The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 701 Hayes: I am undercover in the boss's position?

Chapter 701 Hayes: I am undercover in the boss's position?

The center of reincarnation, Eden.

Li Ming and Hayes agreed to meet here.

"The Iron Mask is having a hard time right now."

Hayes told Li Ming about the current battle situation, and naturally also talked about the Iron Mask's current celebrity.

"Losing the battle is actually nothing, and killing the reincarnations of the same faction is also nothing, but the most inappropriate thing for the Iron-Masked Man is to let this matter be exposed publicly."

Hayes shook his head. "There is a lot of opposition to the Iron Mask from the hero camp right now, especially from King Arthur, who is the most fierce. He seems to want to drive the Iron Mask away and occupy his own territory."

Li Ming understood this. After all, King Arthur was Mordred's father and he would definitely stand up for Mordred.

Although from the intelligence he obtained, the relationship between these two fathers and sons was far less harmonious than that between Ramander and his sons, the fact that Mordred almost died at the hands of the Man in the Iron Mask gave King Arthur a perfect excuse to attack.

Furthermore, King Arthur is a legendary figure from Britain, and the Man in the Iron Mask is a legendary figure from France. It is reasonable that these two people do not get along.

The Iron-Faced Man certainly would not allow himself to be bullied. He had already lost all his face this time, and if he also lost his territory, he would lose everything.

So a fierce conflict broke out between him and King Arthur, but the hero camp itself had a reincarnation organization called Gensokyo, which forcibly prevented them from fighting among themselves.

But even among the heroes themselves, the Iron Mask is repulsive to them. At least no one will speak publicly for him now.

Because now is the period of faction war, and this is the time when reincarnations, especially low-level ones, are needed to fight for their lives.

Due to the temporary strength of the Spider Totem, the importance of low-level reincarnations in this battle is unprecedentedly high.

The Iron-Masked Man openly killed his team members. If the camp does not make a statement, the people below will lose their morale.

As a result, the situation of the Man in the Iron Mask became increasingly difficult, and no one would think of him if there were any benefits.

Hayes just sighed, but Li Ming was happy.

"I said I would give him a surprise. Now I think the Iron-Masked Man should be quite satisfied."

"What?" Hayes was very surprised. "The Iron Mask was actually your work?"

Li Ming nodded.

"But I heard that the Iron Mask was defeated by the Hell Camp and the characters from the plot world..."

Hayes immediately realized that Li Ming should not be able to command hell.

"Hell was used by you?" he asked.

Li Ming smiled brightly: "Guess again?"

"You actually cooperate with Hell."

Hayes felt it was quite magical that Li Ming was involved with both sides of the camp war.

But he thought it was normal, after all, it was Li Ming.

But Li Ming responded with a smile: "The pattern is too small."

"Why can't hell be my person?" His tone was extremely deep, and his voice seemed to come from the bottomless abyss.

Hayes' heart was pounding and he stared at Li Ming with disbelief on his face.

Until Li Ming said: "Ramande is mine just like you."

Hayes sighed heavily: "The many surprises can it give me?"

He had something else in his mind that he hadn't said.

Li Ming had told him before that there was another eighth-level spy in heaven, but after observing for a long time, he couldn't find anyone with a flaw.

Gradually, Hayes even wondered if Li Ming was deliberately bluffing him? Was he actually the only eighth-level insider in Heaven?
But now he is relieved.

Li Ming can even incite the eighth-level reincarnations of Hell to rebel, so what else can't he handle?
In fact, Hayes's idea is not difficult to understand.

It’s very simple, I just don’t have to be the only eighth-level enemy.

"The reason I'm telling you is because from now on, Ramande and you will be partners." Li Ming said. Ramande? Partner?

The Eighth Level of Heaven and the Eighth Level of Hell partner up?
Hayes never thought that this day would come, and no one would believe it if he told others about it.

Li Ming continued: "Your mission is simple, which is to cooperate with each other and expand the scope of the war!"

He chuckled and said, "You are all high-ranking officials from both sides of the war. You don't need me to teach you how to seek benefits for yourselves, right?"

Hayes also smiled in understanding.

Why does this require teaching?
He is sure to have a great meal.

Hayes thought joining the Abyss was a tough job, but he didn't expect Li Ming to give him such a big gift.

After he and Ramand knew each other's deployment of the opposing camp, they could easily gain each other's military merits and even harm their opponents.

On the battlefield, a small piece of critical intelligence can have a big impact, not to mention that almost all intelligence is shared.

As time goes by, these two people who have activated the full-map cheats will become the pillars of their respective camps!
He was clearly an undercover agent, but if heaven and hell did not have ninth levels, Hayes even dared to think about the position of angel leader.

No one in the outside world would guess that they are actually in collusion.

After all, every eighth-level person grew up in a long mission and was deeply influenced by the camp. The reincarnations of heaven and hell could never trust each other.

There may be some small collaborations, but no one dares to take risks when it comes to matters involving their lives and property.

Only Hayes and Ramand are both controlled by Li Ming. They just need to do whatever Li Ming says and they can live in harmony.

"Remember not to go too far and be noticed by others," Li Ming reminded.

"No problem." Hayes nodded in agreement.

They have been reincarnated for tens of thousands of years and they all understand this truth.

At this moment, Hayes's face suddenly changed, as if he had received some important news.

Before Li Ming asked, Hayes immediately answered.

"The Lord God has joined the battle!"

"Oh?" Li Ming also became serious, "Who do they choose to help?"

The current situation is that the three camps of Heaven, Heavenly Dao, and Heroes are fighting against Hell and the Gods. Heaven already has the advantage. If the Lord God supports Heaven, the duration of this war may not be too long.

"They chose to be on the side of hell," Hayes said.

Li Ming and Hayes smiled at each other: "Very good."

Now the situation has become three against three, and the balance has been restored. This is what Li Ming hopes to see.

The longer this war lasts, the greater benefits Li Ming will gain.

Then Hayes frowned slightly: "But if Zhongzhou ends up..."

If Zhongzhou leaves, the Legend camp must also leave so that the two sides can maintain a balance.

But everyone knows that the supreme leader of the legendary side never interferes in the wars of the outside world.

"Wait, I heard that there is a legion of machine life fighting against the Iron-Masked Man, and there is even a seventh-level one. Are you also connected with the Supreme?" Hayes found that things were not that simple.

Li Ming smiled mysteriously and did not give a direct answer: "We have dealt with each other several times, but for the time being we can handle it ourselves."

"Just... muddy the water."

Hayes knew that Li Ming had many secrets, so he didn't ask too many questions. It was enough for Li Ming to know the answer.

Not long after, Hayes left.

He is a senior commander and cannot disappear for long.

Li Ming also returned to the Hela world because the Hellbat Armor was finally built.

(End of this chapter)

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