The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 713 Suicide Squad, Doomsday

Chapter 713 Suicide Squad, Doomsday
"The President? The one who always speaks on TV?"

Captain Boomerang said in surprise.

"Why did the commander-in-chief come here?"

"Where are your troops? Where are your agents?"

"The army is too big a target. If discovered by the enemy, the commander-in-chief will be in danger." Team commander Rick Flagg explained.

"I have a question!" Harley Quinn, the only woman in the team, raised her hand and asked.

"I heard that the President has a right to sign a pardon, right?"

The other members of the team, Deadshot, Killer Croc, and Slipknot all lit up.

Only Katana, who serves as Flagg's bodyguard, and Chatto, the vengeful demon, are not interested.

The samurai sword was originally recruited by the government.

Chato was filled with guilt because he failed to control his fire ability and accidentally killed his wife and children. He was imprisoned on his own initiative.

Harley Quinn and Jared the Joker were a couple, but the couple was separated by Batman. Harley was thrown into prison, and only Jared the Joker was still outside.

Deadshot is also one of Bat's victims. He is a killer who does the job for money.

Killer Croc was captured by Amanda Waller's men while he was evading pursuit after he tricked the League of Assassins in Gotham.

Captain Boomerang was sent to prison by the rookie Flash Barry Allen. During the process, Captain Boomerang didn't even see clearly who caught him.

"Yes, the commander-in-chief has the right to do so. You can tell him in person when you need something." Flagg pretended to be careless, then said seriously, "But before that, we have to rescue him first!"

Everyone's motivation was indeed aroused.

Before this, Waller's condition for them was to reduce their sentences by ten years. However, in the words of Captain Boomerang, they were all serving life sentences, and the ten-year reduction in sentences was in vain.

It would be even better if he could be pardoned directly.

Except for the killer Slipknot, the unlucky guy thought that Waller was lying about the nano bomb, so he ran away decisively.

And then BOOM!

Performed a human head fireworks show for the rest of Task Force X.

The others immediately became much more obedient.



In the Metropolis battlefield, Doomsday is getting stronger and stronger. Now its combat speed has exceeded the speed of sound. Every move it makes is accompanied by a strong sonic boom, causing great damage to the surrounding area.

"We must move the battlefield!" said Bruce.

The battlefield was in a metropolis, and even though the surrounding people had been evacuated, they did not dare to use weapons with too much power.

Although other weapons could suppress Doomsday temporarily when hitting him, after he quickly adapted to the intensity, these attacks became ineffective and instead increased Doomsday's strength.

After hearing this, Clark immediately brought Doomsday to the surface of the sea. Although Doomsday could also fly, at least the noise of fighting would not cause damage to the city.

Bruce no longer has to be restricted and can use more powerful weapons on his iron armor, and he can also use the Yellow Lantern Ring.




Doomsday was beaten back repeatedly in mid-air, but no matter how serious the injury was, it could always recover quickly, and the next similar attack would have no effect on it.

Bruce's attack strength is comparable to that of Thanos, but he still can't kill Doomsday in one go.

Clark was also in a very miserable state at this time, with his cloak shattered into pieces. Doomsday was like a Hulk version of a Kryptonian. He could do everything that Clark could do, and could grow to the same level as Clark at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, Barbara Gordon said in the Justice League's communication: "The military has decided to use nuclear bombs. I hope we can give them space to attack."

"Go to space!" Bruce made the decision immediately.

So Batman and Superman carried Doomsday on the left and right and rushed directly out of the earth's atmosphere. The military also quickly deployed missile lines and quickly launched a large-yield nuclear bomb.

The trajectory of the nuclear bomb was transmitted to Bruce's armor in real time by Barbara. After estimating the time, Bruce said to Clark who was holding Doomsday: "Let go."

"it is good."

Clark trusted Batman so much that he let go immediately.

Doomsday sensed the danger and tried to escape immediately, but Bruce used all his strength to activate the Yellow Lantern Ring, forming three barriers that covered himself, Doomsday and Clark.

No matter how hard Doomsday tried to attack the barrier, he couldn't break it for a while.

At this time, the nuclear bomb in the distance was approaching rapidly, and Bruce manipulated Doomsday's barrier to disappear instantly, allowing the nuclear bomb to hit Doomsday.


After the blinding light, Bruce and Clark were protected by a barrier and were safe, while Doomsday was hit by humanity's ultimate weapon.

"Did you kill the monster?"

A bunch of high-ranking military officials were staring at the images coming from space. Doomsday's body was already badly broken and there was no movement.

Bruce didn't wait for the result to appear, and quickly mobilized his energy, concentrating it on the main gun on his chest.

He wants to finish off the enemy!

Batman doesn't just sit there and wait for the results to come out.

If Doomsday dies with this shot, it will just be a waste of energy. If Doomsday is not dead, then he can take advantage of its weakness to kill it!

Although there was no sound in the vacuum, Clark keenly noticed that Doomsday's body was moving up and down.


He shouted into the comms, then flew towards Doomsday, while using his heat vision to its full potential, trying to cooperate with Batman to kill Doomsday.

But Doomsday was exposed to the sunlight at this time, and his body quickly recovered. Moreover, because of the nuclear bomb, it evolved again. Red energy surged in its body, and spikes grew on its arms. Batman and Superman's attacks had no effect on it.

According to Li Ming's estimation, Doomsday has already reached the seventh level of strength at this time.


Doomsday roared silently, and his eyes burst into fierce heat vision, which was almost as powerful as Superman's and was still increasing rapidly.

"It's a product of Krypton, and Kryptonite should be its weakness!" Batman suddenly thought.

"Oracle, give me Luther's location."

Barbara quickly replied: "Luthor is still in the Kryptonian research laboratory... the ruins."

"He didn't run away?" Bruce said in confusion.

Then Bruce immediately said in the communication: "Clark, you delay it, I'll go find kryptonite!"

"Okay!" Superman replied breathlessly.

With the yellow light ring, Bruce returned to the ground in the blink of an eye.

"How do you process kryptonite?" he asked directly after finding Luther.

Of course, he was prepared for Luther to not answer and to force the question.

Unexpectedly, Luther looked at the devastated surroundings and replied calmly: "Take me to LexCorp. You can't get the information without my permission."

Seeing the surprised Batman in front of him, Luthor curled his lips and said, "I just want to prove that I can protect the world in my own way, instead of destroying the earth."

He didn't tell Batman that while everyone was paying attention to the battle between Superman and Doomsday, he saw something in the Kryptonian Life Origin Chamber.

(End of this chapter)

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