The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 698: Still want to leave after encountering the abyss? The second 2th level wheel master joi

Chapter 698: Still want to leave when you encounter the abyss? The second eighth-level reincarnation joins

May the abyss meet you unexpectedly.

As soon as he said this, Ramand knew he had fallen into a trap.

Still a very deep one.

His eyes fixed and he immediately attacked Li Ming. Li Ming suddenly felt the blood in his body start to become restless.

But he didn't care and took out a bunch of photos instead: "It seems like they get along well."

The photo shows Hasuen and Jerome.

Ramand had no choice but to give up.

He understood what Li Ming meant. His son was already trapped and there was no point in struggling. He might as well listen to what Li Ming had to say.

"Does anyone else know?" Ramand asked Vlad on the comms.

Vlad also understood the seriousness of the matter and quickly replied: "I have dealt with all the people who knew about it, but I'm not sure if anyone sent the message in advance."

As long as the Reincarnators are alive, they can send messages, so it goes without saying how Vlad handled it.

"Okay, keep paying attention, and then... let Hasun keep a low profile!" Ramand said quickly.

He was somewhat glad that the person he sent was Vlad, his true confidant, who could deal with the problem before it was discovered.

Otherwise, if it were someone else, it would probably have caused a big uproar by now.

Only then did Ramande look at Li Ming.


Li Ming nodded, then waved his hand and they moved to the mirror space to prevent being eavesdropped.

"What exactly do you want to do by contacting Hasun?" asked Ramand.

Li Ming shrugged: "I thought we were being very obvious."

Ramander sneered, "Then you should know how to deal with the Iron Mask. I'm not much of a threat."

"The Iron Mask caused heavy losses, but I could have reported directly to the Demon Organization and no one would have held me accountable."

"As for the world around us, it belongs to the starry sky anyway and has nothing to do with me."

But Li Ming shook his head: "If that's all, I wouldn't show up."

He chuckled: "Of course I know that this will not pose a threat to the eighth-level reincarnation, so I arranged it in advance."

Ramander's face darkened: "What?"

In fact, he was already prepared to pay a huge price to get himself and Hasun away from Li Ming.

However, Li Ming defeated him with just one sentence.

"I was the one who asked Solus to put the Joker into the subordinate world of the Hell Camp."

Ramand's heart was shaken. This short sentence made him experience everything from heaven to hell.

It seems that I can't afford this price.

The Joker has now become the most troublesome existence in the world under Hell and has been included in the devil organization's kill list.

As for Solus, it is well known that he was a subordinate of Maharaja Tharamand.

But now Li Ming said that Solus is his man, and the clown was also let in by Solus.

If this matter were to be known to others, Ramand would not be able to deny himself any involvement.

Once others know that Ramand is the mastermind behind the Joker, he will instantly become the public enemy of hell.

But Lamande is a smart man. He has put aside the matter of the clown because he has associated it with something more terrifying.

Spider Totem!

Solus is Li Ming's man, and Li Ming belongs to the Abyss, so was the Spider Totem really handed over to the Hell camp?
If not, then this faction war that almost affected the entire reincarnation space was actually instigated by the abyss?

Then he Ramand also played a crucial role in it.

Ramand's face turned pale, and he asked Li Ming word by word: "Spider Totem?" Li Ming smiled without hiding anything.

"This thing is quite profitable."

If Ramand's current complexion were to be taken to a museum, it would be comparable to bronze ware.

"The Spider Totem is from the Abyss?"

"The Spider Totem is from the Abyss!"

He repeated it loudly and ridiculously, his heart finally hanging in the balance.

Now there is no need to think about how to clarify. As long as the news gets out that the Spider Totem belongs to the Abyss and that he, Ramand, is an accomplice, he will face the most severe and cruel revenge regardless of whether he knows it or not.

The scope of this revenge is not limited to hell, but will expand to the entire reincarnation space!
So now Ramand has only one path to choose - the abyss.


He roared angrily. He knew he was going to be tricked, but he didn't expect to be pulled directly into the huge pit of the abyss.

If this bear boy stood in front of him now, Ramand would definitely skin Hasun alive!
Li Ming stared at Lord Ramander, who was in impotent rage, and then asked with a smile: "So do you need me to ask it again now?"

Looking at Li Ming's playful and confident look, Ramand became even angrier.

"Ask!" he yelled.

"Cough cough."

Li Ming cleared his throat, then suppressed his laughter and asked, "Lord Ramander, are you willing to join the Abyss and contribute to the peace of the multiverse?"

Lamande stared at Li Ming, then shouted angrily: "Okay!"

Li Ming ignored his attitude problem. It was normal to have emotions. If he didn't feel dissatisfied, Li Ming would consider what else he hadn't done well.

"Then I, on behalf of the Abyss, welcome you to join us."


Li Ming snapped his fingers, and suddenly brilliant fireworks, streamers, and lively background music erupted around him.

After all this commotion, Ramand finally calmed down.

After all, he is an eighth-level reincarnationist. What kind of storms has he not seen?

Well, I haven’t seen this before.

"The entire reincarnation space was actually played by the abyss."

Lamande's expression was very complicated: "To what extent has the abyss recovered?"

"I still can't beat Michael." Li Ming answered honestly.

Ramand wanted to hit someone, but how could he beat Michael?
"But it's easy to kill the Iron-Faced Man." Li Ming shrugged.

Of course, he didn't mention the premise, which is that it needs to be in the Marvel Universe.

But Ramand didn't know that. He thought Li Ming was speaking specifically to him.

He can kill the Iron-Faced Man easily. He is also at level eight, so doesn’t that mean he can kill him easily as well?
"Your purpose is... forget it." Ramand found that he was asking unnecessary questions. As the former leader of the reincarnation space, what Abyss' purpose could be was self-evident.

He just felt that the road ahead was a little bleak.

Although the Abyss successfully provoked a war in the reincarnation space, it still requires some skills to finally gain the upper hand.

Being able to deal with just one or two eighth-level reincarnations is far from enough.

"Don't be so sad. You are not the only eighth-level spy in hell."

Li Ming smiled and performed his traditional skills again.

Open your eyes and tell lies.

"Oh? Who is it?" Lamande had almost no doubt and immediately blurted out several names, "Is it Baal? Mammon? Or Mal'Ganis?"

Li Ming was stunned. In Ramand's eyes, so many people in hell might be traitors?

(End of this chapter)

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