The heavens begin with the king of gotham

Chapter 725: The war begins, there is a cheat!

Chapter 725: The war begins, there is a cheat!

"Nuclear bomb?"

"No nuclear bombs, no Cybertron technology!"

Li Ming constantly rejected various proposals in the Justice League’s internal communications.

Others regarded Steppenwolf as a super enemy, but Li Ming knew that the most powerful one was the one behind him.

"The one who invaded the earth thousands of years ago was not the one now. There is a high probability that he was just a vanguard. It is better not to reveal too many cards." Li Ming explained to everyone.

Bruce nodded upon hearing this.

"That's right. Although Steppenwolf is stronger than Wonder Woman, he is not much stronger. We can definitely deal with him."

Needless to say, the Justice League's beating must be just.

Hal learned the name Steppenwolf from Abin Su.

Just like Paradise Island, the Mother Box is in the hands of humans, and the battlefield is naturally chosen by humans.

The Mojave Desert near Nevada.

This is the largest desert in the United States and is very suitable for a battlefield.

The mother box was placed in the middle of the desert. There was no human habitation within a radius of ten kilometers. Heavy weapons such as tanks and artillery were ready ten kilometers away. Further away, missiles were also deployed and could be launched directly at the command.

Although they have decided to keep their trump card, humans will not take the action of looking for the Steppe Wolves and the Demonic Fire.

Now that the combat location can be determined, direct targeted bombing is the best approach!

It's not a movie, so we can't even set off firecrackers.

This large-scale troop mobilization naturally attracted widespread attention from the outside world.

It is not surprising that the United States deploys troops abroad, but it is surprising that it deploys troops at home during non-exercise periods.

At this time, the authorities held a press conference, which was broadcast live throughout. To the surprise of the public, the person who came up to speak was Li Ming.

"The world is facing a crisis!" Li Ming made a shocking statement, and then he gave a brief introduction to the Mother Box, including the battle thousands of years ago in which humans, gods, Atlantis, and the Green Lantern Corps joined forces to fight against Darkseid.

"Now that the Mother Box of Atlantis has been stolen, Wonder Woman has led the Amazon warriors to successfully defend Paradise Island. Now it is the turn of humans to accept the challenge."

"We will inherit the glory of our ancestors and repel the enemies invading the Earth once again!"

The whole world was in shock. News about alien invasion, Greek gods, Atlantis, etc. appeared at the same time, leaving everyone confused.

There is so much information that one doesn't know where to begin to be shocked.

Only then did the outside world know that Wonder Woman was actually the daughter of Zeus and that the legendary underwater kingdom really existed.

Those who are more sensitive to the situation were surprised that the authorities were cooperating so closely with the Justice League this time. For the first time, the official command was handed over to the King of Gotham!

But Li Ming had already suffered a wave of opponents some time ago, and no one dared to say anything.

The focus of the entire world is also on this desert in Nevada.

Because it was open news to the whole world, Steppenwolf naturally also knew this information, but when he saw the "primitive weapons" such as tanks and cannons on the human side on TV, he did not feel threatened at all.

He was frustrated on Paradise Island because the Amazon warriors had powers bestowed by the gods, but what are humans but chickens and dogs?
Steppenwolf confidently opened the sonic boom channel to the Mojave Desert, and with a wave of his hand, hundreds of thousands of demons rushed in.

He fully absorbed the lessons from his experience on Paradise Island and teleported enough soldiers.

One hundred thousand such demons, placed in an ordinary galaxy, would be enough to destroy the entire asteroid system.


But before the sonic boom channel was opened, Li Ming ordered to open fire. After all, he had known that Steppenwolf was hiding in Chernobyl, so he predicted the opponent's actions in advance. On Earth, Li Ming's authority was very sufficient. Even if there was no movement at the target location, all units began to attack the next moment after hearing the order.

Countless shells rushed towards the mother box. When they were about to arrive, the sonic boom channel happened to open, and the demons that rushed out instantly collided with the shells.

The individual strength of demon-like creatures is not strong. Although it is far superior to ordinary people, it is still not comparable to artillery. They rely on human wave tactics to roam the universe.

Therefore, the demons who were hit by artillery fire were overwhelmed by gunpowder without even having the strength to fight back.

Steppenwolf slowly typed a question mark.

what's the situation?
Something is wrong!

But now that things have come to this, he does not want to turn back. Otherwise, if he is scared away by the primitive thermal weapons of the Earth's natives, where will his reputation as the General of Apocalypse be?
Steppenwolf pushed aside the demon in front of him and walked into the sonic boom channel. Then a red light flashed on the axe, and a stream of energy gushed out in all directions, building an energy shield one thousand meters away from the sonic boom channel.

"Using the Mother Box as bait and attacking from a distance is stupid."

Leaving the axe where it was, Steppenwolf snorted coldly and rushed directly towards the Mother Box not far away. He was confident that at such a close distance, no one could surpass him... Eh?

When he was about to touch the Mother Box, a red lightning suddenly shot out from the distance. When Steppenwolf ran closer, he could see clearly that it was a figure in red clothes. Steppenwolf's speed was not slow, but despite his best efforts, he could only watch the person take away the Mother Box before him.

What’s even more outrageous is that the man even waved and said hello to him when he left!

"500 Mach, Barry's progress is beyond imagination." Li Ming said with emotion.

Keaton taught the Bat really well.

In the Justice League, only Li Ming and Clark can clearly see Barry's movements. Diana can react but not fast enough.

The same goes for Steppenwolf, who can see Barry but can't catch up.

Of course, even if he caught up with her, it would be useless. Li Ming had already set up magic on the Mother Box. He would have no chance of touching the Mother Box unless he defeated Li Ming.

"Sir Li Ming, I won the race!"

Barry shouted happily while holding the Mother Box.

"Well done!" Li Ming praised generously.

Then he raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the sonic boom channel and the shield set up by Steppenwolf were destroyed in an instant, and the firepower of the human army poured down on the demons again.

The demons were badly beaten up by the explosion, because the humans were too far away they could only fly up into the sky first and then scatter. However, under Li Ming's instructions, the humans attacked in all directions without any blind spots and indiscriminately. Unless the demons could dig holes, they could not avoid the attacks at all.

But the Steppe Wolf had no time to rescue the demon at this moment, because he was staring blankly at the people who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Because of Li Ming's magic, all the attacks directed at the Justice League were avoided, so Steppenwolf could clearly see who was coming.

Li Ming, Krypton Superman, Batman who exploded with the power of the yellow lantern, Wonder Woman who barely won, the Flash who just didn't win, Aquaman and Green Lantern who were strong enough to pose a threat to him, and a Cyborg who exuded the aura of the Mother Box.

The Steppe Wolf was experienced and could immediately tell the opponent's strength.

The latter few were easy to deal with, but he couldn't figure out the strength and aura of the first two people at all. They were definitely superior to him, and any one of them could defeat him alone.

Now this group of people are coming together to deal with him alone?
The steppe wolf immediately broke out in a sweat, and his look changed from looking down on the world to being confused and stupid.

"Open the sonic boom channel!"

Steppenwolf yelled over the comms.

"The space is unstable. It will take 55 seconds to restart the channel." The demon-like being guarding the mother box responded.


Steppenwolf swallowed his saliva. Could he hold out against these people for that long?
(End of this chapter)

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