The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 724: Several Years of Training

Chapter 724: Thousands of Years of Training

There is still nuclear radiation here, and people dare not approach it, but the demons like it very much, so now it has become the base of the steppe wolves.
He put a magic box into the storage device. The mother boxes are sensitive to each other, so Steppenwolf can also know the approximate location of the other two mother boxes.

"Amazons," he snorted. "The old gods are dead. Now it's the new gods."

The Steppenwolf took the Amazons, who were not protected by the gods, seriously.

He directly opened the sonic boom channel, and his destination was——

Paradise Island.

"They're coming!"

The light of the Mother Box suddenly intensified and was immediately sensed by the guarding Amazon warriors. Queen Hippolyta shouted, and the huge number of warriors drew their bows and arrows, ready for battle.

Because of Li Ming's reminder, Paradise Island already knew that the mother box of Atlantis had been stolen, so it directly increased its defense strength to the maximum.

The Mother Box was placed on a plain on Paradise Island. Almost all Amazon warriors surrounded the Mother Box and waited for the enemy to arrive.


The sonic boom channel suddenly opened in front of the mother box, and a group of demons flew out of it.


Hippolyta shouted, and the demons were hit head-on before they could even see the situation outside.

The bows and arrows used by the Amazons are specially made, and are much more powerful than ordinary attacks, so even a demon wearing alien armor will be killed by a few arrows.

And because all the Amazon warriors on Paradise Island are here, a phenomenon has arisen.

The number of arrows shot out is more than the number of demons coming out of the sonic boom channel!
The frequency of the warriors' attacks did not decrease, but became faster and faster. After all, how could shooting at a target be as exciting as shooting at demons?

"Stop attacking!"

At this time, Hippolyta raised her hand to stop the attack, and a big guy walked out of the sonic boom channel.

It turned out that there were too many casualties among the demon-like creatures, and the Steppe Wolf could no longer sit still.

He came out with a criminal record, and was not as good as Darkseid's other generals. He only had so many demons under his command, and they could not withstand such consumption.

Steppenwolf walked out of the sonic boom channel with an attitude of looking down on the world, and saw Amazon warriors all over the mountains, but he was not panicked at all. Paradise Island was only a small piece of land, probably not as big as Atlantis.

"Guardians, you should..."

Before he could finish his words, Hippolyta gave another order: "Attack!"

The overwhelming rain of arrows suppressed all of Steppe Wolf's words.

We are at war, who wants to listen to your empty talk?
Even though Steppenwolf was such a conceited person, he did not dare to be hit by so many arrows at the same time. He swung the axe in his hand, and a beam of fiery red energy immediately intercepted the rain of arrows in mid-air.

"Tsk." Steppenwolf sneered, "Flashy but not... ugh!"


At this moment, a graceful figure suddenly rushed out and punched the steppe wolf in the stomach, knocking him far away and plowing deep grooves on the ground.

Diana is here!

She now holds the Sword of the God of Fire in her right hand and the divine shield in her left hand. With the blessing of Li Ming's enchantment, her strength has reached the seventh level.

The steppe wolf shook his head, feeling a little uncomfortable.

What's wrong with these Amazons? They don't even let him speak a complete sentence?

But until this moment, Steppenwolf was not afraid. Although Diana was very strong, Steppenwolf was not bad either, and he was confident that he could deal with the hero in front of him.

Diana rushed to him again, and swung down with the sword of Vulcan shining with divine power. Steppenwolf blocked it with his axe. The aftermath of the collision between the two caused the surrounding flat ground to collapse, forming a huge deep pit.


Steppenwolf was the first to recover from the shock and raised his hand to punch Diana. Wonder Woman immediately blocked the blow with her shield, but she was also knocked away.

"Among the Amazons, you are considered strong." Steppenwolf said approvingly in the tone of a superior.

But Diana didn't appreciate it. She raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said, "Among the enemies I have encountered, you are only average."

Steppenwolf's face instantly turned gloomy. Sparks ignited on his axe and he chopped at Diana with great swiftness. However, Diana was very agile and the power of her Sword of Vulcan was no less than Steppenwolf's axe. The two fought back and forth.

Li Ming naturally knew that a war had broken out on Paradise Island, but because Paradise Island was not open to the public, he did not take Bruce and the others there. He just watched from afar and would only take action if Diana was in danger.

Under the cover of battle fluctuations, the demon-like army once again broke into Paradise Island and started a fierce battle with the Amazon warriors.

The battle on Diana's side was also very fierce. The aftermath of each of their battles would cause great damage to the landscape of Paradise Island.

Diana frowned in pain as she watched the roses she planted being crushed continuously, and the Steppenwolf was getting closer and closer to the Mother Box.

So she crossed and knocked the protective silver bracelets together. The steppe wolf could not resist the powerful divine power that burst out in an instant and was pushed back again and again.

But Steppenwolf was unwilling to give up. He threw the axe towards Diana with all his strength, and the surrounding rubble was crushed into powder by the powerful energy contained in the axe.

Diana knew she couldn't take it head-on, so she dodged immediately.

After breaking free from his restraints, the Steppenwolf leaped directly towards the Mother Box. He came to grab the Mother Box, so there was no need for him to fight a protracted battle here.

Anyway, after the three mother boxes are gathered together, they will merge with each other to unlock the unified power, and these rebels will either die or become demons.

But just as Steppenwolf's fingers were about to touch the Mother Box, the target suddenly moved quickly from its original position. Steppenwolf looked closely and saw that the Mother Box was being pulled towards Diana by a golden rope.

Diana smiled softly. She had already expected that the Mother Box would be Steppenwolf's first target, so she was prepared.

Steppenwolf wanted to fight again, but Hippolyta had already led the Amazon warriors to eliminate the demons on the island. Seeing this, she directly fired a wave of arrows at Steppenwolf.

Countless arrows pierced into Steppenwolf's armor, turning him into a hedgehog. Some warriors even shot arrows with ropes tied to the tails. Dozens of Amazon warriors pulled the ropes together, and Steppenwolf was immediately knocked to the ground.

Realizing that the opponent had a large number of people and could not fight today, the Steppe Wolf roared, and a fierce red light burst out from his body, clearing all the arrows.

Then a sonic boom channel suddenly descended, covering Steppenwolf. In less than a second, Steppenwolf disappeared on Paradise Island.


"Ha ha!"

The warriors of Paradise Island cheered and celebrated for repelling the enemy invasion. They had been training soldiers on the island for thousands of years, and this long-awaited war made everyone happy.

Of course, there were casualties among the Amazon warriors, but this is also the destination that the people of Paradise Island pursue.

But for Steppenwolf, the mood was not so beautiful.

He suddenly felt something was wrong. The Amazons were obviously prepared.

So he started the sonic boom channel, and teleported in a large number of demons again.

Steppenwolf roared, "I will destroy the Amazons after I get the Mother Box from the human world!"

As for the fact that humans may have already organized a resistance force, Steppenwolf didn't care.

Humans? Aren’t they the worst?
(End of this chapter)

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