The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 712 Batman Learned Bad Things from the King of Gotham

Chapter 712 Batman Learned Bad Things from the King of Gotham

Metropolis, Krypton Research Laboratory.

"Someone is in...the life origin room."

Clark said after turning on his X-ray vision.

So Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman quickly came to the Origin Room and saw Lex Luthor there.

"I thought you were going to run away." Batman said in a low voice.

"No need, because all the evidence will disappear after tonight." Luther replied with a smile.

In fact, he could leave before Superman and the others arrived, leaving them alone to deal with Doomsday.

But Luther couldn't help but see if Doomsday would follow his orders.

If possible, it doesn't matter whether he is here or not, Doomsday will help him solve all the troubles.

If it wasn't possible, Luther never considered it.

Bruce's heart sank. Even with the three giants of the Justice League present, Luthor was fearless. He must have a trick up his sleeve.

"Why did you kill John Cobain?" he asked.

"Cobain?" Luther was still acting, "Wasn't Cobain killed by the man in the red cloak next to you?"

Bruce threw a tablet in front of Luther, and the image on the tablet was Cobain's metal body.

Luther frowned: "Split into two groups? Very impressive."

Although Luthor set a trap in Lexcorp, it was not difficult for Catwoman Selina and the technical support of the Justice League to sneak into the place where the big boss was not.

Bruce said loudly: "We have tested it. The radiation index of the wound on Cobain's neck is seriously exceeded. It is completely different from thermal vision. He was not killed by Superman, but by you!"

"He is the tool you sent to kill Superman, right?"

"No, no, I didn't assign him to kill Superman." Luthor shook his head and replied with a smile, "He wanted to go on his own. I just helped him a little after he failed."

With the evidence before him, Luther simply admitted it.

He is a smart man. Smart people always have their own pride and will not bother to make too many excuses after being exposed.

Anyway, Doomsday is there to back him up.

And not in public...

"Now the truth is out," Bruce said to Clark.

"Oh?" Luther observed carefully, then suddenly realized, "Haha, you recorded it."

"it's useless……"

But Batman interrupted: "It's not a video, it's a live broadcast."

As soon as he finished speaking, Luther quickly turned on his phone and found that the entire Internet was filled with the scene just now.

Luther laughed out loud immediately. Although his plan failed, this familiar operation reminded him of his idol.

What bad habits did you learn from the King of Gotham?

Clark also breathed a sigh of relief at this time. He had never suffered such fierce public opinion violence, and now it was finally over.

He felt that even if he had to fight Zod again now, it would be easier than enduring the violence of public opinion...

"Wait, there's movement in the Origin Room!" Clark suddenly noticed the movement and quickly spoke up to remind people.


From the hatching cocoon, a hideous humanoid monster, whose appearance was somewhat similar to the Hulk villain Abomination, rushed out.

A look of joy reappeared on Luther's face; his eldest son was coming.


The monster ran wildly all the way, raised its hand and smashed Luther who was closest to it, making Luther's smile freeze on his face.

The biological connection he established with blood didn't work!
Seeing that fist, which was bigger than a sandbag, was getting closer and closer to Luther, if it really hit him, Luther would probably be able to start over immediately.

"Bang!" At the critical moment, he rushed over to help Luther block the punch, and the strong wind from the punch blew up Luther's hair.

He suddenly felt that his hair was a bit of a hindrance, blocking him from seeing Superman's current expression. him?

Luther is in a complicated mood now.

Anyone who is in danger of being framed by someone like this would hesitate, right?
Is Superman really pure kindness?

"What the hell did you make?" Clark asked.

"I don't know." Luther replied blankly.

Clark gathered up all his strength and threw the monster away, but soon the monster knocked Clark to the ground at an even faster speed. This time he obviously used more strength to withstand the monster's attack.

"Doomsday." Bruce suddenly said, "This is the Doomsday of Krypton!"

"It has a strong ability to grow and adapt. If it cannot be killed all at once, it will continue to adapt to the attack and grow extremely fast."

Clark punched Doomsday away and found the time to ask, "How did you know that?"

Batman asked in surprise: "Have you never read the history of Krypton?"

Clark shut up and hurried to continue fighting Doomsday, who had become even stronger.

Bruce then quickly said, "Diana, go help the people around evacuate. We must use high-powered weapons!"

"Oracle, notify the authorities for emergency evacuation!"

Wonder Woman did it quickly. In fact, before the Justice League notified her, the people nearby had already started packing up their belongings and prepared to flee.

This is the sense of the people in Metropolis. Those who wanted to watch the excitement when encountering a big war were eliminated as early as the Zod Crisis and the Parallax Crisis.

Then Bruce also put on the Iron Bat suit and started to help in the battle, with the Yellow Lantern Ring on his hand ready. As for the Hell Bat Armor?

That is used to deal with cosmic crises, so try not to expose it if possible.

"Evacuate! All people within a ten-kilometer radius of the battle site must be evacuated!"

On the satellite phone, Commander-in-Chief Pent gave an urgent order.

The official on the other side hesitated: "But Commander, wouldn't that be too large a scale..."

"Midway City has been evacuated. We must focus on dealing with this level of crisis!" Pent interrupted him directly and ordered firmly, "If you really have difficulties, you can seek help from Gotham!"

"But the Gotham Act..."

In the intelligence footage, Superman was knocked into a building and the entire building collapsed instantly.

The officer was silent for a moment.

"Okay, I'll do it right away!"

When you may be the one to take the blame, the restrictions in the law mean nothing.

After hanging up the call, Pent turned his head and looked at Amanda Waller behind him. After staring for a moment, he suddenly said, "You disappoint me, Waller."

Waller gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Peng Te continued, "I am disappointed not because you wanted to deal with me, but because you couldn't even take care of the beginning and the end and actually created such a big crisis!"

Upon hearing this, all the staff around shut their mouths, fearing that they would get into trouble.

Waller also showed a look of shame on her face. This matter was really her fault.

What impressed her most was that Peng Te came for the documents, but after the crisis in Midway City, Peng Te was in charge of the evacuation work on the front line and did not ask her about the documents at all.

Compared to him, the consortiums he had worked with before and which ran away without a trace at the first opportunity were completely different.

Pent's current actions are very similar to the deeds of Li Ming, the King of Gotham, on the eve of Borderlands.

At this time, the members of Task Force X, who had just arrived in Midway City, also received the specific tasks for this trip.

"Rescue Grand Commander Pent Baker."

(End of this chapter)

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