The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 715: Save the world instead of killing Waller? Get in line!

Chapter 715: Save the world instead of killing Waller? Get in line!
Flagg entered the safe house first and brought out the commander-in-chief, Pent Baker.

Pent was immediately warmly welcomed by the task force members.

This group of criminals who were killing people outside were now greeting Pent with smiles. Harry just wanted to go over and rub Pent's shoulders, but Flagg stopped her.

There is only one reason why they did this - amnesty.

After listening to Harley's appeal, Pent asked everyone with a smile: "If you are really pardoned, can you promise not to commit crimes again?"

The task force members looked at each other in confusion. What a joke!
As a result, everyone lost interest and the old man opposite lost interest.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang!"

Suddenly, a burst of gunfire was heard in the safe house where Pent walked out. The task force members immediately became alert, but after noticing that Flagg and Pent did not react, they realized that they were not enemies.

However, Flagg and Pent were not as calm as they appeared. They knew that this meant that Waller had killed all the remaining staff members inside.

This woman is a ruthless person.

After Waller came out, the atmosphere became lively again, and Waller was welcomed unanimously by the task force members - at gunpoint.

"Amanda Waller!"

Deadshot spoke with hatred.

Deadshot and the others hated the culprit who injected nanobombs into their necks and threw them into this dangerous place.

Despite being pointed at by so many guns, Waller remained calm and even stopped Flagg and Katana from blocking her way.

"I know you don't like me." Waller said coldly, "Me too."

She held up the tablet in her hand, on which were the portraits of the task force members, and the photo of one of the unlucky guys had turned black.

Deadshot, Harley Quinn and others were silent, they knew that this was the terminal that controlled the nano bomb.

"So it's better for us to follow the basic rules," Waller reminded everyone.

Her attitude made the task force members very unhappy, but there was nothing they could do; Deadshot and the others really couldn't defeat her.

So the team continued to move forward, escorting Pent and Waller to the rooftop of the building, and soon the retreating helicopter arrived at the scene.

This time, there was no Jared the Clown to cause trouble.

In fact, Jared the Joker wanted to come, and he had even found the LexCorp researcher who provided Waller with the nanobomb technology.

But Metropolis happened to encounter the Doomsday crisis, and LexCorp was still at the center of the storm, so Jared the Joker was trapped.

"Mr. Great Commander, please evacuate first."

Although Waller's original intention was to deal with Pent, the current situation has caused Waller to change his view of Pent.

No matter who Pent belongs to, at least in the face of the crisis, Pent chose to stay instead of running away without a trace like the consortiums. This alone made Waller very impressed.

So Waller suddenly made a decision.

She put all members of Task Force X and Pent Baker on the same plane, and she boarded a separate plane.

"I'll go ahead and see if we get attacked." Waller said to Flagg seriously, "If I get shot down, I'll protect Mr. President and retreat on foot!"

"Yes," Flagg replied.

Then Waller looked Pent in the eye and said, "No matter what, I am doing this for the national interest."

Pent also looked at Waller deeply, then nodded.

The helicopter Waller was on took off quickly and encountered no interference during the process.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the second plane took off quickly and followed far behind.

But within two minutes, a black tentacle poked out from the ground. The pilot on Waller's plane tried his best to avoid it, but the propeller of the helicopter was still pierced and it had no choice but to crash.

Pent's plane quickly turned around, but more tentacles appeared in front of them and they were soon shot down.

At this critical moment, a green light suddenly appeared under the plane, and then the plane was unloaded as if it had fallen into the water, and everyone was safe and sound. Killer Croc was very strong and directly pried open the door of the plane, and everyone saw the person who saved them.

"Green Lantern? Awesome!"

Deadshot swore that this was the first time he felt so happy after meeting the members of the Justice League.

After Hal rescued the man, he found out that it was Commander-in-Chief Pent. He also saw villains such as Deadshot.

Green Lantern immediately became nervous and quickly asked Pent: "Mr. Grand Commander, did they kidnap you?"

"No, they saved me." Pent explained immediately.

Unexpectedly, Hal was even more surprised.

"Can this pair of wizards still cast a spell to turn people back to good deeds?"


If they couldn't beat him, the Suicide Squad members would have beaten him up.

After Flagg's brief explanation, Hal understood the situation and immediately said, "I'll take you to a safe place."

"No!" Pent stopped her immediately. "We need to see Waller's condition now. She knows a lot of secrets. If she falls into the hands of the enemy..."

"Just kill her!" Harry raised his hand to answer.

Now the members of the task force, who had originally had no interest, suddenly perked up.

They couldn't rescue Waller.

But kill Waller and they'll be happy to help.

All the way to the crash site, Deadshot even kept saying, "Don't be there, don't be there."

When they arrived, they found that Waller was indeed not there, so they cheered.

Except for the vengeance demon who still looked like he had abandoned the world, everyone else showed unprecedented enthusiasm.

"No, our mission is to protect Mr. President..." Just as Flag was about to control the situation, Pent waved his hand.

"The most important thing now is to end the crisis. Just leave two or three people to protect me."

"Go, stop those two wizards!"

Flagg naturally knew the priorities, so after sending four soldiers to protect Pent, he immediately mobilized the others.

"The Sky Eye Bureau left a super bomb here. If we can sneak attack the wizards, we should be able to get rid of them." He said to Hal.

"Understood." Hal nodded and flew into the air. "I'll attract their attention. You guys choose the right time to act."

Then Flagg turned his attention to the task force and others.

To his surprise, he originally thought that it would be difficult to let this group of villains save the world, but unexpectedly, Deadshot, Harley Quinn and others had no objection.

But what they said was a little strange.

"Kill Waller!"

"Go to hell with Waller!"

"Waller is dead!"


Flagg thought about it and decided not to pour cold water on them.

Whether it's killing Waller or saving the world, you have to fight against two wizards, there's no difference.

And he didn't care whether Waller died or not.

(End of this chapter)

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