The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 711: The sky collapses and the earth breaks, two major events happening at the same time

Chapter 711: The sky collapses and the earth breaks, two major events happening at the same time

"Superman Kills Metal Man!"

"Superman reveals his true identity and kills superheroes!"

"Superman, Get Out of the Earth!"

Before the next day, the entire news industry was in an uproar, filled with verbal criticism of Superman.

The major financial groups that had originally planned to unite to deal with Li Ming were overjoyed when they saw Superman suddenly exposed for his dirty tricks. They invested all their resources and widely publicized Superman's "crimes."

Only the Gotham media is calling on the public to remain calm and investigate the truth, but under the overwhelming wave of noise, not many people can remain sober.

Most people think that Superman killed the superhero because Metal Man was a deadly threat to him.

In particular, major news media also released photos of Metal Man Cobain's death. Cobain had wounds on his arms caused by thermal vision, and the wounds on his neck were almost exactly the same as those on his arms, which almost confirmed that Superman beheaded Metal Man with thermal vision.

In just a few days, Superman's reputation took a sharp turn for the worse.

There are demonstrations everywhere against Superman, asking him to stand trial. In fact, the authorities have already begun organizing hearings and are preparing to use legal means to punish Superman.

As a result, the Justice League was also blamed for a lot of things.

But no matter what the outside world says, the Justice League completely believes in Superman.

Whether it is Bruce, Diana, Arthur, or Hal, they all know what kind of person Clark is.

He has a very gentle personality, which is completely different from Batman, and only a handful of people have died at his hands.

But for a moment, the Justice League could not find evidence to prove Superman was innocent.

At the lunar observation tower base.

"The marks on Cobain's body are too unfavorable to Clark, and they were specifically imitated from thermal vision. It must have been premeditated."

Bruce quickly pinned his suspicion on the person who reformed Cobain.

"Cobain wanted to kill Clark, it was definitely not a spur of the moment decision. Lex Luthor, who transformed Cobain, definitely knew something!"

"I will infiltrate the Lex Group and will definitely find clues!" Hal immediately raised his hand and said.

Bruce thought about it and rejected his idea.

"If this is really Luther's conspiracy, he must have prepared in advance. If we act rashly, we will easily fall into the trap, and it will be even harder to explain at that time."

Everyone recognized that Batman was the smartest among them, so naturally they listened to him.

"So what do we do?" Hal asked.

"Cobain's body."

Bruce got the point.

"Since the cause of Cobain's death wasn't thermal vision, then there must be something wrong with his wound!"

"Barbara, where is the body now?" he asked.

Because the Justice League needed someone to provide them with logistical support, Barbara Gordon, who performed this duty in Gotham, was recruited with the code name "Oracle".

She also became the first member of the Bat Family to join the Justice League, which made Jason and the others extremely envious.

But it won't be long before Dick joins as Nightwing.

In front of the equipment at the watchtower base, the Earth's network was basically unguarded, and Barbara quickly found out.

"The body is in Lexcorp!"

"Luthor asked Metropolis officials for Cobain's body, claiming that it contained LexCorp's secret technology, and promised that it could be used for official research within LexCorp."

Bruce's face instantly darkened. He could now basically conclude that this matter was closely related to the Lex Group.

"Now I have to go..." Hal said worriedly.

It's not a pleasant feeling to know there is a trap but still take the risk.

"Who is the official person in charge?" Bruce still wanted to try to save the country in a roundabout way.

"The Director of the Sky Eye, Amanda Waller." Bruce knew this person and could only shake his head to indicate that he could not make any concessions.

He could only change direction: "Then check Lex Luthor and see if he has done anything special recently?"

Barbara soon discovered something.

"Lex Luthor received special official permission to enter the Kryptonian research lab four months ago."

"Krypton Research Laboratory, search for any abnormalities recently?" Batman unraveled the mystery and slowly approached the key point.

"Got it!" Barbara exclaimed, "The electricity consumption of Krypton Laboratory has continued to increase in the past month, but the official log does not show any special research projects."

"That's it!" Bruce finally confirmed.

"Luther must have other plans. We can't let him lead us by the nose."

Batman finally made a decision: "Arthur, you and Hal go to Midway City to help. An unknown magical creature that has not been recorded has appeared there and caused serious damage."

"Okay!" Green Lantern and Aquaman agreed immediately.

"And we..." Bruce looked back at Superman and Wonder Woman, "to the Kryptonian Research Laboratory!"

Krypton Research Laboratory at this time.

"Restart the project and lock the progress to 99%." Luther said to the artificial intelligence of the Kryptonian spaceship, "The guests are coming, and the host must be prepared."

If Superman gets into trouble, the Justice League will never stand idly by. Knowing this, Luthor certainly doesn't just plot against Superman.

He even took Batman into account.

Luthor has learned a lot of knowledge about Krypton, so he can certainly guess what technologies the Justice League has. So his goal at the beginning was to use Batman's cleverness to lead the Justice League to the Krypton research base.

"After tonight, the earth will belong only to humans!" Luther said confidently.

According to the records in Krypton's data, Luthor was very confident that the Doomsday he created could destroy the Justice League.

And by using his own blood, Luthor also arrogantly believed that Doomsday would obey his orders.

Meanwhile, Waller experienced ups and downs.

Her plan went smoothly. After the witch stole the locator from Pent's safe, Pent indeed showed signs of abnormality. He suddenly announced that he would visit Midway City.

And Waller happened to be in Midway City with the documents in Pent's safe.

Normally, as long as Pent appears at the location of the locator, Waller and the consortium will be able to confirm Pent's guilt with 100% certainty.

But at this moment, an important item in Waller's hand was suddenly lost.

It was a wizard clay doll with the witch's brother imprisoned inside. Waller was worried that if he let both of them out at the same time, he would not be able to control them, so he only allowed the witch to move around outside.

"Charles, he coveted the power of wizards, but after releasing the wizards, he was foolish enough to lose control!" Waller said to the leaders of the consortium with hatred, "Now that we have help, the witches are out of control, and Midway City is finished!"

The Charles she mentioned is also a member of the consortium.

Everyone in the consortium was silent. They didn't have time to think of a solution and quickly arranged for a plane to evacuate Midway City.

In order to witness the end of Pent, most of the consortium controllers came here, and now they are escaping very quickly.

Waller was also very disappointed at this time. She had known that the people in these consortiums were unreliable, but she did not expect that there would be such fools.

"Not as good as Li Ming." She thought to herself.

Li Ming, who was peeking at the screen, gave a thumbs up.

But he would not tell Waller the real reason why Charles suddenly became demented.

Putting these dirty things behind him, Waller quickly reported the crisis to Pent Baker who was still here and asked him to order the evacuation of the people.

She then issued a secret order within the Sky Eye Bureau:

"Assemble Task Force X!"

(End of this chapter)

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