The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 692: The Distressed Ramand

Chapter 692: The Distressed Ramand
"Brother, can you really kill the Man in the Iron Mask?" asked Hasun.

Li Ming thought about it. He was at level eight, the glove Thanos was also at level eight, and although the god of stories Loki was not very powerful in combat, he was very skilled in using the law of time, and even level eight could be affected.

There were about two and a half of them to each Iron-Masked Man, so Li Ming had to use six Infinity Stones and kill the Iron-Masked Man directly despite the huge backlash.

It is worth mentioning that although Thanos also has the Infinity Gauntlet, he theoretically has infinite possibilities.

However, due to his own spellcasting level, there is a limit to the power of the gems that Thanos can exert.

After all, this is the movie version of Thanos, not the one in the comics.

Even Li Ming has a limit, and he needs to improve the effect of infinite gems by increasing the development degree of gems and upgrading the source power level.

Therefore, the power of the gem that Li Ming can exert is much higher than that of Thanos.

He immediately notified everyone and told them the news that the war was about to begin, so everyone began to prepare intensively.

Li Ming also took the opportunity to ask about Tony and the others' research progress on the Hellbat Armor.

"The plan is feasible, but there are several difficulties that need to be resolved."

Tony said.

"The biggest problem is how to integrate so many different fields together. After all, we have technological products, magical items, and even different divine powers."

“If we can’t solve it perfectly, we have to abandon some designs?”

Li Ming frowned, he couldn't give up.

For him, the Hellbat Armor is just the beginning. How can he reduce its configuration at the beginning?

He is not making a mobile phone, so he has to squeeze the toothpaste bit by bit.

"Can't your spellcaster suit solve the problem? Just use that as a basis and adjust and upgrade it." he asked.

Tony smiled bitterly and shook his head: "The energy levels are too different. If I only use a single energy, or if I study it for a few more years, maybe I can solve it."

"After all, this is all sorts of energies that can destroy the heavens and the earth, and even span the world. It's impossible to just plug and play."

Plug and play?

Li Ming suddenly thought of something. In the world of Hasun, even body parts can be exchanged at will in "Gods of War: Age of Rights". There should be a way to solve this problem.

So Li Ming contacted Hasun again.

"Will you come over when the battle breaks out?" Li Ming asked directly.

Hasuen nodded as a matter of course: "I will definitely come and meet up with you, big brother."

"Don't come over here yet. Didn't you say you wanted to steal Lord Star's treasure?"

Hearing Li Ming's words, Hasun's eyes lit up.

"Is it possible? But Duncan and I can't do it alone." He frowned.

Li Ming smiled and said, "I will send someone to help you, but I have a request."

"Please pack up all the information about casting and artifacts in that universe and bring it back to me."

Hasuen readily agreed: "No problem!"

It was just some information, he didn't care.

So after Hasuen finished talking to Li Ming, he immediately found a father.

"You want to stay in this universe?"

The Ramander army asked with a frown.

"You know that after I lead our men to withdraw, there will only be a few people from the Starry Sky left guarding this universe, right? They won't care about your life or death." Ramande said in a low voice, not knowing what tricks Hasun was going to play next.

In the most luxurious palace in the world of Eye of Power, after Hasun finished speaking his thoughts loudly, Maharaja Ramander looked at his pup helplessly.

He actually felt pretty good staying in this world. He didn't have to worry about anything every day, he could enjoy himself as he pleased, and if he felt like it, he could even drag the Star Lord's people to die together.

But he also felt bad about his son, Hasun.

"Is this also what Li Ming suggested to you?" asked Ramand.

He thought his son was being fooled again.

"No, I thought of it myself!"

Ha Suen said as if to take credit: "I mentioned it to him before, but Li Ming didn't agree because he thought the benefits were too little. This time I took advantage of the fact that most people left and sneaked in to grab it."

"Do you know where the things are and you just want to steal them?" Ramand asked unhappily.

"Of course!" Hasuen pointed his hand toward the sky, "In the spaceship in the sky, the Lord of the Starry Sky killed the Creator God of this world before, and placed all the Creator God's weapons there."

"You even know this?"

Ramand was very surprised, as this matter could be said to be very secretive.

"As long as there are points, there is nothing that a reincarnator cannot sell." Hasuen said proudly, "Before, Gou Xingkong wanted the reincarnators to help him conquer this world, so he placed all the treasures on the spaceship in the sky and promised that the reincarnator with the highest contribution could choose a treasure."

"Not long ago, that seventh-level reincarnationist said he wanted the body of the God of Creation, but the Star Lord changed his mind. That's why the Heroes' Camp suddenly invaded, otherwise they would still be making trouble now."

Ramander was well-informed and immediately realized the reason why Lord Starry Sky changed his mind: "He wants the godhood of the God of Creation?"

However, although he understood it, Maharaja Ramander was not interested.

At his level, not all methods of improving strength are applicable.

He is more concerned about his own naughty child.

"Since you know that the reincarnationists are unreliable, you should also know that you can only rely on yourself." Ramander asked, "So what are you going to do?"

The second generation of reincarnations is different from other second generations. Although they can act arrogantly at ordinary times, when it comes to reincarnations, they can occasionally rely on their elders, but more often they have to rely on themselves.

After all, reincarnations cannot be trusted.

"My eldest brother said he would help me. Don't worry, Father. I have plenty of things to save my life." Hasuen patted his chest.

Ever since he almost died in the Flash world last time, Hasuen has become particularly careful about his life.

It was Li Ming again. Ramande was not so easy to fool: "What does he want?"

"The casting materials of this world." Hasun answered honestly.

"Okay." Lord Ramander finally agreed, but still reminded him, "Remember to back up your data, and then... if you encounter danger, retreat quickly. You can't even trust Duncan at a critical moment!"

"no problem!"

Looking at his naive and silly son, Ramand decided to let him go.

It’s all my fault that I spoiled my child too much in the past and ignored the chaotic situation in the reincarnation space. It would be good to let Hasuen go out and see the world.

Even Ramand was hoping that something might happen to teach Hasun a lesson.

"Take it." Ramand threw the information about the Man in the Iron Mask over to him, and Hasun took it and left happily.

But after Hasun left, Ramand still called a seventh-level reincarnation.

"Teacher." A man with messy hair and dressed in medieval noble clothing walked in.

This is Ramand's confidant.

"Vlad, you stay in this world and follow Hasun secretly. If he is in danger, rescue him." Ramand ordered.

"Yes, teacher."

After all, it is his own cub, so Ramand will not let him do whatever he wants.

(End of this chapter)

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