The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 718 No One Can Escape the Control of the King of Gotham

Chapter 718 No One Can Escape the Control of the King of Gotham
"Phew, it's finally solved."

Hal breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and pulled up Hawkman.

"Thanks, buddy."

He was referring to Hawkman's action in helping him block the witch's lightning.

"You're welcome, you're helping save my city," Hawkman said, shaking his head.

Hal then inquired about Hawkman's background and learned that he was a native of Midway City and that his armor was made of his company's unique N metal. Hal's face suddenly looked a little strange.

"I thought you were a falcon, but it turns out you are a black panther," he thought to himself.

On the other side, Harley Quinn rushed to Diana and tried to get close to her. Flagg hugged his girlfriend who had returned to normal tightly and came over to thank her, thanking Diana for not killing his girlfriend as well.

Death Shooter and others also said goodbye to each other.

The world has been saved, and Flagg is busy taking care of his girlfriend and will not stop them. If they don't leave now, when will they leave?
"You are not allowed to go anywhere!"

But at this time, the annoying Amanda Waller came out holding a nano bomb terminal, which spoiled the fun for everyone.

"Why didn't we kill her?" Deadshot said in frustration.

"Come on, we just saved the world. At least we helped. Why are you sending us back to prison without even a word of thanks?" Harley Quinn's twin ponytails drooped down.

Unexpectedly, Waller replied seriously: "Thank you."

"Well, you're welcome."

Harley waved her hands in disappointment, she knew that the woman in front of her was unmoved.

However, just as the members of the Suicide Squad accepted their fate and were preparing to negotiate some terms, they suddenly heard a dripping sound around their necks.

"She's going to kill us!" Harry's eyes widened instantly.

Captain Boomerang and Killer Croc were ready to attack, but Deadshot yelled, "No!"

"It's our bomb that's been disarmed!"

He had the best eyesight and could see at a glance that the word "Release" was displayed on their avatars in the terminal in Waller's hand.

When Waller was confused, Pent Baker suddenly came out.

"I did it," he said.

Facing Waller's puzzled look, Pent shook his head and explained: "Although they were criminals before, they are now heroes who save the world."

He looked at Deadshot, Harley Quinn and the others and said, "So I decided to exercise my authority as the Supreme Commander and grant you amnesty!"




Deadshot and the others were immediately excited. Deadshot could finally go home to see his daughter, and Harley could go find Jared the Joker.

"But..." Peng Te changed the subject, "There is only one amnesty. If you continue to commit crimes in the future, you will still follow the normal legal process."

"no problem."

Dead Shot nodded. After what happened, he realized that his daughter was the most important thing to him. He had no choice but to do so before, but now that he had the chance, he immediately decided to turn over a new leaf.

The others also agreed, but no one knew exactly what they would do.

The Suicide Squad left happily, and Harley asked Deadshot: "I'm going to steal a car. Do you want me to give you a ride?"

Pente's face was suddenly filled with black lines.

"No!" Deadshot refused without a second thought, "You are not allowed to drive."

Harry frowned, "Why?"

Death Shot had a very good reason. "You stopped taking the medicine!"

Watching them leave, Waller couldn't help but ask Pent, "Is this really appropriate? They are all hardened criminals."

Pent shook his head. “Everyone deserves a second chance, Waller, even you.”

Waller immediately looked at the commander-in-chief with complicated eyes.

In fact, she was already prepared to go to jail. She had targeted the commander-in-chief and caused such a big mess in Zhongdu City. She felt that no one would tolerate her anymore.

I didn't expect that from what Pengte said, he was actually planning to let me go?
"That's what he meant as well." Pente said in a low voice.

"That guy warned me a few months ago that you've been restless lately, but he also said that you're a capable person and deserve a second chance if you're willing to stand with us."

"He knew all this was going to happen?" Waller asked in surprise.

Of course, Pent shook his head: "He left more than two months ago, but with the Justice League here, no matter what crisis occurs, it can be resolved."

Waller just asked casually, and Pent's explanation was very reasonable, so she believed it naturally.

So Waller began to think, should he choose the consortium or Li Ming?
She used to think that Li Ming, who was outside the national order, was a big threat, but after experiencing it herself, Waller found that the consortiums were more dangerous.

Although Li Ming is very tough with the authorities and controls every aspect, at least the King of Gotham is really doing something practical.

On the other hand, the consortium...besides bullying the weak and fearing the strong, being greedy for life and afraid of death, there are also many idiots.

It’s not that Waller’s stance is not firm, it’s that no matter who is elected, they can’t choose the consortium?

"I'm in," she replied.

Pente laughed, then said softly: "But before that, you have to go to jail for a while."

Waller nodded in understanding.

The crisis in Midway City was so serious, and the Doomsday crisis in Metropolis was also closely related to her. It was impossible for her to get away with it unscathed.

The authorities must give an explanation to all parties.

Going to jail at this time is actually a protection for Waller. He can just quietly come out after the storm has passed.

The authorities don’t know how many times this operation has been carried out.

"Hal, do you want to go see the Justice League?" Hal asked.

Hawkman's name is Carter Hall.

Hall shook his head: "I don't have any objection to the Justice League, but I still prefer to form my own superhero team."


Hal was a little disappointed, but he understood.

After all, Hall has money and resources, so it is normal for him to want to work alone.

Instead, Pent came over and asked Hall, "The superhero team also needs official support. Shall we talk about that?"

Hawkman did not refuse this time. What Pent said was right. If the official could provide certain authority support, it would be more convenient for him to do whatever he wanted.

And he originally had some official background.

Hal's face suddenly looked a little confused. Diana saw it and walked over to ask, "What's wrong?"

Hal described the situation of Hawkman, and then said with some concern: "Pent always targets Mr. Li Ming. I am worried that if Hawkman cooperates with him, it will have an impact on Mr. Li Ming."

Diana smiled and said, "Don't worry."

Others might not know who Pente is, but how could she not know?
Hal was worried about Li Ming, but Diana felt more sorry for Hal.

Hawkman thought that he could get rid of Li Ming's influence in this way, but he didn't know that Li Ming's control over this world had already covered every aspect.

(End of this chapter)

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