Magic treasure mirror

Chapter 124 [1 Nothing is gained, everything goes to heaven]

Chapter 124 [Getting nothing, everything goes to heaven] (st update, please subscribe)
  After entering the secret realm, you will see huge trees that are hundreds of feet tall.

Giant trees are staggered, with no boundaries visible at a glance.

These trees are connected with this secret realm to form a huge formation.

So it cannot be destroyed.

When a person stands in it, he suddenly looks very small.

The huge forest is filled with all kinds of monsters, and strange cries can be heard from time to time.

After the three people entered the secret realm, they determined a direction and started running.

Although many people have come here, no map has ever appeared, because even the Tribulation Tribulation Heavenly Lord cannot break this huge tree formation.

It's not possible to fly to the top to take a look, because it has the effect of a forbidden air formation. It can fly at low altitudes. It's fine below thirty feet. Above thirty feet, every time you increase the height by one foot, the pressure on your body will increase. Double.

At a height of fifty feet, one would have to endure a million times the pressure. This was the limit for a Nascent Soul Realm monk.

After all, that is a huge force of more than 10 million kilograms evenly distributed on every inch of the body.

So they can only try their luck by flying at low altitudes, wherever they go.

As long as you find a house similar to a palace, you may find treasures inside.

Going round and round, ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

During the ten days, the three of them saw no house, and no trace of human presence at all.

He actually killed a lot of monsters.

Compared to similar species, the monsters here are larger than the monsters outside.

The fighting was more ferocious.

But at the same time, the energy contained is also richer.

The six-winged frost centipede was given the magical power of [Swallowing Heaven and Earth] by Lu Runping, which allows him to swallow everything and turn it into energy.

Almost all of these monsters entered its belly, improving its cultivation a lot.

Because there were two monster beasts at the early stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, and when Lao Liu ate them, he gained a lot of energy.

It only took half a day to digest the corpse of a monster of the same level. After half a day, his stomach was empty again.

Qu Wanzong and Chen Songming were both surprised by such an edible centipede.

Although Chen Songming learned that this thing had a chance encounter and possessed a magical blood talent, he didn't know that it could actually achieve this level.

"Junior brother, it seems that the bloodline talent that your spiritual pet has obtained is not simple, and it is very likely that it has reached the level of immortal magic.

With such a powerful digestion and absorption ability, as long as there are sufficient resources, its combat power can definitely be quickly improved to the realm of transformation. "

Qu Wanzong's statement is very reasonable. He only talked about the realm of transformation into gods, because above the realm of transformation into gods, there is a process of enlightenment. He can't guarantee whether enlightenment can be achieved through pure accumulation of energy.

So this statement is very conservative.

Lu Runping smiled and said:

"What senior brother said is absolutely true. This spiritual pet is also very lucky. Maybe we can also get some luck and get some good harvests this time!"

"Haha! I wish I could."

As Qu Wanzong said, his face suddenly became happy, he stopped the flying sword at his feet, pointed in a direction and said:

"I sense a palace over there."

The three people immediately flew towards the palace.

Not long after, a palace complex built around the trunk of a big tree appeared in front of them.

The palace was built around the trunk of a big tree, thirty feet above the ground, built on the trunk, and suspended in mid-air.

Flying up to the palace, what I saw was a scene of silence.

With the protection of the formation, there is no sign of dust or weathering here, it is just very quiet.

Qu Wanzong released his spiritual pet, a golden-elin-level gold-digging rat. Digging rats have very good exploration capabilities and are very resistant to water, fire, poisonous gas and other damage. Many monks keep one for exploration.

After the Nugget Rat entered, the three of them followed.

A quarter of an hour later, they walked through the entire palace and came out.

There is nothing here, it must have been looted by the monks who came in before.

After experiencing so many secret realm openings, countless people have come inside. Most places should have been visited.

There is disappointment, but it is also expected.

The three of them continued their search.

In the blink of an eye, there were less than twenty days left before the end, and the three of them still had nothing to gain.

The one who gained the most was Lu Runping. The six-winged frost centipede devoured so many monsters and successfully transformed, reaching the growth rate of the mid-stage Nascent Soul Realm.

During this period, they found two more palaces, but they were still empty.

"Alas! At least we didn't encounter any danger. We just thought we were out to relax."

Chen Songming said with a smile.

One hundred days, whether it is long or short, even if it is wasted by taking a nap, it does not matter.

However, since I came here with some expectations, I found nothing. It would be a lie to say that I am not disappointed.

"There is still a little time, let's work harder."

Lu Runping was helpless. He originally wanted to arrange Daoguo's affairs, but he found several palaces, all of which were very low-end places, and the kind where a discerning person would know that they had been vacated.

There was no way he could place the Dao Fruit.

Therefore, I have never found an opportunity.

Although it is not necessary to spread the Tao and Fruit in this secret realm, it is indeed a good place to isolate cause and effect, which is not possible in ordinary secret realms.

But things are counterproductive, so we can only take one step at a time.

Two days later, looking at the palaces in front of them, the three of them showed expressions of surprise.

I saw that in a large area in front of me, there were at least hundreds of palaces built around tree trunks scattered around. There seemed to be people moving among these palaces.

"It's a monk from another sect. Let's go and find something quickly, otherwise others will rob it all."

Qu Wanzong said something, and the three of them suddenly stood up and arrived in front of the palace, but they did not break in immediately.

"Fellow Taoists, we are members of the Tianyu Immortal Sect, and we are going to explore this treasure land!"

If you enter recklessly, it is likely to cause conflicts. They are all people from famous families. If you tell your name, you can avoid getting into trouble most of the time.

"Fellow Taoist, please help yourself!"

Someone responded.

When you go out on an adventure, as long as it doesn't come into your hands, even if you see it first, it's not yours.

Immortal cultivators pay attention to the word "fate". If the strength is not enough, the fate will not be there.

Only what truly falls into your hands is yours.

There is more than one group of people here. If you look at it casually, you can see that there are at least five forces searching for it.

Lu Runping and the others no longer hesitated and entered a palace where no one was presumed to have entered. After some searching, they obtained two things, a teacup and a wooden comb.

Without enough time to judge the quality of the things, the three of them hurried to the next place to search.

Although they have Nascent Soul Realm cultivation, there are formations arranged in each palace, which is quite troublesome to find. It takes half an hour to search a palace group.

Lu Runping had been looking for opportunities to place Tao seeds. At this time, the three of them entered a huge palace with "Ruyi Tongtian Pavilion" written on it. Here, two groups of people were already breaking the formation.

(End of this chapter)

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