The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 694: The horrified iron-masked man is cheating!

Chapter 694: The horrified iron-masked man is cheating!
A subtle mental wave swept across the battlefield. Loki had not noticed it yet, but Li Ming and Thanos, who were holding the Infinity Gauntlet at all times, sensed it.

"Found it!" Li Ming and the other person said at the same time.

If the Iron-Masked Man does not take action, he can still hide himself with his strength as an eighth-level Reincarnator. But once he takes action, he will have no chance of escape under the search of two sets of Infinity Gems.

At this time, the army of the Abyss Alliance was also thrown into chaos by the Iron-masked Man's mental attack. Even Hela, Thor and others were affected. Knowing that it was their own eighth-level boss who took action, Mordred and other seventh-level bosses were overjoyed.

But Li Ming quickly used the Mind Gem to dispel the Iron-masked Man's attack, and then quickly used the mirror space to lock up the Iron-masked Man who was found.

Then Li Ming used his supreme and unique skill - diamond space, to lock up the Iron-masked Man who tried to jump out.

After the diamond space was generated, Thanos used the Infinity Gauntlet to continuously inject energy into the space wall. Under the effect of the Infinity Gems, even an eighth-level strongman could not forcibly break the space.

Unless he has more power than the six Infinity Stones.

Obviously the Man in the Iron Mask couldn't do that, so he was trapped inside.

"A trap?" The Iron-faced Man was shocked, but he had actually expected it, so he didn't panic.

"Ramande, you are really willing to work so hard to defend the enemy's territory..." The Iron-faced Man paused as he spoke, "Ramande?"

He originally thought that this was Lord Ramande and another local eighth-level warrior, and was preparing to strike at Ramande's combat power first, but he didn't expect that there were only three strangers here.

"Three native eighth-level ones?"

The Iron-Masked Man seemed calm, but there was already a trace of cold sweat on his forehead behind the mask.

There are two eighth-level masters. If Lord Ramand does not make an effort, the Iron-masked Man feels that he may not win, but at least he will not lose.

But given the current situation, and the fact that Ramand has a total of four eighth-level people, the Iron-masked Man suddenly became unconfident.

Four against one?

There are four kings on the opposite side and only one on our side. What kind of matching system is this?

What's the point of this?

Even though the Iron-Masked Man has a strengthened spirit, his spirit is now a little exploded.

The situation of four eighth-level teams appearing on a battlefield has never happened even in the most intense battles between heaven and hell.

Now that the opponent has used this lineup to deal with him, the Iron-Faced Man even feels a little honored... it's just strange!

In this situation, only a fool would try to collide with the opponent. If he tries, he will die, and today next year will be his death anniversary.

"Let's rush out before Ramander arrives." The Iron-Masked Man locked his eyes on Thanos who was injecting energy into the diamond space, "Use all your strength to create a hole first!"

Reincarnationists don't fight step by step, transforming stage by stage. Reincarnationists always believe in striking first to gain the upper hand.

As long as I act fast enough, my opponent's cards will be mine!


The Iron Mask's body suddenly expanded countless times, almost filling the entire diamond space, and then he waved his hand to hit Thanos.

Li Ming quickly used the power gem to build a force field defense, but he soon discovered something was wrong when it was fully drilled.

The body of the Iron-Masked Man was so huge that it crushed the projections of several planets in the mirror space with great power.

But Li Ming discovered that the Iron-Masked Man's seemingly real body was actually materialized mental power!

"Be careful of his sight!" Li Ming quickly reminded.

Relying on mental power to condense into a physical entity and even crush planets, there is no doubt that the Iron Mask is very powerful.

So facing such a powerful attack, Thanos was also blinded for a moment, and only reacted after hearing Li Ming's reminder. "Too late!"

The Iron Mask shouted loudly, and a powerful mental shock burst out from the metal mask he was wearing, and Thanos was hit directly. Fortunately, Li Ming had already reminded them to pay attention to mental protection, so Thanos quickly used the Infinity Gauntlet to resist the attack and did not suffer any injuries.

But his movements of injecting energy into the diamond space slowed down unconsciously.

"Have the opportunity!"

The man with the iron mask suddenly rushed forward, and the iron mask hit the diamond space. The space barrier was immediately cracked by the strong impact.

But then the Man in the Iron Mask suddenly felt his mind slowed down a lot. It turned out that Loki, who he had ignored, now opened his hands, emitting green light all over his body, and urged the power of time to stop the Man in the Iron Mask.

Although Loki's combat power is slightly weaker, he is a first-class support player.

Naturally, Li Ming would not let the Iron-masked Man escape. He directly activated Uriel's status and transformed himself into the Angel of Vengeance. He then took out the Spear of Longinus and raised his hand to let the Holy Flame sweep out.

With the blessing of six infinity gems, Li Ming's strength also reached the eighth level.

Thanos also mobilized the energy of the Infinity Gauntlet, and under the time acceleration given by Loki, he smashed it towards the Iron Mask.

But the man in the Iron Mask had a thought, and his materialized mental power immediately became virtual, and Thanos passed directly through the position of the Iron Mask.

The power of the Infinity Stones is actually ineffective!

This is his life-saving skill. This kind of virtualization does not hide the body in the secondary space, but directly transforms into another form of existence. Although it consumes a lot of energy, it can be immune to most forms of attacks.

But the power of Li Ming's Holy Flame was far beyond the Iron-Masked Man's imagination. As soon as the Holy Flame reached the position of his virtual body, his spiritual body immediately shattered like glass.

It's so virtual that it's almost useless!
"Pfft... This is impossible!"

The Iron-Masked Man cried out in disbelief, with blood oozing from the corners of his mouth and his eyes bloodshot.

After all, if anyone's special skills are useless, there will be a moment of collapse.

But how could he know Li Ming's current condition?
[God-Slayer (S level): Depending on the strength, it can cause damage to everything that can be touched. If the target is a god, the damage will be increased by 100%. 】

[A mortal body is on par with a god (S-level): During combat, if the opponent's life level is different from yours, you can ignore the difference in life level.]

Under the influence of these two S-level abilities, virtualization?


In addition, Li Ming also has the 1000% divine power bonus of the God of War + the 1000% energy bonus of the Supreme Yellow Light + the 100% damage bonus of the Spartan Fury.

The only thing the Man in the Iron Mask can be thankful for is that he is not a god, nor a creature of darkness or light.

If he wasn't in the Marvel Universe, Li Ming wouldn't be able to unleash the full power of the Infinity Gems, and the Iron Mask would still have a fight, but in Li Ming's home turf?
He could try harder to die less miserably.

It makes sense that the King of Gotham’s home turf is Marvel.

After realizing that Li Ming's ability was a natural counter to his, the Iron-Faced Man did not say a word and directly used his last trump card to save his life.

The outcome of a fight between strong men can be decided in a split second, so of course he had to seize the opportunity to escape.

I saw a crack suddenly appear on his iron face, and then his spirit poured into the crack, trying to escape by self-destruction.

"He is not the real one!" Thanos also discovered the clue at this time, "At least not all of him!"

This means that even if they kill the Iron-Masked Man here, it will be useless as the Iron-Masked Man can still be resurrected somewhere else.

However, Li Ming was not worried. He had known for a long time that the Reincarnator was not so easy to kill, so he prepared another surprise for the Iron-masked Man.

(End of this chapter)

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