The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 699 Your son still calls me big brother

Chapter 699 Your son still calls me big brother
Li Ming remembered all the names mentioned by Lord Ramand. Who knows, the next victim might be among them?

"Not yet." He shook his head.

Of course not, after all, not yet.

"Then what do you want me to do? Let Hell participate in the war on a larger scale?" asked Ramand.

Li Ming's heart moved. As the first place where the war broke out, the Hell Camp had already been beaten to a pulp, but the scale was still not big enough.

He secretly reflected on himself and realized that he had been slacking off.

We must increase our efforts!

Li Ming nodded: "Someone will cooperate with you."

"Hell is now facing a disadvantage of two against three. The strategy is to defend comprehensively. Although they will raid Heaven's world, too many times will easily attract attention."

Ramand frowned slightly, then quickly got into the role and began to think about the abyss.

Ramand knew that since he had chosen to stand with the Abyss and enter a new camp, he had to show his strength.

Otherwise, if you can’t stay in the original camp and the new camp doesn’t accept you quickly, then you’re doomed.

"You have to open up your mind. Who says that people who cooperate with you are from hell?" Li Ming said meaningfully.

Ramand's eyes widened immediately. He asked in disbelief, "Could it be... heaven?"

Li Ming smiled but said nothing, but his attitude already indicated his agreement.

"That's... a lot simpler." Ramand took a breath.

The only one who can cooperate with him is an eighth-level reincarnationist.

And if an eighth level of heaven and an eighth level of hell collude with each other, the damage that can be caused is very great, and it can easily cause heaven and hell to expand the quagmire of war.

Most importantly, almost no one would doubt them.

Heaven and Hell have been fighting for a hundred thousand years, and have long had a deep hatred for each other. Low-level reincarnationists may encounter each other when they do not feel deeply, but the higher the status of the reincarnationists, the deeper the blood feud.

There has never been any record of the eighth order between heaven and hell getting along in a friendly manner.

Not to mention the eighth level, it is extremely rare even in the seventh level.

Therefore, if Ramande and the Eighth Level of Heaven cooperate with each other, as long as they don't expose themselves, it will be seamless.

As for whether Ramand would hate the reincarnations in heaven.

Of course he hated it, but what if it involved his own life and the life of his stupid son, Hasuen?


what is that?
The moral bottom line of reincarnationists has always been extremely loose.

"Okay, if you don't show up for too long it will arouse suspicion. Once you have sorted out your forces and are ready, you can activate this."

Li Ming handed over a blue gem.

"This gem can teleport once across worlds. Once you activate it, I will receive a message and teleport you over to meet me."

To be on the safe side, this gem can only teleport one person at a time, and Li Ming will choose a new world each time.

Of course, these are all his home turf, within the Marvel Universe.

"Sort out the forces?" Lord Ramand was a little puzzled.

"That's right." Li Ming said as a matter of course, "You have to know which people are trustworthy, which people need to be tested, and which people need to be abandoned."

"After all, you don't want yourself and Hasuen to be exposed because of your subordinates, right?"

Ramand was silent and a little frustrated.

But there is no other way. Every time he chooses a team, there needs to be a major reshuffle. Even if some of his more trusted subordinates are eliminated, there is nothing he can do.

Finally, Li Ming smiled and said, "Don't worry, the loss is only temporary. The gains I bring you will be beyond your expectations. I will definitely not treat you unfairly. After all, your son still calls me a good brother!"

Ramander's face turned even darker.

As soon as Li Ming separated from Ramande, a communication came from the lucky star Hasuen.

"Brother, I did it!"

"All the treasures hidden by Lord Starry Sky in this world have been snatched away by me!" Hasun was very excited. He had no idea that while he was snatching Lord Starry Sky's treasures, Li Ming had also snatched away his old father.

"Thank you for sending Mr. Jerome and Zod to help me. They were a great help. All the reincarnations who saw me, whether they were from the heroes or from hell, were killed!"

Hasun calls Jerome Mr. Jerome, and Zod is just Zod. It seems that Jerome's way of making friends is really clever.

Moreover, Li Ming laughed secretly. Those witnesses were probably killed by Vlad, the seventh-level reincarnation who was sent by Ramand to secretly protect Hasun, right?

As a result, the credit was attributed to the Abyss Camp by Hasun.

But Li Ming had to say that Hasuen really had a good father.

Although he got into such a big trouble, Ramand still helped him to deal with it.

If it were any other reincarnation father and son, they might have just given up on Hasun, after all, the lifespan of reincarnations is quite long.

Therefore, Hasun is really the life template that all reincarnations dream of. He has a strong and good father, and he himself is also very loved.

The most important thing is that we have a good brother like Li Ming!

Li Ming with his hands on his hips.jpg
"By the way, big brother, this is the information you want." Hasun sent over a large pile of information, all of which were the casting technology from the Eye of Power world that Li Ming wanted.

Hasuen boasted, "I found these after turning the Creator God's spaceship upside down. They are definitely the most comprehensive records."

His hard work made his elder brother Li Ming very happy.

Since the young boy is teachable, Li Ming decided to give more benefits to Prince Ramand.

At this moment, Maharaja Ramander benefited from his son's help.

But for Hasuan, things were not so rosy.

As soon as he arrived at Ramand's hall, he found that his father's confidant Vlad had closed the door.

"Rebellious son, come here!"

When Ramand saw him, he became furious and immediately scolded him.

Hasuen trembled twice, his mind was full of confusion.

"I, didn't I make a great contribution?"

Li Ming didn't care whether Hasun was beaten half to death or not. That was the disaster that was destined for him as a little brother.

After returning to the Abyss Alliance, Tony immediately came over and told Li Ming the latest situation.

The fighting is over. Although there are still sporadic resistances, they are of little consequence.

There are still a small number of reincarnations from the hero camp and people from the hero's subordinate civilization remaining in this universe.

Hela deliberately left a portal undestroyed.

After careful and friendly negotiations, the subordinate civilization agreed to hand over their core technology in exchange for the chance to let them go back.

As for the reincarnations, low-level reincarnations are Li Ming's important clients. This battle also contributed a lot of points to Li Ming, so of course he had to send them out of the country with courtesy.

Among the high-level reincarnations, those who showed obvious hatred towards the Iron-masked Man were also secretly released by Li Ming.

This will make life more difficult for the Iron-Masked Man in the hero camp.

It’s not that Li Ming has any prejudice against the Iron-Masked Man, it’s just that he wants to weaken the power of his potential opponent.

The Iron-Masked Man is an eighth-level reincarnationist. Every eighth-level reincarnationist has a huge force behind him. It is always better to cause internal strife among the enemies than to keep them harmonious.

The Hell Reincarnators at the scene were also very happy. After all, they had won a complete victory and everyone could get a considerable reward.

But they all restrained themselves and did not mess around like they did in other worlds.

After all, they have all seen the combat effectiveness of the Abyss Alliance. There are eighth-level strongmen and even many seventh-level strongmen, and they can also use resurrection cheats.

Forget it, I can’t afford to offend you.

Li Ming handed the information given by Hasuen to Bruce and Tony. Tony was overjoyed after receiving the information.

"Now, there are no technical problems. We can officially start making the Hellbat Armor!"

(End of this chapter)

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