The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 723: Steppenwolf Attacks

Chapter 723: Steppenwolf Attacks

"Because Lex Luthor was paying attention to the official laboratory, when he saw the image of the Mother Box on the Kryptonian spacecraft, he immediately knew the location of the Mother Box."

"With his help, we were able to find the Stones and the Mother Box so quickly."

Bruce explained.

Everyone was amazed at the role Luther played in this matter.

"I didn't expect Luther would do good things." Hal sighed.

Bruce responded: "He said because he's human."

Clark beside him nodded: "It seems that his nature is not that bad, he just used the wrong means."

Hal was still upset about Luthor's slander of Superman and even setting a trap for the Justice League, so he changed the subject.

He said excitedly: "Mr. Li Ming just came back, you may not know yet, two major events happened in the past two months..."

Li Ming interrupted in time: "If you mean that you can fly close to Mach 100 and still be turned into a fool by the witch's lightning, I have read the report."


Hal felt a little embarrassed and hurriedly defended himself, saying things like "he was restrained by the wizard", "it's better to be struck by lightning than by others", and "the witch was unsportsmanlike and launched a sneak attack".

Suddenly everyone burst into laughter and the field was filled with a happy atmosphere.

Even the tension of the incoming invaders was diluted a lot.

Especially Cyborg and his son, they now feel much more familiar with the Justice League.

After the fun, we returned to the serious topic.

"Now the whereabouts of the three Mother Boxes of humans and Paradise Island are known, and only the one of Atlantis is left."

Li Ming analyzed.

"They should have noticed the changes in the Mother Box by now, but it's better to inform them just to be on the safe side."

He paused at this point, and the eyes of everyone in the Justice League turned to Arthur.

"Arthur, are you willing to go to Atlantis?" Li Ming asked.

For so many years, Arthur and Atlantis have kept their distance from each other, but when it comes to entering Atlantis to report the news, Arthur is more suitable than them as humans.

Diana is actually fine, after all, Queen Atlanna has a good relationship with Paradise Island, but she can't leave Paradise Island.

"No problem." Arthur nodded decisively.

In fact, apart from the matter of his mother, Arthur didn't mind much about Atlantis.

Now that the previous king who ordered his mother's exile was gone, Arthur felt even less resentment.

The one that might mind is Atlantis.

So Arthur went out, found a beach, dived in and headed for the outskirts of Atlantis. In the water, his speed could reach nearly Mach 10, or 3400 meters per second.

Of course, Aquaman and Green Lantern have the same problem. These are just about travel speed. When fighting, they are limited by their own nerve reactions and cannot react so quickly.

This is also why Hal keeps getting struck by lightning.

But they don't need to be discouraged. The Flash has super speed, but he is always beaten by people who are far slower than him.

Arthur used the secret code agreed upon with his master Vico and met with the king's chief adviser.

"Mother Box? Dark Lord invasion?"

Vico also realized the seriousness of the matter and quickly told Arthur a location.

"There is indeed movement in the Mother Box, and it is now being guarded by the King's fiancée Mera."

"But if we join forces with humans again, maybe..." Vico said bitterly, "Om is quite hostile to humans."

"And he is unwilling to send more troops to defend it."

Arthur shook his head: "Why is this kid so ignorant?"

Time was running out, so Arthur didn't say much and rushed to the location of the Mother Box. When he arrived, he found that a fight had already started. A big man holding an axe, covered in metal spikes, with double horns on his head and nearly three meters tall, was killing people. More than half of the Atlantis soldiers were killed or injured.


Arthur rushed towards the monster, who was raising its axe above its head, ready to kill a female warrior. At the critical moment, Arthur arrived at the scene and pushed the monster away with his strength.

He glanced at the woman.


Then he realized that the woman was also staring at him.

Ahem. Arthur immediately looked away.

From her attire, Arthur realized that this was the king's fiancée that Vico had mentioned.

"Take the Mother Box and go!" Arthur shouted.

Mera finally came to her senses. She controlled the sea water to attract the Mother Box over here, but Steppenwolf's flexibility was not weakened much in the water. His speed was faster than magic.


Arthur stepped forward to resist the wolf, but the wolf just smiled contemptuously, grabbed Arthur and threw him against the stone pillar.

Even if Aquaman is in the sea, his strength is not as great as Steppenwolf.

"Useless guardian." Steppenwolf sneered.

Before coming to Earth, Steppenwolf had conquered many planets and was accustomed to resistance from others, but in the end they would all be crushed by him and the demons.

Then he grabbed the Mother Box before Mera, ignored Arthur who was rushing towards him, and directly opened the sonic boom channel, teleporting away with a high opinion of the matter.

Finally, only one sentence was left.

"Earthlings, nothing more than that."

Arthur was so angry that he screamed. Seeing him like this, Mera's eyes suddenly lit up, and then immediately returned to normal.

"We must get the Mother Box back!" Mera said.

"Of course!"

But when Mera was about to say a few more words, Arthur was like an arrow shot from a bow, rushing straight to the sea without saying hello.

Mera was stunned, but there was nothing she could do.

"The Mother Box of Atlantis has been stolen!"

Arthur returned to the Hall of Justice through the portal and quickly reported the news.

The atmosphere among the crowd became heavy. With one of the three gone, the next two mother boxes became more important.

"What is Atlantis' attitude?" Li Ming asked knowingly.

Arthur shook his head: "Their king is a fool. He doesn't take this matter seriously at all. Besides, he is... unwilling to contact the outside world."

Originally Arthur wanted to say that he was hostile to humans, but after thinking it over he left some wiggle room for his half-brother.

Li Ming was not surprised. Om still had to be beaten by his brother before he would behave himself.

He looked at Bruce: "What did General Swanwick say?"

"We're ready, and the army will cooperate with us in the battle when the time comes." Bruce replied.

Since we want to make a big deal out of this, we must get the authorities involved.

Otherwise, how can a big event be created if only the Justice League is making trouble?

If the authorities come in, they will definitely make a big fuss. After all, this is a great way to publicize. They would like to put the camera in the face of Steppenwolf and let the people see how hard they work to protect the world.

A bag of screws that costs $9 is not free.

(End of this chapter)

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