchant, added vibranium and Pym particles, and took it to Nidavi for forging..."

Tony briefly described several production processes, which made him stunned: "In this world, only the Abyss Alliance can do this."

"This is just a draft. You can try to study the specific implementation plan. If it can be created, it will be easier to tailor it for you." Li Ming said to Tony and Zhang Parker.

Tony goes without saying. The reason why Li Ming brought Zhang Parker along is that he also has strong research capabilities.

In the comics, John Parker exchanged souls with Peter Parker on his own. During the Spider-Apocalypse event, he also made a time-travel watch on his own, which makes him a top scientific research talent.

So we can also pull him in to work together.

After Tony and the other two started a heated discussion, Li Ming asked Sunday to join in, and then he slipped away alone.

He has always been a hands-off boss, just proposing solutions and letting the superheroes solve the rest themselves.

However, after coming out and wandering around, Li Ming suddenly found a person who was in confusion.

He walked over and patted the man on the shoulder.

"Hi, Clark, why do you look so anxious?" Li Ming asked.

Clark turned his head, a frown on his face.

"Lee, I feel a little confused." Clark looked up at the starry sky. "I thought my abilities on Earth were enough, but there are so many crises in the universe. I suddenly found that I am still too weak."

Li Ming understood. Clark became insecure about his own strength and felt a sense of crisis after seeing the strength of Thor, Hela and the powerful seventh-order reincarnation.

If we talk about it in the Gotham Universe, Superman is the pillar of the Justice League, so how could he feel that he is weak?

No one would believe it.

But compared with the heavens and myriad worlds, it is indeed true.

Clark's current strength is only at the peak of level six, even a little weaker than Thor. Although Thor may not be able to break Clark's defense, he has no problem suppressing him.

There's no way. Li Ming's version of Clark has had it too smooth all the way. At the beginning, he was protected by Li Ming, and now he is led by Batman. He has lacked many setbacks, so his strength has grown slowly.

Although he is stronger than Superman in the same time period in the plot, his growth rate is slower than the plot.

But as we all know, Superman's power is extremely idealistic.

When his will is strong enough, kryptonite and cosmic rules are all irrelevant, and he can move planets and travel through time and space easily.

When he thinks he is incompetent, any kryptonite can control him.

It just so happens that Li Ming’s next analysis target is Superman.

He believed that although Superman's strength was sluggish, it was only temporary. You know, Superman is the cornerstone of the DC world. When his mental quality is strong enough, there will be abnormalities like Silver Superman and Golden Superman.

And Li Ming did not forget that Superman also has a most powerful armor - Thinking Superman!

Mindman is not an upgraded form of Superman. Like the Hellbat Armor, it is also the result of the joint efforts of multiple top bosses such as the Monitor, Atom, and Speedster.

It can be said that his ultimate goal in the Hellbat Armor project is to create the thinking superman of the multiverse at will with his mind.

In fact, before this, Li Ming had always adopted a laissez-faire attitude towards Clark.

Perhaps Li Ming was just being cautious and judging others by their own standards. He always felt that it was unreliable to rely on Superman's own morality to make him favor the Earth.

There is too much uncertainty.

For example, "Batman v Superman" shows a possibility. After Lois Lane's death, Superman was immediately brainwashed by Darkseid and turned into a villain who destroyed the earth.

So Li Ming has been doing one thing from the moment he first met Clark.

Add a bond to Clark!
Li Ming saved Superman's adoptive father Jonathan Sr., preserved the consciousness of Clark's biological father Jor-El, and brought his cousin Kara from a parallel universe to this universe. Only now that Clark's son Jonathan Jr. has begun to understand things did Li Ming feel it was appropriate.

With so many ties to Earth, even if Lois Lane died again, Clark would not collapse as if he had lost the whole world.

Even Louise herself would advise him: "Protect our children."

Darkening? Not happening.

This is Li Ming’s ultimate PUA against Clark!

Even Bruce, who was most familiar with Li Ming, could never have imagined that this invisible PUA against Clark would last for sixteen years.

Of course Li Ming himself would not admit it.

"This is not called PUA, this is clearly caring about the mental health of alliance members. Where can I find a leader as caring as me?" he thought to himself.

However, Li Ming had already trained the master, and his level had reached the point where even if Clark now knew Li Ming's true thoughts, he would not reject it all.

After all, whose PUA saved your parents, matched you with your wife, and even found a cousin for you from a parallel universe knowing that you lacked relatives?
If this PUA method were to be leaked, outsiders would probably try their best to be PUA'd.

Looking at Clark's worried face, Li Ming smiled comfortingly: "Clark, you know, I have always been most optimistic about you among the Justice League partners."

"I have even been thinking that when I go out to other worlds, you can take my place and use your absolute strength to protect the safety of our universe!"

Clark was extremely surprised and looked at Li Ming in disbelief.

Although he has now become a household name superhero and a father, in front of Li Ming, he still thinks of himself as the rookie boy from Kansas.

"Clark, haven't you noticed that up to now, even when you fought with someone stronger than you two days ago, you didn't get hurt." Li Ming pointed out.

Clark nodded.

It is true that he is rarely injured. When he first started out as a superhero, Clark would be injured by military weapons, but his body became stronger over time. Now, even a casual attack from those seventh-order reincarnations cannot break his defense.

"This is the proof." Li Ming showed a warm smile and started to seduce again, "Clark, your strength is far beyond your imagination!"

(End of this chapter)

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