The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 700: The Abyss and God Compete for Favor

Chapter 700: The Abyss and God Compete for Favor
"Why are you so cowardly?"

Li Ming held the [Seal of Holy Light] and said again with regret.

"What's the point of OAA? You are God, you should stand up straight, right?"

The heroic camp was defeated, and now what Li Ming has to do is to free the Hela world from the control of Hell.

The first person he thought of must be God. Letting God occupy the world consciousness here is the most direct way.

But God said that he could not occupy the consciousness of the Marvel world, at least not the Hela world.

Although God did not say it was OAA or anything else, He did indicate that His level was not high enough.

Therefore, Li Ming had to find another way to free the Hela world from the control of Hell.

Otherwise, this world will definitely become a place where attention is focused. After all, when he is not around, even if a hell-reincarnator sneaks in, he will not be discovered.

So Li Ming found Ramande again and asked him openly how to free the world from the control of hell?
He was not afraid that Ramander would look down on the Abyss because he was already on board and could not escape. On the other hand, who knew that the Abyss had been robbed and only an empty shell was left? It was normal not to know a lot of information.

"The core of the world." Lamande said, "The subordinate world of the camp will generate a world core that only the reincarnations can see."

"As long as you seize the world's core, you can seize ownership of the world."

"If the core of the world is destroyed, that world will be out of the reincarnation space."

As expected, Lamande did not feel that Li Ming was unreliable because of his ignorance. On the contrary, he was a little surprised.

"Abyss doesn't even know this, but it can develop into such a strong again. It seems that the foundation of the creator of the reincarnation space should never be underestimated." He thought to himself.

Afterwards, Ramand told Li Ming how to find the core of the world and also reminded him of the precautions.

"The core of the world can only be seen when the current world is not in the mission period and there are no reincarnations from other camps except the one who opened it."

Li Ming's eyelids twitched and he immediately discovered the blind spot.

"Wouldn't it be possible to find a way to sneak in and directly seize the core of the world?" he asked.

"Someone has done that before," Lamande replied, but he immediately poured cold water on Li Ming, "But once a reincarnator enters a world with a sense of belonging, he will be prompted when he touches the core of the world."

"And whether it's snatching or destroying the world core, there will be a fixed time. Snatching takes 24 hours, and destroying takes 12 hours."

"So even if we sneak in secretly, the final result will still be war."

Li Ming continued to have sudden thoughts: "What about the plot characters? Can't we let the people in the mission world operate the world core after it is opened?"

Ramander still shook his head: "It must be a reincarnation."

If you are a reincarnation, you will be discovered, so it is a paradox to attack the core of the world without being discovered.

But Li Ming suddenly remembered that he had something.

[Holy Light Blessing]

Quality: Epic

Type: special props

Effect: Within 365 days after use, you can isolate yourself from the aura of the reincarnation.

"Is there any prop that can block the breath of reincarnationists?" Li Ming asked with deliberate curiosity.

Ramand was stunned for a moment: "I haven't heard of it."

He wanted to say no, but after thinking it over he chose a conservative answer.

However, since he, an eighth-level reincarnationist, said he had never heard of it, Li Ming could just ignore it.

I just don't know if the [Holy Light Protection] given by God can allow him to sneak attack the core of the world. If it can...

Hey hey hey hey!
After ending the call with Lamande, Li Ming called out to Abyss. "Does the Exchange Center have a way for me to quietly access the world's core?"

[Ding, not yet. ]

Li Ming frowned instantly: "You are the Abyss, you are even worse than that coward God?"

Li Ming felt two sensations of being watched at the same time, one was the abyss, the other was God.

Although he cannot occupy the world consciousness, God can still communicate with Li Ming through the [Seal of Holy Light].

But he was not panicked at all. He knew that he should strike when it was time to strike. Otherwise, how could he expect any benefits?
Sure enough, the underestimated abyss immediately jumped out.

[Ding, the Abyss Barracks has been upgraded to Lv.5, unlocking special effects that reduce the time required to snatch or destroy the World Core by 10000%! ]

[Currently showing discount, Abyss Barracks is upgraded to Lv.5, and you can enjoy 5% off the world origin consumption! ]

Li Ming was really surprised. Normally it takes 24 hours, or 1440 minutes, to grab the world core. Shortening it by 10000% is 100 times. So he only needs less than 15 minutes?

It seems that the Abyss has seen God show up too many times. Since the aura of the Reincarnationist cannot be dealt with, it might as well change the track and start with dealing with the time of the core of the world.

Moreover, the Abyss, who had always regarded the origin of the world as his life, gave Li Ming a 5% discount this time for the first time!
You have to know that the world origin for rebuilding special buildings was originally shared equally between Li Ming and the Abyss, but now Li Ming only needs to bear one quarter of the world origin.

The needle does not poke!
It seems that the little baby in the abyss was stimulated by Li Ming's increasing emphasis on God recently.

After all, Li Ming already knew that Abyss’ consciousness was basically that of a child.

This is what Li Ming likes most.

Roll it up!
Now God has given Li Ming the possibility of a sneak attack, and the abyss has greatly increased the success rate of Li Ming's sneak attack. Both are indispensable.

"You are all my wings." Li Ming made these scumbag remarks happily.

He opened the total amount of his world's origin and took a look, and was suddenly dumbfounded.

"Why so many?"

Li Ming discovered that the origin of his world had increased several times!
So he quickly checked the details, and only then did he realize that his current income from the origin of the world was already more than the income from the origin of the world.

Because Li Ming's control over the authority of the Abyss Camp is getting deeper and deeper and he has already become half of the camp, so what Li Ming's subordinates do outside can also bring him the origin of the world.

For example, Jerome and others, or... the Joker.

Every time the Joker destroys the original order of a world or kills an important character in the plot, Li Ming can obtain a large amount of the world's origin.

The clown role is added one more time.

Especially now that God has begun to replace the world consciousness favored by the Clown, it has brought tremendous changes to the world, allowing Li Ming to reap another wave of the origin of the world.

Speaking of which, Li Mingku felt that he should really give the Clown a Best Employee Award. He has already received a lot of benefits from the Clown alone.

He disrupted the situation, was the power of fear, was the feed for God, was the origin of the world, and also served as Li Ming's negotiation master, and successfully persuaded Ramand.

The abyss needs such talents!

However, the Joker is really incompatible with the righteous Li Ming, so Li Ming is not going to let the Joker join the Abyss Alliance.

If Bruce and the others are about to discover the Joker, Li Ming will drag Hell out to take the blame, saying that it was Hell that pulled the Joker into the reincarnation space.

He suddenly discovered that there was still wool to be fleeced in the abyss.

Although most of the authority was shared with himself, after so much time had passed, Abyss had accumulated a lot of wealth again.

"We have to find a way to get it here."

Li Ming put his hands on his hips and thought: "The Abyss can be what it is today because of me carrying the burden forward, so the good things belong to me first, and the Abyss can get better and better, no problem.

(End of this chapter)

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