The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 695: Superman's Breakthrough on the Battlefield

Chapter 695: Superman's Breakthrough on the Battlefield

At this moment, the universe has become a mess.

There are battlefields everywhere in space and on planets, and the scope of the battle has expanded to dozens of surrounding galaxies.

Whether it is the superheroes, the reincarnations, or the various civilizations, they have all tried their best.

Bruce has already used all his strength to activate the Yellow Lantern Ring, and the power of the Yellow Lantern has condensed into a Gundam that is fighting between the planets.

Diana also put on the divine armor specially made by Li Ming. There was a pair of huge wings behind the golden full body armor, just like the golden saint armor, which could maximize Diana's strength.

But after the reincarnations in the hero camp exerted their strength, they still fell into a disadvantage.

Even the Transformers would have a hard time getting away with it if they encountered the Reincarnators, who have many different methods and strange abilities.

The superheroes can handle it, but even though the Abyss Alliance has gathered many superheroes, it is still not enough to face the large number of reincarnations.

Moreover, all reincarnations can transform into the sixth level.

Of course, Li Ming has to take the blame for this.

"Clark, go help Peter!" Bruce said, pointing at the Spider Twins in the distance.

1610 The Little Black Spider Miles of Blond Peter of the Universe.

Their battlefield is in space. Blond Peter is also a Tony-type player. He and Miles wear special spider suits to help the fleet of Xandar deal with the Reincarnations.

"We are space spiders!" Miles yelled.

But after they finally dealt with a fifth-level reincarnation, the seventh-level reincarnation Mordred suddenly appeared and blew up the spaceship they were on with just one encounter.

Miles avoided fatal injuries with the help of bioelectricity, but blond Peter was not so lucky. A 20-centimeter-wide piece of spacecraft debris pierced his chest and he was obviously not going to survive.


Miles rushed over to catch him, yelling at the top of his lungs.

The blond Peter's voice was very weak in the voice: "Don't... don't cry, Miles, help me tell... MJ and... Aunt May, I love them..."

"Come to think of it... I thought this time... it was just a few more broken bones..."

After saying that, the blond Peter fell silent. When Clark arrived, only Miles was left, lying on the corpse and crying.

Clark clenched his fists. He remembered the blond Peter because Li Ming told him the story of Spider-Man: "With great power comes great responsibility."

Then he thought of what Li Ming said, "If you want to take on more responsibilities, you must use stronger power!"

Although Clark's strength improved slightly after basking in the blue sun for a while, he still felt that it was not enough. Now he was extremely eager for stronger power.

He wants to take more responsibility!
Clark didn't want to see any more companions die in front of him!
He stared at Mordred intently, causing Mordred to sense something as well.

Mordred grinned and sent a telepathic message to Superman: "Don't worry, I will let you die together soon, and no one will be sad!"

Then Mordred swung the giant sword in his hand, and the muddy yellow energy swept towards Clark. All the spaceships and lives touched by the muddy yellow energy along the way were turned into stone without exception.

Clark knew that he was the only one who could stop it, so he quickly activated his heat vision, hoping to resist the energy rushing towards him.

But the energy released by Mordred was so enormous that the two heat rays were too small in comparison.

However, at the critical moment, Clark remembered Li Ming's teachings.

“Don’t define yourself!”

Clark was unwavering. Under his strong belief, Superman's unique biological force field followed the heat vision and crashed into Mordred's muddy yellow energy.
Then Mordred was surprised to find that his energy was like a whole, being blocked by the lasers in the eyes of the red cloaked opponent in front of him!

It was obvious that person's aura was only at the sixth level.

Mordred snorted.

He couldn't defeat the Iron-Masked Man, and couldn't beat Hela, so could he not deal with this mere sixth-level being?
"Superhero? Why don't you just help me kill them like ants?" Mordred sent a voice message to Clark.

The heat in Clark's eyes grew stronger.

He thought of the tragic scene of the blond Peter's body lying there. After hearing Mordred's provocation, Clark felt his blood boiling and there was only one thought in his mind: Revenge!

Clarke used all his strength and used his heat vision to push Mordred's energy straight back, but Mordred raised his hand to block it.

"It's useless. The gap is too big. Your efforts are just like that guy just now. They are meaningless." Mordred continued to sneer.

Clark's face was filled with anger, his emotions reaching their limit.

He shouted, "I won't let you insult him!"

At this moment, Clark suddenly felt as if some limitations in his body were broken, and his overall strength increased many times.

And Li Ming in the distance also sent a hint of the abyss.

[Ding, the current parsing progress is 41%. 】

Clark concentrated his increased strength on the thermal vision again. Mordred wanted to talk back when he suddenly found that two extremely fierce and fast lasers had penetrated his powerful energy in an instant and approached him.

Mordred hurriedly dodged and raised his greatsword to try to block, but the power of the thermal vision was far beyond his expectations. He only had time to avoid the vital points, but his right arm was still hit by the thermal vision and turned to ashes in an instant.


Mordred yelled in pain, but he was more shocked by the change in Clarke's strength.

What the hell?

Level six instantly becomes level seven?

What kind of monster did he encounter?

Mordred's ability to bend and stretch was brought to the extreme at this moment. He had no intention of seeking revenge and quickly used his life-saving props to escape from here.

Mordred's long experience in the mission world taught him that when encountering something beyond common sense, he should run as far away as possible.

But Superman was also extremely fast at this time. He rushed to Mordred in the blink of an eye and punched him hard in the stomach.

Mordred was beaten far away and smashed several warships before he stopped.

"Wow!" He spat out another mouthful of blood.

But at this time he noticed that Superman did not continue to chase, and Mordred looked up and found a figure appeared on the field.

"The Man in the Iron Mask? Great!"

Mordred looked as if he had met a savior. Although there were some grudges between him and the Iron-Masked Man, seeing an eighth-level being while escaping always made Mordred feel at ease.

But Mordred immediately discovered something was wrong, because the Iron Mask was in a very miserable state, and even the iron mask on his head was cracked.

At this moment, a young voice suddenly sounded on the field. Although Mordred did not recognize it, everyone in the Abyss Alliance heard that it was Li Ming who was speaking.

"Iron-masked man, if you want us to let you go, you can just deal with the people in your own camp."

Mordred was startled and quickly ran away from the Iron Mask.

Whether it was true or not, he couldn't gamble anyway.

The Iron-masked Man, who had finally escaped and was hiding in the dark, was also very surprised at this time, staring blankly at the person in the field who looked exactly like him.

This is naturally a fake made by Li Ming using real gems, but with the blessing of infinite gems, even the seventh-level reincarnations on the battlefield cannot find out that this iron-masked man is a fake.

The fake Iron-Masked Man hesitated for a while, then suddenly raised his hand and waved it downwards heavily.

With him as the center, a green ripple instantly enveloped all the subordinates of the hero camp on the battlefield.

Then all the members of the hero camp immediately had red eyes and rushed towards the nearest friendly forces like mad beasts.

Madness of Gotham——Lv.7!

At this time, the masked man in the dark knew what Li Ming was up to, and he gritted his teeth and blurted out, "You bastard!"

(End of this chapter)

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