The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 720 Li Ming's evil intentions come out again

Chapter 720 Li Ming's evil intentions come out again
"Mr. Li Ming, this is the main content of this meeting in Heaven."

After the meeting, Loren couldn't wait to convey the main idea of ​​the meeting to Neptune. His original intention was to win over Neptune, but he never expected that Neptune would turn around and report all the information to Li Ming.

"Hayes is still looking for me to see if there are other eighth-level insiders, and now they are here?" Li Ming thought.

"Well done Neptune," he praised, then turned and asked, "How's Loren?"

Neptune immediately replied: "Loren is an eighth-level great magician. All his enhancements are related to magic. However, within the Heavenly Camp, Loren's power is considered to be relatively weak, not as strong as Hayes and Riel."

Li Ming had a premonition long ago that if Loren was very powerful, there would be no need to start winning him over when Neptune was still at the sixth level.

"Does he have any enemies?" Li Ming asked again.


"Loren has a very strained relationship with the bishop of the eighth-level reincarnation, and they have had many disputes. However, the bishop has much more experience than Loren, and most of the time it is Loren who suffers." Neptune was acting as a spy dutifully, paying attention to these relationships.

Li Ming's eyes turned slightly, and all the bad thoughts in his heart were about to overflow.

"Which world do they argue about the most?"

"A world called Middle-earth," Neptune answered. "Even before the war, Middle-earth was the most contentious place."

"Isn't there a war going on in this world?"

Li Ming still remembers it. As expected, it was the world of the movie "The Lord of the Rings", where Michelle was the conductor.

"Yes, because Michelle performed well, the War Heaven in Middle-earth has now won." Neptune explained, "But the ownership of the world is still a problem."

Don’t know how to allocate the world’s ownership?

Li Ming smiled slightly, he could help.

After ending the call, he immediately found Maharaja Ramander.

"Attack Middle-earth?" Ramander was confused. "Are we going to lose again?"

"That's right." Li Ming nodded, "But you have to lose skillfully."

He had already found out from Neptune that the defense force of Middle-earth was mainly composed of Loren and the bishop's reincarnations.

Because of the issue of world ownership, Michelle went directly to other battlefields in order to avoid seeing it and being bothered.

"I want Hell to fight Loren's people. The more brutal the better, but in the end Hell must lose to the Bishop's people." Li Ming said.

Ramand understood immediately: "You want to sow discord between Loren and the bishop?"

"Their relationship was not good to begin with, I was just helping them with the distribution." Li Ming replied with a smile.

Given Li Ming's personality of trying to get something done even if there is nothing to do, he would never let go of such a thing.

When Loren fights the most brutal battle and the peach of victory is picked by the bishop, he will definitely feel unbalanced.

The strong all have to save face, and he didn't believe that Loren would swallow his anger.

The bishop would certainly not spit out the meat he had already eaten, so Loren had no choice but to report the matter to Michael.

But Li Ming estimated that there was a high probability that Michael would not let the bishop hand over the world, but would give Loren some compensation.

In that situation, if Neptune persuaded Loren again, Li Ming didn't believe that Loren would not feel that Michael was biased.

He was not trying to sow discord between Loren and the bishop, but between Loren and Michael!
Ever since he knew the prophecy that Michael would kill him, Michael has become Li Ming's number one thorn in his side.

So whenever there was a chance, Li Ming would cause trouble for Michael. As for the matter of making Ramand lose the battle, it was not a burden to Ramand, but a benefit.

Recently, he and Hayes have been revealing information to each other, gaining a lot of military merits. While increasing his influence within the Hell camp, he has also been watched by many people.

We are all reincarnations, so why do you always win the wars?

Losing one or two battles appropriately would help Ramande and other eighth-level warriors to get closer, and would not cause fear.

"By the way, Hayes has led the reincarnations of heaven to invade the subordinate worlds of the gods. Hell has also decided to launch a sneak attack on heaven and spread the war outward." Ramand and Li Ming were exchanging information.

"Are you leading the team in hell?" Li Ming suddenly asked.

"No." Lamande shook his head. "Beelzebub decided to let Amon lead the team. Amon is his confidant."


Although he was a little disappointed that the great credit was not credited to his own accomplices, he would not lose anything as long as he could expand the scope of the war.

In fact, compared to the direct battlefield between heaven and hell, this kind of sneak attack on other worlds is much easier.

First, the party being attacked was not overly prepared, and second, even if Heaven discovered any unusual behavior from the other side, it would turn a blind eye. After all, the expansion of the war is in the interests of both Heaven and Hell.

"By the way, how is Hasuen?"

After discussing the matter, Li Ming prepared to chat about some light topics.

But who would have thought that Maharaja Ramander's face suddenly turned black, and he blurted out, "I can't die."

Li Ming only knew the answer after listening to Ramand's story.

Hasuan was beaten again.

The reason was that after he stole the treasure from the Lord of the Stars, he should have made a fortune in silence, but Hasun chose to parade through the Hell Space with the Eye of Horus, and was recognized by the reincarnations under the Lord of the Stars.

Xingkong originally thought that someone from the hero camp had stolen his treasure, but after this commotion, everyone now knew that it was Hasuen who did it.

As expected, Lord Star came to cause trouble for Ramande, but because Ramande had made great military achievements there and helped Starde save many worlds, the matter was left unresolved due to Ramande's tough attitude.

But after returning, Hasun also felt his father's toughness, which was a beating to death.

If it was just a matter of stealing something from the Star Lord, Ramand wouldn't be so angry. It was exposed, so it was exposed.

But Hasuen forgot who helped him steal things?
If his collusion with the Abyss is exposed, it won't just be Lord Star who will cause trouble.

"But is there anyone who can recognize the Eye of Horus?" Li Ming asked in surprise.

The appearance of the Eye of Horus is just a shiny gem. Its shape is not uncommon in the reincarnation space, and people who are not very familiar with it cannot recognize it at all.

"It was the seventh-level reincarnationist who wanted to ask Xingkong for the body of the Creator God." Lamande said with a laugh, "Speaking of which, Xingkong once suspected that this reincarnationist stole his things."

Li Ming laughed: "So the body of the God of Creation is still with Hasuen, right?"

Ramand was stunned for two seconds, then immediately understood what Li Ming meant.

"I'll have Hasun bring it out right away," he said.

If nothing unexpected happens, they will have an extra teammate under the command of Lord Star.

(End of this chapter)

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