The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 717 Wonder Woman Calls Me Sweetheart

Chapter 717 Wonder Woman Calls Me Sweetheart
Diana in battle and Diana who is like a little bird beside Li Ming on weekdays are completely two different people.

Wonder Woman was in high spirits. She fought two wizards alone. Even if she was hit by witchcraft lightning occasionally, she would just grin and continue fighting.

How come this guy still exudes charm even when fighting?
Harley Quinn drooled at the sight of the dashing and heroic figure: "If it's Wonder Woman, it seems that giving up the pudding is not a bad idea."

Deadshot thought Harley's remarks were dangerous and quickly reminded her, "You can't even handle Batman, and you want to steal the girlfriend of the King of Gotham?"

Harley Quinn then stopped, but still couldn't stop getting mad at Diana's fighting posture.

Li Ming unexpectedly discovered that Diana's strength was about to break through the seventh level, because the strength of the wizard and the witch was much stronger than in the movie, both of them were at the peak level of sixth level, but she was able to beat the two wizards back continuously without suffering any loss herself.

The witch shouted, "That's enough! I'm going to destroy everything!"

She directly manipulated the huge magic circle, and dark clouds almost covered the entire west coast of the United States. Then many magic lightning bolts began to attack military bases and secret laboratories in various places, and even blew up several satellites, causing huge losses to the government.

"This information requires very high authority to know. How did the witch know the location?" someone asked at the official meeting.

"Amanda Waller was arrested," the others explained to him.

The man's choice captured the essence of the Suicide Squad: "Damn it, kill Waller."

"Can we use missiles?" someone suggested.

"Zhongtu City is also a big city, and Mr. President is still inside. Do you want to go to a military court?" Someone immediately objected.

After discussing for a long time, they still couldn't figure out the solution.

The barrier in front of the witch was reinforced again. Now the witch has given up ruling the world, but she plans to destroy the world.

Nothing wrong with that. If you can't get it, just destroy it.

The wizard also tried his best to cooperate with the witch, and began to entangle Wonder Woman and Green Lantern in turn, so that the witch's magic lightning could strike them.



After Hal was hit by lightning, he was stiff for a while, but Wonder Woman dusted himself off and stood up immediately.

"Lightning? I am the daughter of Zeus."

Diana slammed the two protective silver bracelets together, causing a powerful lightning to burst out. Because of the [Vanir Magic] cast by Li Ming, the power of the lightning was increased, and it pierced through the wizard's chest in an instant, breaking several layers of his witchcraft shields.

Afterwards, Diana used the energy utilization skills taught by Li Ming, integrated her emotions into the divine power, and released the divine lightning again. This time, the wizard who lost his resistance was directly killed on the spot.

"elder brother!"

The witch screamed in grief.

But she immediately cheered up because she found that her current situation was very dangerous and Wonder Woman alone could not solve it, and Green Lantern had regained his ability to move.

The witch's eyes searched the field, hoping to find a way to break the deadlock, and then she noticed the Suicide Squad.

“Although they are just a group of mortals, it’s okay to take them as hostages,” she thought to herself.

Then the witch immediately cast illusions on Deadshot, Harley Quinn and others, hoping to charm them into changing sides.

Deadshot hallucinates that he has killed Batman.

Harley Quinn and Jared the Joker are married.

Flagg and his girlfriend Joan also live happily together.

Captain Boomerang finally robbed more than a dozen banks and got away with more money than he could spend.

But just as they were sinking, Flagg was the first to break free from the illusion and woke everyone up. Harley was forcibly pulled out of her intoxication and felt very unhappy. She complained to Flagg: "You can get rid of such a beautiful scene. Don't you have a heart?"

In fact, she knew it was fake from the beginning, because Harley knew that the Joker would never marry her.

But even if it was fake, Harley was willing to experience it in her dream.

At this time, Flag sighed: "The body the witch is using now is my girlfriend's, so I can tell the difference."

"Wow, so how much more have you not told us?" Deadshot exclaimed.

Flagg thought about it and then confessed: "I don't know if Waller is in the storm."

Deadshot pouted: "Why am I not surprised at all?"

When the witch saw the Suicide Squad break free from the illusion and face an increasingly precarious situation in the face of Diana and Hal's attack, she quickly shouted to Harley Quinn and the others: "Even if they win, your situation will not change. You are still just a group of criminals who can be abandoned at any time."

"Join me! I can give you anything you want!"

Although what she said was true, Death Shooter and others were not stupid. Regardless of whether they were criminals or not, what was the difference between joining the witch camp now and joining the National Army in 49 or the German Army in 45?
"As much as I don't want to join in, I think she has a point."

Harley Quinn suddenly said.

"I have to remind you that she is ready to conquer the world." Deadshot frowned.

"So what? The world doesn't like us anyway."

Harry said and walked straight towards the witch.

Because she came to surrender, Harry easily walked into the witch's barrier.

Although there was only one person, the witch felt that she could barely make do with it. One more hostage would give her one more chance to escape.

"Your choice is wise." The witch said with a smile.

But at this moment, Harley Quinn's face suddenly became serious.

The witch was very surprised: "What's wrong with you?"

Harry stared blankly at the spellstorm behind him, and suddenly said something that confused the witch: "Well, Waller is really not here."

The witch followed Harry's gaze and saw nothing in the storm.

Just when she was distracted, Harry suddenly picked up a knife from the ground, quickly slashed it across the witch's chest, and then Harry actually dug out the witch's heart again!

After losing her heart, the witch's energy dropped sharply, and Diana and Hal quickly broke through the barrier and came here.

"Well done, sweetheart," Diana praised Harley playfully.

This made Harley Quinn cover her chest with her hands, her face full of aftertaste.

"Wonder Woman called me sweetheart!"

Next, the only thing left to deal with is the witch's spell storm. Now the storm has covered almost half of America, and it is still very dangerous even if the witch is not controlling it.

So Diana once again summoned up her divine power, and the protective silver bracelet burst out with a dazzling light.


Diana shouted loudly, and all the divine power poured out of her body, forming a whirlwind of divine power, which swept towards the huge magic storm. The magic storm could not withstand the divine power and was directly destroyed, and the sky became clear again.

[Ding, the current major event has been completed 2/5. ]

(End of this chapter)

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