The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 721: 2 Transformers, Mother Box Movement

Chapter 721: Secondary Transformers, Mother Box Movement

【Points: 353684525】

"Only over 350 million points. I'm too poor."

Li Ming couldn't help but complain.

Of course, if someone else heard what he said, they would definitely vomit three liters of blood on the spot and ask, "What are you barking about?"

But what Li Ming said was not wrong. It took 7 million points to redeem [Source Power Advancement Lv.], and he only got half of it.

But considering that it had only been two years since he exchanged for [Source Power Advancement Lv. 6], Li Ming could accept it.

"The arms business is indeed very profitable," he thought to himself.

The cause of this camp war was the temporary strength of the Spider Totem, but no matter how much the other camps disliked it, they could only verbally attack it while paying points to Li Ming.

Not only did the points increase rapidly, but Li Ming's fire source energy also accumulated rapidly.

As the development of the Reality Gem continues to increase, the speed of converting the Fire Source is many times faster than before.

Li Ming touched a button on his body, which he made using source power + [Vanir magic]. It was actually a magic weapon that could continuously convert his source power into fire source energy and store it.

Now the spark source energy inside can transform into a Saint Heavenly Venerate level Transformer.

Li Ming's original plan was to transform 400 Aunt's giant robot Leopardon, and he did so, but after the transformation was completed he realized that he seemed a little hasty.

The Transformer Leopatron is much smaller than Saint Tianzun, only seventy meters long, but his ability to survive is the strongest.

"I am a messenger from hell!"

In the biochemical universe, Li Ming stared blankly at a large robot in front of him striking various poses, sometimes crouching on the ground, sometimes jumping up and waving fists and kicking legs, muttering to himself.

"The man who crushed the evil plan!"

"A cold-blooded mechanical beast killer!"

"Bleeding for love..." The robot crossed its arms in front of itself and faced Li Ming, "Leopardon! Meet the master!"


Li Ming slapped himself on the head, although he already knew that the personality of the transformed Transformers would have a lot to do with the original carrier.

For example, Saint Tianzun is a taciturn killer who will commit genocide if he disagrees with someone.

But he didn't expect that Leopardon had completely inherited the second-year soul of Toei Spider-Man, and even surpassed him.

"Master, I sense an evil aura nearby. Is that our mission?" Leopardon pointed in a direction, eager to try.

"No." Li Ming sighed.

Over there is Li Ming's biochemical research factory. What an evil aura. Can it speak?
How could something like him, the King of Gotham, be evil?

Li Ming asked Leopardon to test his strength and found a surprise.

Under normal circumstances, Leopardon is at the ordinary seventh level, but once it is equipped with the transformed Battle Soul Sword, its strength will directly rise to the peak of the seventh level, which is stronger than Saint Tianzun!

Even after Leopardon activates the one-hit-kill mode of the War Soul Sword, the attack strength can reach the eighth level!

Of course, after one strike, Leopardon's energy will be completely consumed.

In general, Leopardon's combat power is very strong, and if Saint Tianzun's spatial ability and Leopardon's one-hit-kill are coordinated with each other, Li Ming estimates that all the seventh-order reincarnations will be defeated one by one.

"It would be nice if it didn't have a mouth." Li Ming commented unsatisfiedly.

He stayed in the biochemical universe for two months, gave Doomsday's genes to Red Queen for research, and also tried to take a photo of the blue sun.

But unfortunately, Li Ming's [Sun Affinity] is different from Clark's. He will not lose his abilities in the red sun like Superman, but he will not be able to gain greater bonuses from the blue sun.

So Li Ming quickly returned to the Gotham Universe. He arranged Leopardon into the Transformers Corps, and together with Megatron, Sunday, and Saint Tianzun, he developed the Corps in the universe.

The main reason is that Li Ming feels that the Transformers are all living species, and it would be a waste to keep them in his personal space. It would be better to let them grow and develop on their own, and help patrol the earth at the same time.

I just hope that his Transformers style won’t be distorted.

【Drip drip! 】

At this moment, Li Ming suddenly received a response.

It was Diana who contacted him through the necklace he gave her.

"I'm back!" Li Ming replied, and then teleported directly to Diana.

He then discovered that Diana had returned to Paradise Island, and Queen Hippolyta was there too.

Hippolyta and the Amazon warriors around her were all wearing combat armor, holding weapons and having serious expressions.

After Li Ming greeted his mother-in-law, he asked Diana, "What happened?"

"I asked Diana to contact you."

Hippolyta spoke first, and then she said a name: "Lee, do you know the Dark Lord?"


Of course Li Ming knew that he was the prototype of Thanos and one of the representatives in the topic of "Is this guy eight years old?"

Because legend has it that he invaded Earth when he was eight years old.

Of course, there is no point in arguing about Darkseid's age, because the real Darkseid is a higher-dimensional creature, and what appears in the universe is only his three-dimensional clone.

Li Ming immediately realized what had happened.

"Yes." He nodded in response.

"Originally this is a matter of Paradise Island, but since it involves the Dark Lord, I think it is necessary to discuss it with you." said the Amazon Queen.

"Thousands of years ago, the Dark Lord invaded the Earth and was defeated by the coalition of gods, Atlantis, humans and alien companions at the time, leaving three artifacts on the Earth."

Li Ming glanced at Diana and found that she was not too surprised, realizing that Hippolyta had already told her.

So he didn't play dumb and said directly: "Mother Box, this is the name of the artifact."

"I've seen this record in the Green Lantern Corps' information about the Earth." Li Ming made an excuse.

The alien companion who helped Earth thousands of years ago was the Green Lantern who was in charge of this sector at the time.

Since Li Ming knew it, Hippolyta didn't need to explain too much.

"The invaders left behind three Mother Boxes, which were respectively given to the gods, Atlantis, and humans for safekeeping."

"The one of the gods was placed on Paradise Island by Zeus and has been guarded by us."

"Just a few hours ago, the Mother Box on Paradise Island suddenly vibrated violently, and a crack appeared on it. This has not happened in thousands of years." Hippolyta's expression was very serious. "There must be a huge danger coming!"

"In the past, all the major forces on Earth united to fight. Especially humans also have a Mother Box, so Paradise Island needs to warn you."

Is Steppenwolf coming so soon?
Li Ming used the source force to observe Victor Stone and found that he had turned into a steel skeleton.

Sure enough, the Steppenwolf is coming.

But Li Ming thought about the current Earth. His strength was comparable to that of the eighth level, Superman was at the seventh level, Batman had the Hell Bat Armor, and Wonder Woman was almost at the seventh level. His Transformers Legion was also roaming around the Earth's periphery.

If Steppenwolf comes to Earth, he will probably be beaten.

(End of this chapter)

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