The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 697 Lord Ramander, May the Abyss Meet You Unexpectedly

Chapter 697 Lord Ramander, May the Abyss Meet You Unexpectedly
With Loki joining, the battlefield of the Abyss Alliance became very easy.

Looking back in time.

A companion died?
Looking back in time.

Loki transformed into a huge tits man, solving the problem directly at the source.

The people in the Hell camp were all shocked. Is this how war can be fought?

No matter whether it was the Reincarnators or the subordinate civilizations, they were all very jealous when they saw the Abyss Alliance constantly resurrecting, but King Loki did not seem to shine his light on them at all.

As for the hero camp, after more than ten minutes of chaos, less than half of the people were alive, and they were attacked from both sides, with even greater casualties.

This is the case when Li Ming and Thanos did not take action. Anyway, no one on the Abyss Alliance side would die, so they didn't need to expose the Infinity Stones in front of so many people.

However, at this time, the brilliant Loki turned around and gave Li Ming a pleading smile: "Li, give me some energy, hehe."

"I can't hold on anymore."

Li Ming shook his head, waved his hand and injected a large amount of source power into him, allowing Loki to regain his spirit.

Then he noticed a violent energy fluctuation on the battlefield. When he looked over, he found that it was a seventh-level reincarnation from the hero camp who could not hold on under the siege of Hela and Thor.

"He's going to blow himself up!"

“Oh no, it’s too late.” Hela suddenly realized.

Mordred's eyes lit up: "Good opportunity."

He quickly rushed towards the portal, hoping to sneak out through it while the others' attention was distracted by the self-explosion.

The power of the seventh-level self-destruction will be very shocking, and it will easily cause chaos in the rules, and even time reversal will not be able to be used.

This means that those who die in the self-explosion are really dead.

Loki quickly asked Li Ming for help: "Help me!"

However, Li Ming did not take any action, but a Temple II on the battlefield quietly arrived in front of the Level 7 that was about to self-destruct.

Many people in the Abyss Alliance recognize this ship; it is the one they take when traveling through the universe.

But the next scene made them drop their jaws. They saw Temple No. 2 quickly deform on the spot and unexpectedly transformed into a giant robot that was six kilometers tall!

"Wow, it's bigger than Leopardon!" Miles shouted hurriedly. He always thought that 400-year-old Leopardon was the best robot, but he didn't expect there was another master.

The power of space surged in the hands of Saint Tianzun, and the seventh-level reincarnationist who was about to self-destruct was unable to stop it. He could only watch himself being transferred to the camp portal by Saint Tianzun.

There are no members of the Abyss Alliance here, and it is filled with people who want to escape.

After a dazzling flash of light, three of the only five remaining portals of the League of Legends were blown up, and the casualties caused by the self-explosion were countless.

However, for a very small number of people like Mordred, this was not a bad thing, because they happened to be on the other side of the portal that was not affected by the self-explosion, and they took advantage of the chaos of the explosion to escape back through the portal.

However, compared to the huge army that came here, only one in ten people can go back now.

The war is finally over here, and all that remains to be done is clean up the battlefield.

The reincarnations from the Hell camp started cleaning up the battlefield spontaneously without saying a word. Of course, their purpose was only to grab the spoils.

Maharaja Ramander still did not show up, but his heart was now in turmoil.

Originally, he was very confused when the Transformers appeared, because these mechanical life forms looked very legendary.


His eyes were fixed on Saint Tianzun.

What is the probability of finding a seventh-order robot life outside the legendary camp, with a legion of mechanical life?
Ramand would rather believe that Hasun would not cheat his father again!

"Li Ming, who is disguised as the Iron-Masked Man and masters the laws of time at the eighth level, is truly extraordinary." Ramand murmured.

Others could not see it, but Maharaja Ramander watched it carefully. He discovered the clues after the Iron-Masked Man appeared.

The smell of blood is wrong.

Although the maker has disguised the Iron Mask in every aspect to be lifelike, there are still some differences in the blood of the fake Iron Mask, which is not difficult for Ramand, an eighth-level vampire, to distinguish.

Of course, he would not tell anyone to help the Iron-Faced Man clarify the matter. Ramander guessed that the Iron-Faced Man must have escaped. It was so silent and there was no trace of battle. It must be more than one eighth-level person who could do it, so the power behind Li Ming was very powerful.

Coupled with the appearance of Saint Tianzun, Ramand had some initial guesses.

"The legendary camp is finished?"

Although the legendary camp never waded into muddy waters, Ramand didn't believe that the Supreme was really no longer interested in the mainstream reincarnation space.

Fishing in troubled waters and taking advantage of the fire are what the reincarnations should do.

Thinking of this, Ramander was not unhappy at all, because even if the legendary camp wanted this world, it also helped Hell to repel the invaders.

The loss was borne by the Star Lord, and the credit went to Taramand.


While Ramand was feeling happy, he suddenly received a call.

"Vlad? Didn't I ask you to protect Hasun? Why did you come to this world?" Ramand was panicked. "Hasun is in trouble?"

"Without the teacher, Hasuen is doing fine now, and has even obtained the collection of the Star Lord."

Although he said that, Vlad sounded anxious.

"There are reincarnations from other camps coming to help Hasun!"

After guessing that Li Ming was related to the legendary camp, Ramand had expected this.

He thought it was okay. Being entangled with the legendary camp would not be a setback for him. Instead, it would raise his status in hell.

"Don't worry, Vlad," Ramande said softly.

His calm tone startled Flas.

"The Maharaja already knows that the reincarnation who helped Hasun is from the Abyss?"


Ramand couldn't help but cry out in surprise and couldn't even maintain his composure.

At this time, Vlad sent a few photos. In the photos, Hasun was holding the Eye of Horus and looking very proud, while a group of reincarnations were protecting him.

Ramand also knew the two leading figures. After all, there were only a few reincarnations in the abyss, and the list had long been circulated in the reincarnation space.

The grinning one on the left is called Jerome.

The one on the right with a serious expression is called Zod.

Maharaja Ramander's face turned pale instantly.


How could it be an abyss?

A thought flashed through his mind: Could it be that the legendary camp is colluding with the abyss?

Of course he knew how sensitive the abyss was in the reincarnation space. Once he had anything to do with the abyss, it would mean endless troubles.

So subconsciously, he took himself out.

Tuk Tuk.

At this time, there were two knocks on the door of Ramand's cabin.

He sensed something in his heart and opened the hatch directly.

Sure enough, the person standing there was Li Ming.

"Lord Ramander, we finally meet officially." Li Ming suddenly paused, "Yes, then we should greet each other formally."

"I'll greet you with the most famous phrase in the reincarnation space. I hope you don't mind."

Li Ming smiled slightly: "May the abyss meet you unexpectedly."

(End of this chapter)

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