Magic treasure mirror

Chapter 199 [Multiple incarnations! Map of the Mysterious Dao]

Chapter 199 [Multiple incarnations! Map of the Mysterious Dao] (Second update, please subscribe)

The five great sages of Huobie Mountain destroyed the four demons of Batu Cave and the five immortals of Moyun Peak in one battle.

Once the news spread, all the demons and immortals in the entire territory were shocked.

You must know that these people are all Tao seed owners. They fought among hundreds of Tao seed owners, and their methods must be extraordinary. However, they were killed so easily at this time, which really shocked the other demons and immortals.

The names of the five great saints of Huobie Mountain have become very loud throughout the Juntian Realm. Many demon immortals and great demons come here in admiration, hoping to find a good position in Huobie Mountain and receive blessings.

For a time, the five great saints of Huobie Mountain gathered thousands of powerful demon clans, including more than 400 demon immortals.

Moreover, two Xuanxian also joined.

The joining of the two Xuanxian was an accident.

They definitely don't want to become the subordinates of another Xuanxian. They come here because they have a plan and want to know why these five Xuanxian are so powerful.

In fact, the reason why the battle was won so easily was naturally because Lu Runping used magical powers.

Although this clone only has the cultivation level of the Shangdong True Immortal, the magical power of [Enthralling Gods and Seizing Souls] is enough to exert a huge pull and impact on the demons and immortals in the Mysterious Immortal Realm, thus distracting them during the battle.

Moreover, Lu Runping has more than just one magical power. With the combination of multiple magical powers, he can greatly weaken the opponent's strength.

Red Fire Flying Mastiff, the leader, is not weak in combat power, and the Rank 8 Mysterious Immortal has the blessing of magical powers. The two groups they are dealing with, the two with the highest cultivation level, are both Rank 7 Mysterious Immortals, so they can be manipulated.

They only launched a sneak attack at the end of the battle between the two sides, so they were able to achieve a complete victory without any injuries.

After doing this, their fame becomes even greater.

The two new Xuanxian, one at rank two and one at rank four, are not outstanding in strength, but it is impossible to make them subordinates or younger brothers.

So the five great sages of Huobie Mountain became the seven great sages of Huobie Mountain.

Lu Runping was reduced from the second brother to the fourth brother!

It doesn't matter, neither the second brother nor the fourth brother is what he wants to do. What he really wants to do is to become the Demon King of the entire Juntian Realm, but now is not the time to wear the yellow robe.

The demons in the Golden Fairyland are still there, so he needs to keep a low profile for the time being.

With the rapid expansion of strength, the Red Devil King's desire became even greater. He wanted to take action against the other four families.

As long as these other four groups are destroyed, they will be the final winners of the fight for the road, and the road will belong to them!

Lu Runping naturally supported it, and directly created a great momentum. The Seven Great Sages led ten thousand demons to attack the Demon King of Lijing Mountain. This time, they killed all the demons and immortals on Lijing Mountain.

When the remaining three families saw their menacing approach, they immediately dispersed and fled in all directions.

Lu Runping expected such a situation, and this was the result he wanted.

The fight for the road must not end easily. This is a good excuse to start a fight.

For those Tao seeds that were not being used, Lu Runping directly used the magical power of [Retrieving Objects from the Air] to get the things back, and then transformed them into a suitable appearance, spread the Tao seeds, gathered demons and immortals, and launched a counterattack against the Seven Saints.

Of course, the result of this resistance ended in failure, and the clone created by using the magical power of [Fractal Phantom] died.

The fairies he brought with him were also dead.

In this way, Lu Runping can recycle Dao Fruit with maximum efficiency.

Just take Tao seeds and you don’t eat them. If you don’t eat them, give them to others.

Although one Taoist seed costs ten thousand low-grade spiritual stones, it is still a drop in the bucket for him now.

But this thing itself involves his cause and effect, and he should grasp the movements caused by each one in real time.

The Tao seed that has not been refined and is in the hands of others is an unknown line of cause and effect.

Lu Runping did not allow such a situation to exist.

There are tens of thousands of demon immortals in the Juntian Realm, and this time they only gained one-tenth of them from the fight for the Dao.

This is the first time, but definitely not the last. In addition to Dao Fruit, this incident of demons and immortals fighting for Dao also brought other benefits to Lu Runping, which were some spiritual objects entrusted to the real fairyland.

More incarnations can be created.

Incarnations outside the body are differentiated by cause and effect. One more incarnation means one more individual responsible for cause and effect.

Now that he had a spiritual object to entrust, Lun Runping decisively created a new incarnation.

The spiritual objects that can be entrusted are 'Canglong Blood Wood', 'Chongyun Crystal Stone', 'Snake Immortal Inner Pill', and 'Eight-petaled Lotus', a total of four.

They obtained the fourth-level incarnation, Taoist Blood Dragon; the fifth-level incarnation, Chongyun Immortal; the sixth-level incarnation, Thunder Spirit Snake Immortal; and the seventh-level incarnation, Taoist Lord Youlian.

Any clone created using the magical power of [External Incarnation] means that it can exist for a long time, and is no different from a normal practicing immortal.

Lu Runping sent all four incarnations out in four different directions to explore opportunities to see if he could find more spiritual objects to entrust and create more incarnations.

The significance of incarnation is not only to be able to share cause and effect. A clone means that Lu Runping has an extra thinking head. He can calculate faster. When he is enlightened, he can think of more comprehensive things and gain more insights.

In short, clones have many and great uses. If you have more clones, it means greater luck.

For now, Lu Runping still knows too little about the entire Earth Immortal World, so he divides himself into four to get more information.

Just by listening to the disciples of Master Qingquan, the information I got was only one-sided.

If possible, he also hopes to join a few more celestial sects so that he can get in touch with the essence of this world.

In the dimensional space, after obtaining the Dao Fruit of the Mysterious Immortal Realm, Lu Runping's Dao Core condensed faster.

Three hundred and sixty Tao cores form a layer of 'mysterious Tao diagram', which is the achievement of the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

And each layer of the mysterious Dao diagram formed must be tested by thunder tribulation.

Therefore, there is the theory of the Nine Transformations of the Mysterious Immortal.

He entered the Shangdong True Immortal level more than twenty years ago. Before obtaining the Mysterious Immortal Dao Fruit, he had only condensed five Dao Cores in total.

This speed is actually very fast.

Many Shangdong true immortals may not be able to condense a Tao core in twenty or thirty years.

It only took him less than five years to condense one.

This is thanks to the Tao Seed, which itself has the effect of helping to condense the Tao Core.

With Tao seeds as the basis and Tao cores as the introduction, mana and Tao rhyme can be obtained extremely quickly, and then more Tao cores can be condensed.

After obtaining the Dao Fruit of the Mysterious Immortal Realm, I also obtained its Dao Enlightenment at the same time, that is, the four Mysterious Dao Pictures, but they have been scattered, and they have all turned into strips of refined mana and Dao Rhythm.

But Lu Runping cannot use these Tao rhymes to directly condense his Tao core, because this is not his Tao.

However, he can possess this mysterious Tao at the same time.

Taking Xuanxian's Dao Seed as the basis, the Dao Cores were condensed. A large number of Dao Cores were condensed quickly. Since the mana and Dao Rhyme had already been formed, and the Dao Seeds were gathered during the condensation process, the speed was very fast. It took three days. The condensation of these Tao seeds is completed.

If there were no accidents, after consolidating 360 Tao seeds, he would be able to draw a mysterious Tao map, which meant that he was only one step away from breaking through to the Mysterious Immortal Realm, a very small step.

If you try your best to comprehend it, you will definitely be able to complete the condensation within fifty years.

Lu Runping's choice was to enter the Xuanxian Realm first.

Because different levels of thinking ability and understanding of the Dao are different. When you enter the Xuanxian Realm, you can comprehend more things, which in turn will make it easier to condense your own Dao core.

Compared to condensing the Dao core step by step, reverse calculation will take very little time, so these fifty years are very cost-effective.

While he was silently absorbing the Dao core brought by the Dao Fruit of the Mysterious Immortal Realm, Master Qingquan summoned all his disciples.

(End of this chapter)

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