Magic treasure mirror

Chapter 123 [Sacred Heaven Secret Realm, Lingxiao Sword Sect]

Chapter 123 [Secret Realm of Holy Heaven, Lingxiao Sword Sect] (Second update, please subscribe)

Sang Zhenyou's face twitched, although he did think at first that Lu Runping might use his spiritual pet to fight.

But he didn't expect that Lu Runping already owned a Nascent Soul realm spiritual pet.

As far as he knew, at Lingyu Peak, disciples generally started to choose spiritual pets after they entered the Golden Core realm, and the choice of spiritual pets generally consisted of spiritual beasts from the Golden Core realm or high-quality bloodline spirits from lower realms. pet for training.

Because the bloodline quality and growth potential are extremely important in the selection of the first spiritual pet, a spiritual pet with a higher level but lower cultivation level is often chosen to ensure that it can be tamed.

High-level spiritual pets that reach a certain level of strength are very difficult to tame, and failure may cause backlash.

Being able to have a Nascent Soul realm spirit beast as a pet is enough to show that he is above the level of beast control. This junior brother has a very strong talent.

Although the people in the sect were very gossipy about the affairs of Lu Runping and Yan Jiaojiao, no news about the six-winged frost centipede had spread.

When Chen Songming said that Lu Runping was a favored person, he only mentioned that his spiritual pet picked up some kind of treasure and evolved, without mentioning what it was.

Therefore, this is the first time Lu Runping's six-winged frost centipede has been exposed to the public.

Then everyone quickly learned about it.

I couldn't help but rate him higher.

For most true disciples, the level before Nascent Soul Realm is still too low. They don't take the initiative to learn some low-level spells, and spend more time on improving their basic cultivation.

Therefore, in the early days of the top geniuses, no one was proficient in combat.

Being able to cultivate a Nascent Soul Realm spiritual pet does not require you to practice combat skills, and you can also have the ability to protect the Tao. This is obviously a manifestation of ability.

Sang Zhenyou's challenge this time made Lu Runping famous once again.

Some disciples began to take the initiative to invite Lu Runping to other mountain peaks to discuss their opinions on cultivation.

Three more years passed in the blink of an eye. After three years of accumulation, Lu Runping felt the opportunity for a breakthrough.

I plan to break the Dan Ningying today.

Lu Runping did not use elixirs to assist in foundation building and elixir formation before, and his master and senior brother did not mention the need for assistance.

The Immortal Sect's top cultivation method, as long as there is no opportunism during the cultivation process, and you practice steadily until you reach the bottleneck period, you will naturally be able to break through.

No external assistance is required.

But when it comes to the Nascent Soul realm, this is a very critical step, and it is the core of the two important stages of refining qi and transforming into a god, and then refining the god and returning to the void.

So there is no room for error.

Xue Yunzi gave him an 'Infant Transformation Pill' as an aid, allowing him to successfully obtain the Nascent Soul.

Lu Runping had already had experience in condensing the Nascent Soul, so he successfully completed the breakthrough and entered the Nascent Soul realm without using the pill.

Lu Gong, fifty-seven years old, in the early stage of Nascent Soul Realm!
  After learning about his breakthrough, Chen Songming, who was also in the early stage of Nascent Soul Realm, came to congratulate Lu Runping.

"Junior brother, according to your cultivation speed, you will become my senior brother in a few years."

As he spoke, Chen Songming felt a touch of sadness.

There was no feeling of envy or jealousy. He had already looked away from Lu Runping as early as when he admitted that he was the chosen one.

Some people cannot be compared with them.

"Call me Senior Brother, and you will be your Senior Brother for life!"

Lu Runping still maintains his character of emphasizing love and justice and being kind-hearted.

At the same time, he was wondering in his mind whether he should find an opportunity for his senior brother to obtain a Dao Fruit.

No matter what, this person can be regarded as his guide into the Tianyu Immortal Sect.

Regarding planning for higher-level Dao Fruit, Lu Runping has been looking for opportunities.

But there has never been a suitable way.

After all, what he wanted to plot was a monk above the Hedao realm, and if he was not careful, he might be traced out by using the law of cause and effect.

If you act rashly, if things are exposed, the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, he has been cautious again and again, and now, decades later, he is unable to do anything.

It's just a matter of practicing step by step, while trying to find some high-level resources from the Tianyu Immortal Sect.

Hearing what Lu Runping said, Chen Songming said with emotion:
  "I will definitely be proud of bringing you back from the woods in the future."

After saying this, he paused and continued:

"I came here because I have something to tell you. Two years later, twenty months later to be precise, the Holy Sky Secret Realm in the Black Corner Realm was opened. This secret realm only allows monks from the Nascent Soul Realm to enter. Inside is A secret treasure of an ancient immortal sect, the master asked you to prepare yourself and go in to gain some opportunities.

When the time comes, you, me and Senior Brother Qu will go there together. You are with us and have the care of your third senior brother. The three of us can deal with most dangers together. As long as we are cautious and get some opportunities, we can accept them as soon as possible. "

In fact, Lu Runping was unwilling to explore unknown and uncontrolled places.

But when I thought about my plan about Dao Fruit, I couldn't help but have a plan in mind. This was an opportunity.

Is it reasonable to obtain some magical spiritual fruits from the ancient Immortal Sect’s secret treasures?
  If you want to attract the attention of those old guys who are about to die, only life-extending things are possible.

Among all the magical powers mastered, except for the [Fetal Transformation into Shape] magical power that must not be leaked, only the two magical powers [Spring Breeze Transforms into Rain] and [Big and Small Ruyi] can increase longevity. The relationship between the former and the Lu family is too big, so it is better not to let the monks above the Hedao realm notice it.

The latter is an option.

The former is to replenish the consumed vitality, while the [Big and Small Ruyi] magical power can increase the upper limit of the vitality reserve, and there is no problem in increasing life span.

Now that Lu Runping has reached the middle stage of the Divine Transformation Realm, he has already increased his longevity by relying on these magical powers.

From the log left by Baojian's previous head of the family, he had learned that Shou Yuan was the key to launching the [Seven Nail Headed Arrows] magical power, and that it consumed a lot of money, so he had to have enough reserves.

If Patriarch Cheng Tong had had enough lifespan back then, he could have directly cursed another monk from the Wanjun Dragon Elephant clan, and he would not have been chased and fled all over the world, nor would he have suffered an unfortunate sudden death later on.

In the following time, Lu Runping inquired a lot about the Holy Heaven Secret Realm in the Black Corner Region.

This so-called ancient immortal sect is called the 'Eternal Evergreen Sect'. The people who came out safely accounted for 70% of the total number of people who went in to explore. In other words, there is about a quarter chance that they will not come out after entering. .

Most sects have produced ‘life soul tablets’, and Lu Runping also has one.

This thing actually has a very strong power of cause and effect. If you use this thing to track cause and effect, you will probably be able to track him.

However, no sect is so boring as to use a disciple's life soul card as an object of "fingerprinting".

In general, entering this secret realm is still risky.

But the benefits are also huge, otherwise Xue Yunzi would not let his apprentice go in like this.

The second senior sister Jin Yunqing got a 'Purple Jade Grape' from it. After eating it, her cultivation level in the middle stage of Yuanying Realm was directly upgraded to the late stage of Yuanying Stage, and her qualifications were also improved.

It can be said that this spiritual fruit played a big role in her being able to successfully enter the realm of divine transformation.

Such good things are certainly not easy to obtain.

There are not only ferocious beasts and formations inside, but also disciples from other sects to guard against.

In the Immortal Sect, if you disrupt the cause and effect, even if you are robbed or killed inside, it will be difficult to find the murderer.

Therefore, after entering, don’t trust others easily except your own partners.

Third senior brother Qu Wanzong and fourth senior brother Chen Songming have entrusted this point.

Xue Yunzi didn't explain it specifically, and didn't even say much about him going to the secret realm.

The three of them said goodbye to the Tianyu Immortal Sect and headed to the Black Corner Territory. Even if they took the teleportation array, it took them a full month to get there.

Not everyone is qualified to enter the secret treasure of a top immortal sect.

There is only one top-level immortal sect in the Black Corner Territory, called the ‘Lingxiao Sword Sect’. You can tell from the name that this is a sword cultivation sect.

If it weren't for such a powerful sect, there would be no way to suppress such a huge secret.

The strength of ordinary immortal sects cannot deter those ordinary sects that have no way to achieve immortality.

However, this secret store is still open to other first-class sects in the Black Corner Domain, and first-class sects can send disciples into the secret store.

The so-called first-class sect is a sect that has the Tribulation Transcending Heavenly Lord as its commander, but does not have land gods.

One day, if the top immortal sect's land gods ascend, and there are no new land gods to suppress their luck, they will be reduced to a first-rate sect.

There are many first-class sects with profound foundations who have fallen from the ranks of top immortal sects. They are more eager for top masters, hoping to have sect elders who can break through to land gods and lead their sects to glory again.

The Holy Heaven Secret Realm is opened once every 360 years. There is no limit on the number of people who can enter, but only Nascent Soul Realm monks can enter. If the power of becoming a god is detected inside, they will be immediately removed.

In the thirteen regions of Zhongzhou, there are a total of nineteen top immortal sects. The Lingxiao Sword Sect stipulates that each top immortal sect has fifty places to enter the secret vault every time the secret treasure is opened.

Some immortal sects will transfer unused quotas.

The number of disciples accepted by the top Immortal Sect is very small, and it is not necessarily possible to gather fifty Nascent Soul Realm disciples who are willing to enter the secret treasure.

This is a risky thing after all.

For example, only thirty-seven people from the Tianyu Immortal Sect participated, and the extra seats were not transferred.

Alas, if you don’t use it, what’s wrong with the waste?
  The top Immortal Sect is not short of resources such as selling quotas.

The disciples of the Tianyu Immortal Sect came from all over the country. Because many of them were still doing tasks outside, they did not come together in one go. Instead, they went to the local place for a gathering.

There is a deacon of the sect's deity realm who is specifically responsible for this matter.

The people from the Lingxiao Sword Sect handed over the information of those who entered the secret realm, and each person received a jade token, which was a certificate for entering the sword formation set up by the Lingxiao Sword Sect to isolate the secret realm.

Without this thing, if you force your way into the sword formation, even the Tribulation-Transcending Heavenly Lord will not be able to break through.

Before entering the secret realm, the elder of the sect’s God Transformation Realm gave his final instructions:

"It will be automatically teleported out after a hundred days inside. If you don't have enough time, you won't be able to get out.

During this time, you must ensure that at least three people are together so that it is safe enough. "

Everyone agreed and then entered the secret realm!

(End of this chapter)

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