The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 719 Undercover Becomes the Benchmark

Chapter 719 Undercover Becomes the Benchmark
Lex Luthor was soon sent to prison.

He was accused of murdering Metal Man John Cobain and fabricating slander against Superman, but due to lack of evidence, Luthor was not tried for Doomsday.

Long before the action, Luthor had already thought of a plan to escape. If Batman hadn't organized a live broadcast, he would not even be charged with the crime of killing Cobain.

Hal was very disappointed with this result, because everyone knew that with Luther's resources, how long the prison could keep him depended on when Luther himself would figure it out.

But Clark himself had no objection.

He could actually understand Luthor's concerns. Although Clark felt that he would not do anything that would harm the world, it was always better to be prepared.

They also found some remaining kryptonite fragments in LexCorp. Clark was tough for once and snatched the kryptonite from the officials.

But he did not destroy the kryptonite, but gave it all to Batman for safekeeping.

Although this means handing over his own life and property, Clark trusts Batman very much. At the same time, this is also a backup plan for the Justice League to prevent other Kryptonians from invading or him losing control.

Amanda Waller's trial was not open to the public. After all, she represented the officialdom, and if it were made public, the officialdom itself would be in trouble.

But the consortium that colluded with Waller and wanted to overthrow Pent Baker was not so lucky.

Although their purpose was more to deal with Li Ming, it was also a fact that they had plotted against Pent. Pent almost died in Zhongtu City, so it was reasonable for Pent Baker to deal with them now.

Even the consortium cannot withstand being completely targeted by a great leader.

Because behind Pent stands an existence more terrifying than the consortium - the Gotham Group.

Every time Pent targeted a certain consortium, the Gotham Group would quickly seize the consortium's resources.

And when the consortium launches a counterattack against Pent, Gotham Group will also provide protection and various guarantees for Pent.

From the outside, this was a joint crackdown on the consortium by the President and the Gotham Group. Although their cooperation was unusual, it was understandable given the huge profits.

But those targeted consortiums knew it well enough that Pent would simply stop pretending. Anyway, they all knew that Pent was Li Ming's man, so Pent would just bring the Gotham Group to deal with them.

Of course, the consortium can disclose the truth about Pent, but that would be completely harmless.

After all, in that case, at most Peng Te would have no support from the consortium, but with Li Ming's support, who would care about the consortium?
On the contrary, Pent can turn to Gotham even more unscrupulously and become the second Norton Rivers. Will they still be able to survive?
And Li Ming's reputation would indeed be damaged, but Li Ming would only lose his reputation, while they might lose their lives.

Therefore, the consortiums cut off their tails in order to survive, and pulled out a large number of scapegoats who were against Li Ming. With the help of this turmoil, Li Ming was able to control both the political and business circles.

This is also one of Li Ming’s purposes.

Even though the flames of war have not yet reached the abyss, the scale of the war is so large that once it is affected, it will be a major event for the entire world.

Therefore, Li Ming must maintain unity from top to bottom, and it is naturally necessary to eliminate all opponents.

Anyway, they have basically fulfilled their role. Li Ming kept them before to protect the Gotham Group.

If someone continues to target it, the Gotham Group can easily gain the favor of neutral people and will not become a thorn in people's eyes due to its rapid development.

It's not necessary now.

The big event was over, but Li Ming was not in a hurry to show up. No other big events would happen in the short term, so he went to the reincarnation center first.

"Nearly half of the subordinate worlds of the two camps of Heaven and Hell have been affected by the war."

The person who contacted Li Ming this time was Maharaja Ramande.

Li Ming was secretly shocked. There were countless subordinate worlds in the camps of Heaven and Hell. If half of them were affected by the war, it would be a terrifying number. He thought about it for a while and said to Lamande, "Next, you and Hayes should cooperate to spread the war to other camps. I believe Beelzebub and Michael will support you."

Li Ming's expectation for this war was not to destroy Heaven or Hell from the beginning, but to drag all camps into it. So when the war reached the current stage, he naturally had to help Heaven and Hell reduce the burden.

Moreover, only by opening up new battlefields can he earn more points.

"How is your cooperation going now?" Li Ming asked.

"very smooth."

Ramand couldn't help but smile. It was obvious that they all gained a lot.

Li Ming likes this. Others will be willing to follow him only if there are benefits.

At this time, a meeting was also going on in the heaven space.

"Hayes, go tell Hero Space that it's time for them to show their performance."

Michael vented his dissatisfaction at the meeting.

"They have been in the war for so long, but their progress is still not as good as the main god camp in Hell who just joined the war. Could it be that all they have are iron-masked men?"

The situation is getting worse and worse, so even the angel leader who sits high in the clouds is no longer as calm as before.

But it's not enough to just keep losing your temper, he still has to boost morale.

"You all need to learn from Hayes and be able to adapt to changing circumstances on the battlefield. Hayes has repeatedly made great achievements because he can find the enemy's weaknesses."

Michael said in a slightly slower tone.

"Otherwise, every battlefield will become a war of attrition, which will only shake the foundation of heaven!"

The other eighth-level reincarnations were speechless after being scolded. In the Heaven camp, Michael was the undisputed boss, and no one could challenge his authority.

Moreover, Hayes achieved his results on the battlefield, and no one else could question it.

At most, you can say that he was lucky.

"Also, you should tap into more potential reincarnations. Don't let talented people exchange for temporary strength to fill gaps on the battlefield."

Michael gave an example: "For example, Hayes' apprentice Michelle, and the newly promoted seventh-level Neptune of the Power Angel Branch, who are rapidly improving in strength and can continue to make contributions on the battlefield, should be treated with more care and resources can be allocated appropriately."

"The more seventh-order reincarnations there are on the battlefield now, the more initiative we can gain!"


The group of reincarnation bosses who were high and mighty in the eyes of the outside world nodded and obeyed orders like chicks pecking at rice.

Among them, the eighth-level Reincarnator Loren had the happiest expression, because Neptune was his subordinate.

Michael publicly stated that he could increase the allocation of resources, which would also be beneficial to him.

"My previous investment in Neptune was just a casual move, but I didn't expect Neptune to be so competitive." Loren thought happily, "When I go back, I can make Neptune my direct subordinate, just like Michelle under Hayes!"

(End of this chapter)

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