The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 722: What to do if the enemy is too weak?

Chapter 722: What to do if the enemy is too weak?
Steppenwolf is the big boss of the Justice League. In the movie plot, he beat the Justice League so badly that they had no choice but to resurrect Superman.

But in fact, Li Ming felt that it was hard to say whether Steppenwolf could defeat Doomsday.

Note, it is the day of destruction that has just been born.

So while Hippolyta and Diana frowned, Li Ming was also a little worried.

He was worried that if the Steppenwolf was dealt with too quickly, wouldn't it be a waste of a big event?

"Ring ring ring."

At this moment, Diana's Justice League tablet suddenly rang. This is a tablet used exclusively by the core members of the Justice League, and the signal can break through the restrictions of the protective shield of Paradise Island.

"Diana, there's news of alien invaders." Bruce's voice came after the call was connected.

"It's about three alien cubes in the world."

Diana quickly responded: "Mother Box?"

"So that's called a Mother Box?" Bruce wrote it down quickly.

"Yes, there is a Mother Box guarded by Paradise Island." Diana explained and asked, "But how do you know? Have you found the Mother Box of humans?"

Unexpectedly, Bruce confirmed directly: "Yes, we found it."

"As far as I know, humans have no records of the Mother Box." Diana and Hippolyta exclaimed in amazement.

At this time Bruce said an even more surprising name: "It's Lex Luthor."

"He saw information about the invaders and the three Mother Boxes on the Kryptonian spaceship. He originally wanted to tell Lee, but Lee never came back, so he told us first."

"I'm back." Li Ming said.

"Lee? That's great!" Bruce's tone was obviously much more relaxed.

After all, Li Ming has led them through many crises.

"Gather everyone together and let's come back to discuss it together." Li Ming said.

"it is good."

After ending the call, Li Ming suggested to his mother-in-law Hippolyta: "Give the Mother Box to me for safekeeping. Otherwise, if someone comes from the other side, Paradise Island may not be able to deal with it easily."

But Queen Hippolyta shook her head: "Amazon warriors are never afraid."


Diana nodded as well.

Li Ming wanted to persuade him again: "But there is no need to cause unnecessary casualties."

"To die in battle is the highest honor for an Amazon warrior!" Diana answered before Hippolyta could speak.

Li Ming looked at his wife helplessly and said nothing more.

He could see that these Amazon warriors on Paradise Island had not fought a war for thousands of years, so they were happy to hear about war.

Fortunately, with him watching, the steppe wolf couldn't cause any trouble.

"Oh, it's so depressing."

Li Ming thought to himself.

"If a great Steppenwolf can't even trigger a major event, then it's really embarrassing."

But the fact is, with the current strength of the Justice League, Steppenwolf is really a piece of cake.

Although Steppenwolf is related to Darkseid, Li Ming has never thought of killing Steppenwolf to prevent him from attracting Darkseid.

Because the Anti-Life Equation and the Mother Box are on Earth, Darkseid will come anyway.

Let’s not talk about the Anti-Life Equation for now, and just talk about the Mother Box.

The Mother Box is a creation of Apokolips.

The setting of the movie version of the Mother Box is that each Mother Box can open a sonic boom transmission channel and rearrange the molecular structure of matter, such as destroying a house into ashes and transforming the ashes back into a house.

This principle was used to resurrect Superman in the movie.

When the three Mother Boxes gather together, they can even change the ecology of the entire planet, and all surviving life will be transformed into Apocalypse-like demons.

This is a biological weapon under Darkseid, and it looks like a humanoid creature with wings.

According to the movie, there is more than one thing on Apokolips that can transform demons, but unlike the comics, there are only three mother boxes that can be transported in the entire universe. If Li Ming is Darkseid, he will definitely take them back. Instead of waiting for Darkseid to come when Li Ming goes to other worlds, it is better to prepare in advance and arrange a welcome banquet for Darkseid's return.

So making a big deal out of the Steppenwolf incident would not waste a villain.

Li Ming thought to himself, "Based on the experience of the previous two times, several interrelated things combined together can also form a big event."

He immediately had an idea: "Alien invasions may not be uncommon, but the appearance of Paradise Island and Atlantis is definitely a big event!"

It just so happens that both Paradise Island and Atlantis are related to the Mother Box, which is also a great opportunity.

"This time, humans should know the existence of Paradise Island and Atlantis," he said to Diana and the others.

"Will it... cause panic?" Diana hesitated, and Hippolyta was also very hesitant.

They are all worried that if they reveal their secrets to humans, they will arouse their fear and covetousness.

"It's just to tell humans that you exist, there's no need to open it to the outside world." Li Ming explained, "It's time to let humans know what contributions the gods and ancestors have made to this world."

These words really hit the mark for Diana and her daughter, and there was no need to allow outsiders to land on Paradise Island anyway.

So Hippolyta nodded: "Okay!"

She agreed.

Then Li Ming left a communicator for Hippolyta, so that if anything happened, he or the Justice League could be contacted directly, and Hippolyta would not have to shoot arrows from a distance to remind them.

Diana stayed on Paradise Island to prevent the emergence of powerful enemies.

Because many humans were involved, it was inconvenient to go to the Watchtower Base, so Li Ming came to the Hall of Justice.

That is the Justice League's Washington headquarters.

There are already a lot of people here.

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As soon as Li Ming appeared, the first thing he experienced was a superhuman improvement in resolution.

Then in addition to the superheroes of the Justice League, Keaton, Batman, and the Flash are also here, as well as many new faces.

"Dr. Silas Stone."

Bruce brought two people over and introduced them.

"Dr. Stone has been studying alien items in the official laboratory, and the Mother Box is one of them."

Li Ming smiled and shook hands with Dr. Stone, but Silas Stone was a little reserved, as if he was a little afraid to look at Li Ming.

Bruce looked at the man behind Dr. Stone who was wrapped in blankets, but with Li Ming's eyesight he could easily spot the sharp edges of metal on his body.

"This is Victor Stone, Dr. Stone's son."

Victor didn't dare to look Li Ming in the eye.

Bruce explained to Li Ming in detail: "Victor was in a car accident and was saved by Dr. Stone using the Mother Box. However, while using the Mother Box, it triggered the Mother Box and caused it to send a message to the invader."

Only then did Li Ming understand why Cyborg and his father were so reserved.

It seems that they were the ones who invited the Steppenwolf this time.

"Sir Li Ming, yes, I'm sorry!" Dr. Stone felt very guilty.

The same goes for Victor. He feels very bad because his father brought enemies to the earth in order to save him.

Looking at them, Li Ming showed a warm smile, and the aura of a righteous leader reached its peak.

"It doesn't matter. The Mother Box is on Earth. Invaders will always come."

"Now we can get early warning and save a life. The earth is winning!"

Li Ming's words deeply moved Stone and his son. So this is the mind of the King of Gotham?
"Victor, you don't have to feel burdened. If you feel bad, use your abilities to help the earth!" Li Ming said.

No one was surprised that he could see that Victor had special abilities.

"it is good!"

Victor's eyes sparkled and he nodded heavily in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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