The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 708: Metal Man becomes Metal Man?

Chapter 708: Metal Man becomes Metal Man?
In this era when everyone is praising the Justice League, is there anyone who is dissatisfied with superheroes?
The answer is yes, and quite a few.

John Cobain was one of them.

He was originally a retired veteran in Metropolis. A year ago, he encountered an enhanced man robbing a bank and was being chased by Superman.

So the enhanced man lifted up the roadside, and threw the car that Cobain had just bought at Superman. As expected, the car was scrapped on the spot.

But even more unfortunately, Cobain was still in it.

Although Superman rescued him in time, Cobain still lost both of his legs.

In this situation, the Justice League would usually give him some assistance, but Cobain's legs could not be restored.

So he began to resent Superman.

Coben kept thinking that if Superman hadn't chased the enhanced man this way that day, nothing would have happened to him.

From then on, Cobain kept posting discrediting remarks about Superman on the Internet, and he even planned to sue Superman.

But in the end, Coben did not take action because he felt that his strength was too low and he had no way to fight against Superman who was backed by the Justice League.

Until a group of strangers arrived that day.

"Lex Luthor?"

Cobain asked in confusion.

Living in the same metropolis, he naturally recognized the richest man in the metropolis.

"Yes, it's me." Luther smiled as he looked at the lucky person he had carefully selected.

Superman has many enemies, but not many who meet Luthor's needs.

Cobain asked, “What did you come to see me for?”

"For Superman." Luthor spoke calmly, "I have read your posts online. Although they are a bit too subjective, I still agree with some of your opinions."

"Like...Superman isn't a god, and the part where he causes trauma to humans."

Cobain's face darkened, and he instantly thought of his lost legs.

"Are you also like everyone else, wanting to fund my lawsuit against Superman?" Cobain was unmoved.

Someone had approached him before, hoping that he would come forward to sue Superman, and would receive a hefty reward afterwards.

But Cobain didn't need the money; he hated Superman because of his legs.

Most importantly, Cobain believes that the lawsuit will not have any impact on Superman at all.

He had an idea that he suppressed in his heart and never told to the outside world - he wanted Superman to also taste the pain he was facing!
Luther smiled knowingly: "What did you think I was going to get you, a brand new high-tech wheelchair?"

He shook his head, moved closer to Cobain and said, "I'll give you the chance to stand up and challenge Superman!"

Cobain was shocked and looked at Luther in disbelief.

"Do you know what you're talking about?" he asked. "You're talking about a super alien that can fly at supersonic speeds and lift 10,000-ton ships."

"Of course, but it's time to let Superman see the power of mankind, isn't it?" Luthor stretched out his hand to Cobain, "Do you want to come?"

Cobain's heart was beating fast. He didn't know whether what Luther said was true or not, but the controller of such a big company as Lex Group came to invite him personally, so he must have some confidence.

Cobain raised his hand and shook it: "I'm in!"

Two months later.

"Wonder Woman hasn't appeared in Gotham for a month. Li Ming is also missing. The King of Gotham has confirmed that he has left."

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Luther nodded and went straight to the experimental site.

"The time is ripe, how are you prepared?" he asked John Cobain.

Cobain was a very different person by this time.

His lost legs actually recovered, and he became much stronger. The most important thing is that Cobain is holding an arm-thick iron chain in his hand, and at the end of the chain are five weights weighing 3 tons, but Cobain can pull it easily. "Great!" Cobain laughed loudly, "I can't wait to pull Superman down!"

Although it is already very powerful for humans, if the reference target is Superman, a force of more than ten or twenty tons is really not enough.

But Cobain wasn't just talking nonsense.

If you observe carefully, you can find that Cobain's expression and movements are a little stiff.

At this time, researcher Philip peeled off the flesh on Cobain's chest and saw that there were no blood vessels or other tissues inside. Instead, there was a delicate structure of steel and iron bones!

"It's you, Cyborg!" said Li Ming who was peeking at the screen.

Of course, Cobain is not Cyborg, he has just been transformed into a metal man, with his entire body except his brain replaced with a metal skeleton.

It's more like RoboCop!

Cobain's confidence in challenging Superman comes from the core device in his chest.

It was a green energy source that provided the necessary energy for his entire body. Most importantly, this energy source was made entirely of Superman's nemesis - Kryptonite.

In other words, Cobain has now become a human-shaped Superman's natural enemy. He only needs to stand next to Superman, and the kryptonite Superman with his chest exposed will lose all his strength.

Li Ming recognized it immediately. This was one of the villains in the Superman story, Metal Man.

"Am I going to deal with Superman now?" Coben asked urgently, feeling the extremely strong body.

"No." Luther shook his head and gave a dangerous smile, "You are going to be a superhero."

"A new superhero appears in Metropolis, Metal Man!"

"Revealing the superpowers of Metal Man, his entire body is as hard as iron!"

In less than a week, the news of the new hero's appearance in Metropolis spread throughout the streets and alleys, and people were delighted to have a new guardian.

Since Cobain did not hide his face, his identity and backstory were quickly uncovered.

"Metal Man is a victim of Superman?"

"LexCorp helped Cobain regain his life!"

Soon, the newspapers under the Lex Corporation were frantically reporting on the dispute between Cobain and Superman.

So there was a sudden stir in the metropolis.

Superman's opponents took advantage of the situation and accused him of disregarding the safety of civilians.

But more people are not stupid. They know that Superman did not do anything wrong in the Cobain incident, but inevitably, Superman's perfect image was affected.

However, Metal Man Cobain publicly stated at this time that he has now forgiven Superman and only wants to make some contributions to the people of Metropolis.

This made people admire Cobain's magnanimity.

Clark also met the enhanced Cobain, and together they saved more than a dozen people during a fire.

He has a good impression of the new superhero Clark. After learning about Cobain's experience, he even took the initiative to apologize.

But what Clark found a little strange was that he always felt uncomfortable around Cobain.

Even Luther, the chairman of LexCorp, praised Cobain for his change of heart in an interview, but his remarks were very meaningful.

“In the metropolis, people are always used to looking up at the sky, but forget that human beings themselves have unparalleled power.”

Some people were encouraged by this, some sneered, but Philip, a researcher in the Lex Group laboratory, was shocked.

As a major participant, he certainly knew everything about Coben and knew that all of Coben's physical enhancements were designed to restrain Superman.

At the same time, Phillip also knew that Luthor was actually very hostile to Superman and even planned to kill Superman!
But Philip is not, he is one of the Superman advocates.

So Philip thought about it again and again, and finally walked into the door of the Daily Planet that afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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