The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 716: Hawkman goes to battle, Wonder Woman is mighty!

Chapter 716: Hawkman goes to battle, Wonder Woman is mighty!
According to Flagg's idea, they could use bombs to launch a sneak attack, kill the wizards first, and then wait for an opportunity to deal with the witches.

Killer Croc and the Special Forces sneak into the flooded subway tunnel, while Deadshot and others rush in from above.

But they soon found out that they were too naive.

At this time, the two wizards had already arranged their magic weapons. The entire sky was controlled, and magical lightning was raging around, making it impossible for people to get close.

"Guys, you can all see fantasy things, right?" Harry asked suddenly.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Deadshot replied.

Harley breathed a sigh of relief: "I stopped taking the medicine."

She thought she was hallucinating again.

"So how do we get there now?" Deadshot asked Flagg.

Flagg was also very troubled. These two wizards were so wary.


At this moment, a green light suddenly appeared in the sky. It was Hal.

He controlled the green light energy and turned it into a fighter jet, firing continuously towards the core of the spell. The witch immediately strengthened her defense.

Well, now Flagg knew why the wizard had to protect himself all over.


The witch manipulated the magic lightning to quickly hit the Green Lantern, knocking Hal far away. Only then did he see Flagg and others.

Finding that they were blocked outside by a magic barrier, Hal immediately thought quickly and changed his target of attack to the wizards.

This time the wizards' attention was indeed distracted. The wizard and Hal fought fiercely, and the witches continued to provide remote support. The barrier blocking the suicide squad was immediately weakened a lot.

"Where is Waller?" Deadshot asked immediately.

Flagg didn't know either, but he still pointed to the core of the spellstorm with confidence: "In there."

Deadshot glanced at him and gave him a look that said, "Yes, it is."

"Go, go, go!" he urged.

But when the suicide squad was about to take advantage of the opportunity to approach the witch, a figure suddenly flew over from the distance and hit the wizard hard, scaring the witch so much that she thickened the magic barrier again.


Helplessly, the Suicide Squad had to retreat.

"Who is that? A new superhero?" asked Deadshot.

Captain Boomerang said bluntly: "I don't know, I just know that he is an idiot."

The new guy was dressed in golden armor, with a pair of metal wings on his back that were particularly eye-catching. He also wore a bird-wing helmet on his head, and the look made Green Lantern Hal look particularly familiar.

"Falcon Gasol?"

Since he had just returned from the Marvel Universe, this was his first reaction.

"Brother, who are you?" Hal asked.

The man was knocked to the ground by the wizard, and he quickly got up and said, "Hawkman."

Then he flew towards the wizard again: "Get out of my city!"

During the fight, Hawkman took out an axe in his right hand and a shield extended from his left arm guard. The shape looked very familiar to Hal.

"I have to say, this new guy has a lot of elements." Hal complained and then joined the battle.

The Suicide Squad members also heard their conversation.

"Sounds like a local?" Deadshot said.

Harley's eyes lit up: "Local superheroes should be very powerful, right?"

"If he and Green Lantern can defeat the wizard, we can go kill Waller!"

The other villains also thought so and watched the battle attentively. "Boom!"

The majestic Hawkman was soon struck by the witch's magic lightning, crashed through the nearby building, and fell to the ground.


"Clatter, crash, crash!"

Harley looked away disappointedly: "Well, I can't count on it."

But Hal could see that it was not that Hawkman was too weak. On the contrary, Hawkman's physical fitness was even better than his. But his opponents were two wizards.

The wizard was like a mountain blocking the way, while the witch did not engage them in close combat at all. She focused on blasting them with lightning whenever she could. The two of them had no way of breaking in for a while.

At this time, Diablo, the revenge demon who had been silent in the Suicide Squad, suddenly stood up.

"I'll go help them," he said.

Then his whole body burst into flames and he transformed into a three-meter-tall flaming demon. He walked out and released flames at the wizard, suppressing him for a moment.

"good chance!"

Hal and Hawkman seized the opportunity and rushed forward to fight the wizard together.

And Flagg also rushed out, pointing to a spot on the field and shouting: "Diabolo, there!"

That's where Killer Croc and his men placed the super bomb.

The fire demon pushed the wizard forward, and the wizard struggled desperately. Seeing that he could not push him to the designated position, Hal directly built a huge slingshot with green light energy on the spot, preparing to launch the wizard out.

The witch naturally couldn't let them succeed, so she quickly released magic lightning at Hal, but Hawkman suddenly took the initiative to face the lightning and helped Hal block the attack.

At this time, Hal's slingshot was in place, and the fire demon, whose light had dimmed a lot, immediately let go, and the wizard was immediately ejected and landed exactly at the designated position.


The super bomb exploded immediately. The explosion range was not large, but the energy was concentrated and the power was even greater.

Just when everyone thought they had succeeded, the wizard walked out of the explosion again, with a magic shield in front of him, which protected him from the damage of the explosion.

The wizard is not making a movie and has to consider the budget. He has a lot of witchcraft but is just going to fight in close combat with humans.

"Oh no." Hal thought to himself that this was not good. Now in Hawkman's hands, the energy of the vengeance demon had been consumed and it had returned to human form, so his chances of winning were even smaller.

The wizard and the witch attacked Hal again. He dodged the witch's lightning, but he couldn't avoid the spell cast by the wizard because the Suicide Squad was also in that direction.

Hal quickly held up the green light shield to block it, but he was still pushed back by the impact of the spell.

At this critical moment, Hal suddenly felt the pressure swept away. He looked up and saw Wonder Woman Diana standing in front of him.

Diana said heroically: "Leave it to me."

Then she let out a light shout, and a violent divine power burst out from the silver bracelet that protected her, crushing the wizard's spell and knocking him back a long distance.

"Who are you?" The wizard was shocked. He didn't expect that there were people on earth whose magic was more powerful than theirs.

"Paradise Island, Diana."

Wonder Woman's mouth curled up slightly, she really enjoyed the battle, her fighting spirit was completely different from Green Lantern's.

She took out the Sword of Vulcan and used her divine power to break through the wizard's shield with unstoppable force. The wizard quickly stretched out his hand to block, but his right arm was directly cut off by the Sword of Vulcan. Because of the divine power attached to him, he couldn't even reshape his body.

Li Ming, who was peeking at the screen, couldn't help but exclaim: "My wife is awesome!"

"So beautiful."

Harley Quinn in the distance was already stunned. She stared at Diana's figure infatuatedly: "She is more beautiful than a little pudding."

The Death Shooter next to him had a question mark on his face.

"What? The Joker and Wonder Woman are competing for beauty?"

(End of this chapter)

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