The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 693 Welcome to my home!

Chapter 693 Welcome to my home!

"The Iron Mask's enhancement is in the spiritual realm, and the Iron Mask is his weapon."

"So when fighting, be sure not to look directly at his mask, and be sure to protect yourself mentally."

Before the battle, Li Ming told Thanos and others the intelligence he got from the hero camp.

"What about the others?" Loki asked.

They are strong enough to avoid mental interference in advance, but those superheroes who are not strong enough have no way to do it.

"I will then pull him into the mirror dimension and prevent anyone else from contacting him." Li Ming replied, "Thanos, Loki, come with me, we must kill the Iron Mask!"

At this time, Tony raised his hand and said, "We must also prevent sneak attacks from our allies."

Bruce nodded as well.

Their alliance with Hell is not reliable, after all, Hell is also a master who invades others.

For example, Bruce knows that the world of Keaton and Batman was invaded by people from hell.

Li Ming smiled twice: "Don't worry, I have arranged everything. Hell will definitely not turn against us when the time comes."

Perhaps Lord Ramand had this idea in his mind, but once the fight breaks out, how it will develop will depend on Li Ming's thoughts.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

At this moment, several loud noises suddenly came from the depths of the universe outside, as if shaking everyone's heart.


Everyone quickly arrived at their battle posts according to the planned schedule.

Although many superheroes come to this battlefield and their fighting abilities are not outstanding, they still have their place on the battlefield.

For example, Spider-Men may not be able to deal with the Reincarnators, but they are very powerful against the subordinate civilizations that invaded with the camp.

For many superheroes, this war is also a good opportunity to improve their strength, because they have obtained a lot of equipment and skills that they did not have before.

Just like how Li Ming once gave weapons to Spider-Man and asked them to deal with the heir family, many equipment can play a very powerful role in their hands.

The first to arrive were the Hell Camp led by Maharaja Ramand.

After being teleported here, the Lord of Hell was quite agitated when he saw the Abyss Alliance fully prepared for battle. It was only after Ramand gave the order himself that he calmed down.

The army of the Abyss Alliance was arranged in a semicircle, so the army of Hell came to the other half tacitly, forming a complete circle with the Abyss Alliance, leaving a large blank space in the middle, and it was obvious who it was prepared for.

In the hell camp, the reincarnators were having a heated conversation.

"I was wondering why you came here all of a sudden. It turns out that Maharaja Ramander has united with the natives here."

"Yeah, I thought Lord Ramander didn't want to help Lord Starry Sky defend, so he deliberately lost the battle..."

"Shh, don't talk nonsense, or you'll be finished if someone tells on you."

"Tsk, what are you afraid of? I think Lord Ramander did it on purpose. Now he can ambush the hero camp and give up the original world, causing Lord Star to suffer heavy losses. It's a win-win situation!"


The reincarnations have always lived on the edge of a knife and have always been very courageous. They are also very lively when discussing the eighth-level bosses.

However, Lord Ramand did not show up. He stood in the flagship, staring at the army of the Abyss Alliance opposite.

To be precise, it is the Transformers Legion on the opposite side.

In his perception, the Transformers seemed like living creatures, as if they had life.

"Legend?" he muttered to himself with a frown.

A living machine, Lord Ramand's first reaction was that the legendary camp had intervened.

But the Legends camp never participated in the fight, so Ramand was not sure, so he carefully observed every move of the Transformers.

"Let me see...what confidence you have." Ramand murmured.

At this time, the universe was fluctuating again, and eight huge portals appeared in the depths of the universe, distributed all over the universe. It was obvious that the hero camp was planning to make a full-scale contribution. "Lamande didn't want to contribute himself, so he brought in the plot characters?"

In the command center of the hero camp, the Iron-masked Man sneered.

Behind him were a dozen level seven warriors including Mordred.

"It's useless. Without the eighth level, this universe can't stop me..."

Before he could finish his words, urgent military information came from various portals.

"Report, we have encountered force majeure and the position of the portal has shifted!"

"Report, we have encountered force majeure and the position of the portal has shifted!"

This reminder was given eight times in a row, shocking the Iron-masked Man and this group of seventh-level reincarnations.

"Impossible, Ramand can't do this. Is there a new eighth-level on the opposite side?" The Iron-masked Man immediately realized that something was wrong.

And in Temple No. 2, the Infinity Gem in Li Ming's hand was emitting a dazzling light.

He grinned: "Coming to Marvel, it's my home ground!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the eight portals distributed throughout the universe were all moved to the center of the encirclement. The confused army of the hero camp had no time to react and could only come out of the portal in chaos.


At Li Ming's command, the Abyss Alliance army launched a fierce attack, and the Hell camp responded immediately, pouring firepower towards the center of the circle.

The heroic army that had just appeared suffered heavy losses on the spot, and they had no time to organize an effective counterattack. Some warships even fired blindly in panic, and their shells all hit their own friendly forces.

Even the two portals were destroyed by the concentrated fire of the Abyss Alliance and the Army of Hell.

"There are only two options now."

The Iron-masked Man spoke coldly to the seventh-level reincarnations behind him.

"Either we retreat now and return with the shame of defeat, but the portal has already been built and we will be attacked by them if we return."

"Either you rush out together, block a wave of attacks, and create an opportunity for the army to deploy its formation!"

Many seventh-level warriors looked at each other and rushed to the portal. Even Mordred, who had some conflicts with the Iron-masked Man, did not raise any objections.

They couldn't afford to lose face by going back like this.

Of course, the most important thing is that they are confident that they will not die.

After more than a dozen seventh-level warriors took action, the hero camp finally had a chance to catch their breath. The army spread out and divided into two groups to start fighting.

Li Ming, Thanos and Loki did not take action. They were waiting for the Man in the Iron Mask.

But after the battle, Li Ming, who revealed part of his assets, still brought a great shock to the Abyss Alliance.

They always thought that Li Ming was just very strong because he always ran around alone.

It was not until Li Ming deployed the Transformers Legion that unprecedented life forms led an overwhelming mechanical army and blocked the offensive of several civilizations with only a few fleets.

These Transformers are completely different from the robots in the movies who have difficulty even defeating the Earth's armed forces.

The Transformers under Li Ming have no shortage of energy blocks. For example, in the movie, Megatron could only bully small opponents like Jazz, and was even reduced to a garbage truck at one point. But under Li Ming, they now have the strength of the peak of level six, and it is no problem for the energy main gun to sink a piece of land.

Moreover, the most commendable thing about Transformers should never be their individual combat power. Only when they fight as a technological legion can their capabilities be fully utilized.

In the movie, both the Decepticons and the Autobots have the background of Cybertron, but because they are unable to rebuild it, they can only fight hand-to-hand.

It’s like modern warfare has returned to fighting with guns and sticks.

But Li Ming is not short of resources, and he has now unlocked 21% of the Cybertron heritage, which is enough to make him an overlord in the Marvel Universe.

So under the brilliant attack of the Transformers Legion, the heroic army of the Abyss Alliance was almost unable to hold on.

Li Ming, Thanos and Loki immediately focused their attention, because they knew that in this situation, the Man in the Iron Mask must take action!
(End of this chapter)

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