The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 691 Upgrading Superman

Chapter 691 Upgrading Superman

"I used to think that being strong enough to protect myself and my family was enough, but I didn't expect that becoming stronger could help more people," Clark exclaimed.

He admitted that he had been a bit complacent in the past.

Li Ming comforted him, "You've actually done pretty well. Spider-Man has a saying that with great power comes great responsibility, and you've perfectly fulfilled that."

Then Li Ming changed the subject: "But correspondingly, if you want to take on greater responsibilities, you also need stronger abilities."

"And I..." Li Ming looked into Clark's eyes, "I just want you to take on greater responsibilities."

"I hope that when I go to other universes, you can support the Justice League like I did!"

Clark was deeply moved. He felt his heart beating violently in his chest and his blood rushed to his head.

Lord Li Ming actually thinks so highly of me?

"I will never let you down!" Clark said firmly.

[The current analysis progress is 27%! 】

Supporting the Justice League? Clark never thought of it that way.

But now the external crisis and Li Ming's expectations have made Clark extremely eager for strength.

This is also what Li Ming is happy to see.

If Superman becomes stronger, he can be a hands-off boss better.

"But how can I improve my strength?" Clark asked.

Li Ming held up a finger and said, "First of all, don't define yourself. Do anything first and then decide whether you can do it or not."

After all, if this is not done, it will be difficult for Superman to trigger the protagonist's halo.

"Then..." Li Ming sensed for a while, "There is a quasar nearby. I'll take you to try it out."

According to the comics, different colors of the sun have a great impact on Superman's strength.

Krypton's sun is red, which is extremely harmful to Kryptonians.

The yellow sun of the earth is the source of power for the Kryptonians.

In addition, there is the blue sun. Under the illumination of this star, Superman's growth rate will be several times that of the yellow sun, and he may also unlock new abilities.

The effect of a neutron star is several times that of a blue sun.

The most powerful one is the quasar, which is the central part of the galaxy. Its effect far exceeds that of a neutron star. In addition to allowing Superman to gain many new abilities, it can also make him immune to weaknesses such as the red sun, kryptonite, and magic.

So Li Ming took Clark directly to the center of the Andromeda Galaxy and let Clark start absorbing the energy of the quasar.

However, something unexpected happened at this moment. Clark only shone for a moment and then showed an expression of extreme pain, and cracks appeared on his body.

Seeing this, Li Ming quickly took Clark away.

"How do you feel?" Li Ming asked while using source power to heal Clark's wounds.


Clark took two deep breaths and replied, "I felt a surge of extremely intense energy rushing into my body, and it felt like it was about to burst."

Li Ming understood that it was because he had exceeded the upper limit of his body's tolerance.

He thought that if he took Clark to take a photo of the quasar, Superman would be able to directly improve several levels.

It seems we have to take it step by step.

After Clark recovered, Li Ming took him to a neutron star. As expected, Clark showed a painful expression again, so the neutron star was temporarily abandoned.

It wasn't until they came to a blue star that Clark was able to fully adjust.

"I feel... the speed at which my strength increases has increased almost ten times!" Clark clenched his fists and shouted to Li Ming in disbelief.

His face was full of surprise. If he continued like this, he would soon be on par with Thor, Captain Marvel and the others.

Li Ming nodded with satisfaction, and then asked: "Do you know why I told you this method now?"

Clark also nodded: "It's because of the state of mind."

"That's right. Bruce was like this before. I didn't start strengthening him until he became Batman. If strength is alone but without the matching spirit, it will only become a disaster." Li Ming said earnestly.

Clark did not complain at all. On the contrary, he was very grateful to Li Ming: "Li, thank you for thinking about us in everything."

Li Ming felt very relieved, otherwise why would he like dealing with superheroes? This kind of ideological awareness is not something that ordinary people can compare to.

[The current analysis progress is 31%. 】

Judging from the speed, it would take time to analyze Superman's character traits, so Li Ming left Clark here to bask in the sun and he returned to the base first.

Here he happened to meet Arthur and the little spiders who returned from Earth.

"Uncle Li Ming, you must not know what I encountered?"

Arthur ran over excitedly.

"I discovered that someone in this universe is stealing my name!"

He danced with joy and said, "I was wandering around in the sea, and suddenly some Atlanteans...ah no, underwater people appeared and said that the ocean was their kingdom and asked me to leave."

"I was unhappy at the time. Even Atlantis didn't dare to say that the entire ocean belonged to them. Why would these people do that?"

"Then they attacked me. After I beat them back, they called in a boss who actually said he was the Sea King and drove up in a submarine to beat me up."

"Finally I lifted their submarine out of the sea and overturned it, and they finally stopped."

Looking at the depressed Arthur, Li Ming laughed out loud.

Namor was really unlucky to run into Arthur in such a vast ocean.

He, the Aquaman of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, meets the Aquaman of DC. Even though Arthur doesn't have a trident now, he is still not someone he can challenge.

Talokan's submarine was much larger than an ordinary submarine, weighing nearly 100,000 tons. It was lifted out of the sea by Arthur and then overturned. Even with the help of buoyancy, Namor and the others were probably scared silly at the time.

"How did you deal with them?" Li Ming asked.

"I told Queen Hela, and she said that this group of people was too weak, but she was very interested in vibranium, so after Namor said he would offer a certain amount of vibranium, Queen Hela released them." Arthur replied with a shrug.

Not a bad ending for Namor.

Although they were inevitably turned into miners after being summoned by Hela, compared to the Talocans in the Supreme Strange World who were almost forced by the officials of various countries to become protected species, they in this universe can be said to have escaped a disaster.

If we count the Talocans in the worlds that Li Ming entered alone, it can be said that they can be protected by just being beaten up by Arthur and then working for Hela. It's like being in heaven!

After all, Hela's methods are much more prudent than Li Mingguang's.

Of course, Li Ming also has something to say about this.

He is a righteous leader, and as we all know, good and evil are relative.

Namor is a bad guy to begin with, so in Namor's eyes, Li Ming is an unforgivable demon. Doesn't this show that Li Ming is absolutely righteous?

Li Ming with his hands on his hips.jpg.

At this moment, he felt that his source power mark was triggered. Li Ming's mind turned, and he immediately came to the universe where Hasun was.

As expected, Hasuen was guarding there. When he saw Li Ming coming, he immediately said, "Father has already pretended to be defeated once. In three days, he will lead the army of hell over there. Everything depends on you, big brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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