The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 690 Saving Black Widow's Life

Chapter 690 Saving Black Widow's Life
See what other superheroes have done to persevere and find your own path to becoming a superhero.

This is what Clark understood Li Ming's intention to be.

Although Clark has been Superman for almost ten years, he has always been in a state of following the crowd.

He goes to help wherever there is danger, he does whatever the Justice League wants him to do, and he does whatever Batman tells him to do.

He hadn't actually thought about what kind of superhero he wanted to be.

Because he didn't feel any threat on Earth, even if there was a crisis like the Parallax Demon, Li Ming would be there to deal with it.

So it was only now that Clark felt the threat from outside personally that he developed a sense of crisis.

"What are you daydreaming about, handsome?" Carol asked when he saw Superman standing there in deep thought.

Clark came back to his senses immediately.

He quickly said, "Fury and the others are on the left, but there is also an alien fleet coming from space."

"I can go stop the fleet, you go help Fury and the others." Clark took the initiative to take on a more difficult task.

"Okay." Carol didn't hesitate.

Fury has the captain of the Star Troopers, Yon Rogue, on his side, so she can't delay.

But when Clark flew out to fight Ronan's fleet, two streams of light quickly pierced through the two spaceships, scaring the entire fleet to stop.

Clark could see clearly that the person coming was Captain Marvel from the Loki Universe and the Supreme Strange Universe!
Captain Jing from Universe 616 was delayed by something and did not join the battle with the Abyss Alliance this time.

Yes, this is the day when Team Jing is born, and these two will definitely not miss it.

"Superman, leave it to us." The two shocked captains said. The Abyss Alliance was equipped with communication headsets.

So Clark nodded and stepped back.

But Ronan in the center of the fleet was not so calm. He stared blankly at the big screen, with two identical people on the left and right, both of whom were so powerful.

Ronan turned his head and looked at his adjutant, who was also at a loss and had no clue at all.

"Everyone return to the jump point and retreat!" Ronan made an immediate decision.

But after flashing twice, the spacecraft remained where it was without moving.

"He is yours."

Li Ming smiled and said something to the two shocked captains, then took Clark into the earth.

Only Ronan, with a desperate look on his face, was left facing two Captain Marvels who were ready to fight.

"Do you have any insights?" Li Ming asked.

Clark nodded: "I have always ignored the power of the mind, and always said that it is difficult for me to deal with magic. Now I think I have limited myself."

"Okay, let's go to the next stop."

Li Ming waved his hand, and the two came to a small town again.

Clark found that there were familiar faces here as well.

"Natasha?" Clark saw Natasha from the Supreme Strange World and Black Widow from the Infinite Ultron World.

Besides them, Diana and Scarlet Witch are also here.

"Honey, why are you here?" Diana came over and asked.

"I'm taking Clark to see the origins of various superheroes. Maybe it will give him some insights." Li Ming explained simply.

Then he asked, "It looks like you guys are getting along pretty well?"

Diana's bright moon-like eyes curved into a beautiful arc: "Yes."

Natasha is a very attractive hero who appeals to both men and women.

"Have you figured out how to deal with this?" Li Ming walked up to the two Natashas and asked.

This is Ohio, where Natasha originally lived.

Black Widow once had a happy family with parents and a lovely sister.

But at that time she didn't know that her parents were Soviet spies, and that she and her sister were just snatched from other people to help their adoptive parents disguise themselves.

Their real parents had actually been killed by Drekov, the mastermind behind the Red House, and everything changed that night.

Adoptive father Alexi stole important information and was discovered by the authorities. The family had no choice but to flee to Cuba, where they were separated.

Natasha and her sister Yelena were taken to the Red House and received brutal training.

No one was puzzled as to why Li Ming also knew all this. In their eyes, it was not surprising that Li Ming could do anything.

"I asked Wanda for help. She can confuse the minds of the officials." Infinite Ultron Black Widow replied.

It was only from the Supreme Strange Natasha that she learned that their family would have the chance to reunite after many years.

Unfortunately, her universe has been destroyed, so Black Widow cherishes this reunion very much.

"It's only treating the symptoms, not the root cause." Li Ming shook his head.

"I can make those who know about this forget about it, but have you thought about how to deal with Alexi and Melina?" he asked.

"Is it to make them forget that they are spies?"

Natasha and Black Widow looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.


Although both of them wanted to preserve the beauty of their family for their own selves in this universe, they both knew that they could not interfere with the free will of their adoptive parents.

So Li Ming clapped his hands and said, "Okay, let them choose for themselves."

The power of the yellow mind gem in his hand exploded instantly, and the army that was rushing towards here from afar stopped on the spot, then turned around and left.

Then two portals suddenly appeared, and a man and a woman appeared on the scene.

They were Natasha's adoptive parents, Alexei and Melina.

The two men immediately became defensive but showed no tendency to attack. They were both smart people and knew that they had no chance of dealing with someone with such means.

Li Ming got straight to the point: "I called you here to give you a choice: give up the mission and be a good father and mother, or leave the child behind and return to the Red House to be an agent."

Alexei and Melina looked at each other, totally confused about the situation. Moreover, if they were asked to choose now, the result would be beyond doubt.

Although they really cared about the two children, they were still not as good as the organization.

"Think it over before you make a choice." Two balls of source power appeared in Li Ming's hands and were thrown directly into the minds of the two people.

Suddenly, a bunch of future experiences emerged in Alexei and Melina's minds. Those were the memories that Li Ming had captured from the two people in parallel time and space.

The development of his time gem has exceeded 50%, so he can naturally do this.

After a long time, Alexei and Melina finally opened their eyes. At this time, they were completely different.

They discovered that among so many memories, what they would recall most in the future were the days when the family of four lived happily together when they were spies.

And they also found that the organization they worked for really didn't care about human resources.

Then the two of them looked at the two Natashas in the field, and they all showed guilty expressions.

"……Feel sorry."

After a long pause, Alexei and Melina found that they could only say this word.

"I made my choice and I decided to stay here," Melina said.

Alexei also sighed. When he found out that the organization had abandoned him after he returned, he knew that family was more important.

Natasha and Black Widow looked at each other and found that each other's eyes were red, and then they couldn't help laughing.

Natasha from the Supreme Strange World smiled and said, "It seems that in at least one world, Natasha and Yelena both have happy families."

After hearing this, Black Widow in the Infinite Ultron World couldn't hold back her tears. Seeing this, Diana quickly reached out and hugged her.

Clark had been watching intently from the side, lost in thought.

In fact, even Li Ming felt deeply touched.

For him it was just a matter of waving his hand, but it saved the life of an important character in the plot.

Perhaps the meaning of the existence of the reincarnation space is not just plundering. It would feel good to use it to do good things occasionally?
(End of this chapter)

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