The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 709: Luther's Big Show Begins

Chapter 709: Luther's Big Show Begins

"Engineer reveals that Metal Man can kill Superman!"

"Metal Man's transformation is completely aimed at Superman, what is his real intention?"

"Superman's Weakness Revealed!"

The next day, not only the Metropolitan Museum of Art, but the whole world was in an uproar.

Superman has been regarded as a symbol of power and invincibility for many years. People have never even seen Superman bleed. Even now many people are wondering whether the King of Gotham can defeat Superman?
Now that Superman's weakness has finally been revealed, Kryptonite has instantly become a thing that the whole world remembers.

Putting aside the officials who immediately set off to search for Kryptonite at the World Engine Site in the Zod incident, the public also started a heated discussion.

The focus of their discussion, of course, was Metal Man's purpose.

Metal Man said that he has forgiven Superman, but all his enhancements are used to restrain Superman. Is he really like that?

Phillip had no evidence and did not reveal that Luthor had thought about killing Superman. He also had to consider himself and did not dare to reveal too much.

It is revealed that although Coben's enhancement will make it impossible for him to survive in LexCorp, his life safety can still be guaranteed.

But Philip knew that if he said anything more, he might not see the next day's sunrise.

The justice of ordinary people is also limited.

"I must reiterate that I bear no ill will towards Superman at this time."

Cobain explained this to everyone at a public press conference.

"As for the Kryptonite enhancement in me, it's just an insurance policy to prevent a situation like the Krypton Crisis from happening again. We humans would be powerless to resist."

His reasons were very good, and Cobain also specifically said: "Superman is a noble member of the Justice League, I believe he will understand me."

In fact, Clark didn't mind the kryptonite on Cobain's body. He didn't think too much about it. He just felt that Cobain was a superhero now and could help the people.

But the other members of the Justice League don't think so. Arthur takes the lead and says that this metal man is targeting Superman.

Even Bruce reminded Clark to be careful.

For this reason, Batman secretly followed Cobain for a while, but Luthor was also a smart man. After Cobain made his public appearance, Luthor never contacted Cobain privately again, nor did he talk about dealing with Superman again.

Even Batman couldn't find Cobain's flaws, let alone the outside world.

More and more people fell in love with Cobain, praising him for his willingness to help others despite suffering.

Some even call him "Superman's Sword of Damocles."

Being a superhero is addictive. Faced with so many fans, Cobain himself felt a little overwhelmed. He fought crime and helped the public more and more frequently, and even his determination to deal with Superman faded a lot.

Luther saw all of this, but he did not interfere. Instead, he let his media publicize Cobain's heroic deeds, making his fame grow.

This has been going on for a month, and many people have been calling on the Justice League to accept Metal Man and let Cobain become a member of the Justice League.

Cobain had almost lost himself in the joy of being a hero, until that night.

Metal Man was fighting crime again, and on his way back he heard someone talking in a low voice, and the person they were talking about was himself.

"Metal Man is really hardworking. Is this the seventh time he has caught a robber this week?"

"What a nice guy."

Cobain smiled slightly, feeling somewhat proud.

But what the other person said next made his expression change instantly.

"Human? Are you sure he is still human?"

The man whispered, "He has only metal machinery all over his body. He can't eat or drink, and he can't... He doesn't have any fun at all as a human being."

"If I were him, I'd rather die!"

"I really don't know why he wants to accept this kind of transformation?"

Cobain clenched his fists. The man's words struck him deep in his soul. Yeah, so what if he was a hero?

Can he still be considered a human being in the horrible state he is in now?

And Cobain also thought of the original intention of his transformation - revenge on Superman!
It was Superman who made him what he is now!
His thoughts were already radical to begin with, and now that he was insane, Cobain hated Superman even more than before.

If it weren't for Superman, he would never have accepted this inhuman transformation!
and many more……

Cobain's gaze fell on his chest, where, hidden beneath the skin, was a kryptonite energy that was enough to kill Superman.

"Superman's nemesis?" Cobain finally regained his hatred and abandoned his identity as a superhero. "Then let me - kill you!"

That same night, Luther played with the glass ball, as if he had the world in his hands.

“To defeat a psychologically weak person, it often only takes one sentence.”

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly: "I learned this principle from the madman in Gotham."

At this time, Luthor was in the official Krypton laboratory, and the guards let him in without further inspection.

Luther has been here many times and has a thorough understanding of the situation here.

And he is no longer the same person he was a few months ago.

"Alexander Luthor, your request for authority reset has been accepted." said the artificial intelligence in the Krypton spaceship.

"Will you continue learning Kryptonian knowledge this time?"

In the past few months, Luthor has learned a lot of Kryptonian technology, but this time he shook his head: "No, open the life origin chamber."

"Origin Chamber Opened"

Luther then placed a body into the pool of water in the Origin Chamber.

"Start the genetic cultivation program." Luther said.

"Confirming the genetic material...confirmation completed...the material belongs to the Kryptonian warrior Luther."

This was a Kryptonian who was killed during the Zod Crisis.

Based on what he had learned, Luthor took out a knife, cut his palm, dripped blood onto the Kryptonian's corpse, and then selected a cultivation process on the panel.

"Warning, action prohibited!"

Artificial intelligence immediately gave a prompt.

"The Kryptonian Parliament has enacted relevant laws prohibiting the implementation of this procedure."

Luthor shrugged and asked, "Where is the Kryptonian Senate now?"

"It's destroyed, sir," the AI ​​said truthfully.

"Let's get started." Luther gave the order.

"As you command." Luther had enough authority, so the AI ​​could only do as he was told. "Now prepare the cocoon and begin the transformation and cultivation."

"When the cultivation progress reaches 80%, it will be temporarily suspended and await the next order." Luther said finally.

"This is just a backup plan... a backup plan." He muttered.

On the other side, Amanda Waller had a complicated expression.

"Take the witch back, Flagg," she said to a soldier, clutching a document in her hand.

"it is good."

The soldier named Flagg left holding a woman.

Waller stared at the contents of the document and said to himself fiercely: "Pent Baker, there is indeed something wrong with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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