The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 710 Superman killed Metal Man!

Chapter 710 Superman killed Metal Man!
"This document was obtained by the witch from the safe in the secret room of the home of Grand Commander Pent Baker."

Waller shows the documents in his hand during a secret meeting.

In front of her are the leaders of various financial groups. Some people say that they are the real rulers of the United States.

But because of Li Ming, this group of "rulers" could only hide in a secret room to discuss with each other.

"Excuse me, did you just say... witch?" someone asked.

"Yes, a witch who can fly, cast spells, and make things disappear." Waller nodded, "The most important thing is that I control the witch's heart and can make her obey my orders."

"The focus of our discussion is not the witch, but this." Waller pointed his finger at the document, "Commander-in-Chief Pent Baker, confirmed to be Li Ming's man!"

There was a commotion at the meeting. No one dared to believe it, but after seeing the information on the document, they had to believe it.

The document recorded in detail how Pent was bribed by Li Ming when he was the mayor of Gotham, and how he then cooperated with Li Ming all the way to become the commander-in-chief.

"This should be the backup plan that Pent Baker prepared for himself to guard against the King of Gotham." A financial group controller sighed, "I didn't expect that the person we jointly pushed forward would actually be the most hidden undercover!"

"Pent Baker must go!"

Some people also asked: "This intelligence document alone is not enough to force Pente to step down. Do we have to restart unconventional measures?"

He didn't finish his words, but everyone else understood what he meant.

What are unconventional means?
Of course he was assassinated.

A romantic exit exclusively for the President of the United States.

Waller's eyelids jumped. She had expected the consortiums to be ruthless, but she didn't expect them to be so cruel.

"No, assassinating Peng Te is indeed feasible, but it is not enough to completely affect Li Ming." The consortium immediately objected, "This time we finally caught Li Ming's handle, we must undermine Li Ming's prestige!"

"That's right, Li Ming must pay the price!"

Many consortium leaders responded, and one of them even ignited the whole audience with his words.

"Li Ming has left again."

Everyone knows that Li Ming disappears for a long period of time from time to time. Now they have caught Li Ming's handle and Li Ming himself is not around. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

"The only question is," said a more cautious consortium leader, pointing at the document, "is this really true?"

"Of course." Waller answered decisively, "In fact, the document is contained in a document bag, and there is a locator of Pent on the bag."

"Only a witch can telekinetically retrieve the document."

"But if I ask the witch to bring out the locator as well, Pent will definitely be extremely panicked and will definitely send people to follow the locator to find us."

"Then we can prove his guilt!"

Although Waller's plan is simple, most people can't do it. It all depends on the witch's physical cheating.

All the financial groups were excited, and one of the senior members said directly: "This is a rare opportunity. Let's unite all those who dislike Li Ming. This time we must bring down the King of Gotham!"

"At the very least, we can eliminate the power of the Gotham Group that is suppressing our sky. I want Li Ming to have to accept the result of the kingdom being shattered after he returns!"

This veteran was Li Ming's opponent in No Man's Land. He has survived for so long by chance, and he will certainly not miss the opportunity now.

Others also think this is true. The more support he gets, the faster the King of Gotham will fall from the altar.

Then all other financial groups responded, indicating that this would be the largest joint action by Li Ming’s opponents.

The senior official looked at Waller, who had made great efforts, and was very satisfied that she had chosen the consortium, so he promised: "Waller, you have done a good job. When the next presidential election comes, I can nominate you to run."

Even if Pent steps down midway, according to the constitution he will be replaced by the deputy commander-in-chief, so Waller will have to wait until the change of term at the earliest.

Others also thought it was a good idea, and Waller proved with his actions that he was in their favor and was absolutely one of them.

Amanda Waller couldn't contain her joy either; she certainly wouldn't miss the chance to move up.

Since Pent Baker has problems of his own, don't blame her for using them as a means of advancement.

"But, about that witch." Someone expressed concern, "Waller, are you sure you can fully master it?"

"Of course, the witch's heart is with me. If she shows any signs of losing control, I will kill her without hesitation!" Waller answered confidently. She knew the man, whose name was Charles, and he was the behind-the-scenes controller of a large consortium.

"I hope so." Charles nodded.

But when he lowered his head, a yellow light flashed in his eyes.

Li Ming took back the power of the Mind Gem. In front of him was a screen with Doomsday written at the top. This was a list of major events that Li Ming had predicted.

He wrote The Witch under Doomsday, which was the second major event he had planned.

"And we can also clean up a wave of opponents at the same time, killing two birds with one stone." Li Ming shook his head and sighed.

He had kept those opponents around for so long, and now that the situation was urgent and he had completely established his foothold, it was time to eliminate them all.

He is very good at using the tactic of stinging enforcement.

Now our attention returns to Metropolis. The superhero Metal Man is now even more discussed than Superman.

Because there are so many hot topics that can be discussed about Metal Man.

But Cobain and Clark were not affected and continued to help the people.

It so happened that a chemical plant in the suburbs of Metropolis exploded, and Superman and Metal Man rushed over to rescue people.

They moved quickly, after all, neither of them was afraid of chemical gases.

Soon Clark saw Cobain alone in the factory with his back to the gate, so he went over to remind him: "The workers have all been transferred out, we can leave now."

"No." At this time, Cobain turned around, and a green light suddenly flashed on his chest. Clark immediately felt weak all over.

At this time, Cobain finally took off his disguise: "The only one who can walk out is me!"

He actually wanted to kill Superman here!

The kryptonite light on Metal Man's chest was very harmful to Clark. He had actually seen kryptonite before in OA Star Wars, but at that time it was a replica made by Seth Stoney using Green Lantern. Now Metal Man's is the authentic one, and the threat is much greater.

Taking advantage of Clark's face full of pain, Cobain swung his metal fist at Superman, and Clark was beaten without any ability to fight back.

When he finally felt that his body had regained some strength, the metal man's eyes shot out kryptonite rays again, knocking Clark to the ground, unable to move.

He was now covered in blood. After realizing that he couldn't go on like this, Clark stopped suppressing his abilities. He tried his best to use his thermal vision to pierce through the load-bearing columns of the factory, causing the brick wall to collapse and block the metal man's attack.

At this time, people outside the factory also realized that a fight was taking place inside.

The metal man broke through the wall and rushed over to continue the pursuit, but Clark, who had learned from his previous experience, did not approach him at all. He just kept using thermal vision to attack Cobain. The metal man became furious and instinctively activated the kryptonite energy in his chest, wanting to explode all at once.


Clark used his heat vision to pierce through Cobain's metal arm, interrupting his energy charge.

"That's enough!" he said.

Cobain didn't want to stop and still wanted to attack, but Clark had already closed the distance and he could no longer hit Superman with his kryptonite beam.

"Superman actually hid his strength and was able to temporarily overcome the interference of Kryptonite." Luthor watched all this from the surveillance camera and realized that Superman was stronger than he expected.

"Not bad, it can be considered that the metal man has made a small contribution in the end."

After realizing that Cobain could not kill Superman, Luthor pressed a button on the console without hesitation.

On the other side, in the factory, Cobain was about to say something when he suddenly felt a heat on his neck and then lost consciousness.

Clark in mid-air watched carefully and found that Cobain was beheaded for no apparent reason!

Clark frowned, not quite understanding the current situation.

At this time, the reporters outside the factory heard that there was no movement inside, so they rushed in and immediately saw this scene.

Immediately someone shouted in shock: "Oh my God, Superman killed Metal Man!"

(End of this chapter)

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