The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 689 Helping Superman to Open the Halo of the Protagonist

Chapter 689 Helping Superman to Open the Halo of the Protagonist

"Abyss, analyze Clark's character traits." Li Ming said in his heart.

Although Clark's abilities have not been fully developed, the target of character trait analysis is the protagonist's halo, so it is not affected.

Even from the fact that the power of hope emerged after Kratos was analyzed, it can be seen that Li Ming can gain abilities again from the analyzed characters.

Therefore, if you parse it early, you don’t have to worry about not being able to upgrade in the future.

[Ding, the current parsing progress is 21%. ]

"Huh? So little?"

Li Ming was very surprised, knowing that Bruce started from 71%.

Is it possible that Clark's respect for himself is fake?

Li Ming shook his head, impossible.

He has the Mind Stone and can feel that Clark truly respects him from the bottom of his heart, so there must be other reasons.

At this time, the abyss gave him a hint, which was considered as the answer.

[Ding, the current target character's traits are not developed enough, and the analysis speed is slow. ]

Li Ming understood it all at once. No wonder the analysis progress was so slow. It turned out that Clark’s protagonist halo had not yet been officially achieved!

"Good guy, what a good guy." Li Ming said in his heart.

But if you think about it carefully, it is true. Although Clark now has the strength of the peak of the sixth level, these can only be regarded as the routine performance of Superman. It can't be said to have any BUG halo at all, and he is not worthy of the title of the cornerstone of the DC universe.

So if Li Ming wants to improve the analysis progress now, he must first help Clark develop his own protagonist aura.

Li Ming’s understanding of Superman’s protagonist halo can be summed up in two words – Superman!
He is the first superhero in the history of American comics, carrying people's original expectations and doing things that humans cannot do.

The extent of Superman's abilities does not depend on what he can do, but on what he wants to do, and of course, what the screenwriter wants him to do.

Anyway, comics can blow it up however they want.

But when it comes to Superman, the screenwriter doesn't have to find so many excuses, and people will find it reasonable.

Who made him a superman?
Li Ming quickly locked on the direction - mentality is very important.

Clark can only improve if he really wants to do something or has a strong desire to gain power.

"Clark, let's go for a walk?" Li Ming suggested.

Clark nodded. He also wanted to get guidance from Li Ming.

Li Ming brought him to Earth.

Since Clark wants to gain power, he naturally needs to see what power can do and what it protects?
In fact, there is a simpler way, kidnap Lois Lane and ensure that Clark will explode 100%.

But there is no need for Li Ming to use this method which will cause endless troubles.

The earth is very lively right now because a lot of things happened in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in 1995.

"There's an attack!"

As soon as he arrived here from space, Clark discovered a fleet appeared in the Earth's orbit.

"Isn't the Earth protected by Hela? How dare someone invade the Earth when the army is gathering?" Clark was surprised.

“It’s because Hela is gathering the army that some people sneak in to steal the good stuff.” Li Ming shook his head and replied.

He recognized that this was the vehicle of Ronan the Accuser. After all, it was the first time that Li Ming saw a spaceship trapped by a door, and he was deeply impressed by its shape.

1995 was exactly the time period of the plot of "Captain Marvel 1". In the plot, Ronan came to kill the Skrulls who fled to Earth and steal the Cosmic Cube.

I didn't expect that even though the earth is now under the control of Hela, Ronan still has such evil intentions.

However, Hela's rule over her sphere of influence is actually very Buddhist, for example, the Cosmic Cube is still on Earth.

Clark looked at Li Ming, and Li Ming nodded: "Do whatever you want to do, Clark."

Clark immediately flew over to try to help. He used his super hearing to sense human activity in a spaceship close to the Earth, so he rushed in. Inside the cabin, a group of Kree soldiers were scanning the prisoners.

"Ding ding, the Yuan-devouring Beast is extremely dangerous!"

The soldier quickly put handcuffs and restraints on the orange cat, then locked it up as if it were a powerful enemy.

Nick Young, Two-Eyed, and Fury next to them looked at them as if they were lunatics.

"It's just a cute little kitty."

Then the soldiers began to scan Fury, and Fury immediately tensed up all over. He spoke with his mouth and didn't want to be gagged at all.

The machine sent a prompt——

"Didi, human from Earth, male, risk factor is zero."

So the soldiers just skipped over Fury.

This made Fury feel even more uncomfortable than if he was handcuffed.

"What the fuck is going on with you guys must be broken, right?" he asked ridiculously.

But the Kree soldiers ignored him. Just as they were driving the prisoners forward, there was a loud bang, and a handsome guy in a red cloak broke through the spaceship and rushed in.



The person who came was naturally Clark. He quickly looked around, identified the enemy, and knocked out the group of Kree soldiers in no time.

Because the situation was not very clear, he did not use much force.

But all the Kree soldiers cooperated and fainted.

Not dizzy?

Are you here to challenge Superman?
After rescuing them, Fury didn't care who the person was, and quickly said, "There is another hostage, who was taken away by them alone!"

He was talking about Carol Danvers.

He was taken away by the Kree to be brainwashed by the Supreme Intelligence.

Clark immediately used his super hearing to quickly find another cell. After running over, he unexpectedly discovered that he knew the person trapped in the middle.

"Captain Marvel?"

On the previous battlefield, Clark had witnessed Captain Marvel's strength and was impressed by this female superhero.

Then he realized that the amazing team in front of him should be from this universe and was under mental control.

Clark hurried over to help, but at this moment Carol suddenly broke free from her restraints, and a dazzling light burst out from her body, repelling all the Kree people around her.

Only Clark could still stand there, but the target he wanted to attack had disappeared.

Carol also realized that Clark was not an enemy, so she smiled and asked, "Are you here to help?"

"Yes, Nick Fury said you were in danger." Clark nodded, then he asked in surprise, "You are amazing. You can actually get rid of mental control."

Clark had been controlled by Zod before, and he was unable to break free.

"Mind control is not scary."

Clark said that Nick Fury let Carol down, so he said more.

"I just thought about who I am and how no matter what setbacks I faced, I always managed to get back on my own."

These words touched Clark deeply. He had always thought that he could not get rid of mental control without external help, but Captain Marvel made him realize the power of believing in himself.

[Ding, the current parsing progress is 23%. 】

He began to understand the real meaning of Li Ming bringing him here for a walk.

(End of this chapter)

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