Magic treasure mirror

Chapter 200 [The Gathering of Ten Thousand Immortals, the Gathering of Cause and Effect]

Chapter 200 [The Gathering of Ten Thousand Immortals, the Gathering of Cause and Effect] (Happy New Year)

Master Qingquan was obviously in a good mood. He said with a smile:

"It just so happens that you are all here today, so I will tell you directly. Three months later, the Ten Thousand Immortals Meeting in the Heavenly Emperor's Palace will be officially held. All the golden immortals and disciples of the world can join the meeting, taste the immortal spirit fruit, and discuss the Tao with the immortals in the world.

You should all have time, so follow me there. The good things there will also be helpful to improve your cultivation. "

Lu Runping was also a little happy when he heard this. He liked the fact that he could join the Immortal Sect and have such a good thing. He could also have a banquet. This was his favorite thing.


After hearing this, several fellow apprentices agreed together.

Their own affairs are just for the purpose of improving their cultivation. But this time, the good food they eat is equivalent to what they have practiced for decades or hundreds of years, so why not do it.

Three months passed quickly, and Lu Runping followed Master Qingquan to the clear red sky on the eighth level.

The scope of the ninth heaven is wider than the first. The ninth heaven is the Daluotian, which means infinite extension. That is, the world beyond the eighth heaven, from the edge of the infinite universe to the core here, all belong to the Daluotian. scope.

Daluotian is a place to fight against evil spirits from outside the territory. Most of the evil spirits from outside the territory are blocked in Daluotian, that is, outside the eighth heaven.

Those in the eighth heaven are the top forces in this world, that is, those few forces with immortal-level beings.

The Palace of Heavenly Emperor is representative.

In the Heavenly Emperor's Palace, there are five heavenly emperors from the east, west, south, north, and middle. They are all top monks at the level of immortals. They have escaped from reincarnation in this world, are not bound by space and time, and stand on the rules.

However, four of the five heavenly emperors guard the four directions respectively, and only one, the Jade Emperor of Zhongdu and the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, will appear in the Lingxiao Palace of the Heavenly Emperor's Palace to discuss Taoism with the immortals and preside over major events.

The Emperor of Zhongdu will also appear at this banquet.

Arriving in front of the Tianmen, a golden dragon-patterned invitation automatically appeared above Master Qingquan's head. On this invitation, the names of several members of Lu Runping's sect were impressively recorded, and there was a golden silk thread connecting them.

Lu Runping sensed that this was a method similar to the [Starry Distribution] magical power he used before, using the Qi machine of a monk as the connecting object to interact with each other.

After the invitation entered the Heavenly Gate, it seemed to disappear. In fact, it was summarized in a general "monitoring system". All the immortals who entered the Heavenly Palace would be recorded no matter where they went.

I just don’t know, if I release an external incarnation, how should you respond?

Not long after entering Tianmen and flying, I heard Master Qingquan laughing and saying:

"Fellow Taoist Jinshi, please come and be fine!"

Lu Runping looked around and saw a chubby old man with a white beard leading a boy who also had a big belly and looked about ten years old flying in front.

Hearing Master Qingquan's call, the man turned his head and said with a smile:

"It turns out to be Master Qingquan. You have accepted another disciple. Congratulations!"

"Haha, you are still the same as before, just talking to Yuan Tong. Look at what you have done to him!"

Master Qingquan said jokingly.

Taoist Jinshi also laughed twice.

"The characteristics of my technique are like this. I didn't force him to eat it. He couldn't help it on his own!"

At this time, Ji Ziyou, a junior, interjected:

"Senior's technique is the same as that magic technique. It can't make people control their desires."

Taoist Jinshi has obviously been an old friend of Master Qingquan for many years, and also knows Ji Ziyou, so he was not angry at these words, but said with a smile:

"Following the natural way of heaven is the great way. How can we talk about demonic power? Demons are the products that go against the natural way of heaven and go to extremes. The same is true for the evil spirits outside the realm, and the same is true for the demons in the earthly and immortal world."

Lu Runping was thoughtful when he heard the words. He still knew little about evil spirits. After all, he was the ancestor of the Lu Clan, a family of pure moral cultivators, and he was also a person with extremely high moral requirements for himself. The previous incident of digging up people's ancestors' graves, I stopped doing it early in the morning.

It can be said to be a model of correcting evil and returning to righteousness!

Therefore, he still knows very little about evil spirits, and he may have some trouble when he encounters battles with evil spirits in the future.

If possible, find an opportunity to find out.

After all, there may be a need for role-playing in the future.

After Jinshi Taoist talked about demons, he turned the topic to Lu Runping again and said with a smile:

"Fellow Taoist, this new disciple is not simple! There is a great destiny in the dark, but I can't see through it. Now I am just a Shangdong True Immortal. In the future, I will definitely become a Golden Immortal. Taiyi is not the end. There is hope for Daluo. You Don’t mislead others.”

Upon hearing this, Master Qingquan waved his hands indifferently and said:

"In a master-disciple relationship, it is your duty to lead him in. What achievements he will have after that depends on his own choices. I am just a third-level Taiyi Golden Immortal. Who can I influence? My own happiness is the most important thing. of."

The two of them stopped talking until they reached this point. If they talked in depth, they would have to question Lu Runping thoroughly, which would be troublesome.

Although Lu Gong's identity is considered to be "innocent", problems can indeed be found out during the period of his ascension.

However, these two people are obviously not the kind of people who like to meddle in other people's business. Although Lu Runping is a disciple of Master Qingquan, he has no intention of going into details. This master lives a free and easy life. No wonder he can accept people with different characteristics. Several disciples.

Throughout the whole process, Lu Runping didn't take the initiative to say anything.

He has too many secrets, and if anyone else knows about them except himself, it may cause huge trouble.

The group of people came to the Tianchi of the Heavenly Palace. This is the most precious pool in the entire earthly immortal world. The water in it is a kind of immortal energy liquid. Just grab a fish from the lower world and put it in, and it can become an immortal.

Of course, immortals in this sense are not real immortals, but something equivalent to a puppet in the immortal realm. There is not even a land immortal with higher combat power. There are many lotus leaves floating on Tianchi.

On the huge lotus leaves, there is a futon and a table for each person, one leaf for each person, and the infinite green lotus leaves are touching the sky. This is the scene.

There are already many people sitting here.

There are three hundred Daluo and three thousand Taiyi in the Earthly Immortal World. These golden immortals form the top level of the entire Earthly Immortal World.

Each of them came with three or five disciples, and even if not all the golden immortals came, they could still gather ten thousand immortals.

The immortals were seated, and various auras were mixed. In front of Daluo's high seat, the lower the cultivation level, the lower the status, and the farther away from the central position the seat was.

Lu Runping just came to join in the fun and get some high-level cultivation resources by the way. He had no intention of revealing himself, so he waited quietly for everyone to arrive, the real Ten Thousand Immortals Meeting would begin, and the Emperor of Zhongdu would appear.

Immortal level beings are very majestic, and True Immortal Realm monks cannot look directly at them, so everyone lowers their heads and holds their chests high. At least they have the cultivation level of Xuan Immortal Realm.

The leader finished his speech and began to eat.

This was the part that Lu Runping was most looking forward to, and the banquet of the Ten Thousand Immortals Club did not disappoint him.

This was the first time he drank the immortal wine spirit liquid. This wine called 'Emperor's Liquid' was overflowing with mellow aroma. After one sip, he was drunk for the entire Spring and Autumn Period.

This thing has great stamina, and the drunken state can greatly improve the efficiency of enlightenment. Especially for monks in the True Immortal Realm, the speed of condensing mana and Tao Yun is significantly accelerated.

Lu Runping also ate the immortal level spiritual fruit at once.

This kind of thing is grown from the legendary spiritual roots of heaven and earth and cannot be seen in the lower world. Whether it is crystal ice pear or black jade grape, each of them can improve understanding and magic power.

But they are all time-sensitive.

It has the greatest effect on improving monks in the True Immortal Realm. Of course, if given to the lower realm, each one will lead to a bloody battle.

After all, if you eat one, you may directly step from the golden elixir realm to the perfect level of enlightenment realm.

The power of the immortal spirit contained in it is enough for a lower realm monk to use to achieve the status of a land immortal.

But the upper world and the lower world are separate, and even most of the creatures in the earthly immortal world do not know the existence of such a thing.

Level is a necessary condition for the existence of order!

Only clear hierarchies can effectively reduce death and chaos.

Immortals cannot go to the lower world at will, which is a good way of protection.

Eating good wine and delicious food can also improve your cultivation, so why not do it.

If he had been treated at this level these days, he would have at least thirty or fifty years of practice left.

This is Lu Runping's thirty to fifty years of cultivation. His cultivation speed is at least four to five times that of ordinary monks. Calculated, it is equivalent to saving other monks about two hundred years of practice time.

No wonder everyone came so enthusiastically.

But when there are too many people, something will happen.

The same is true for immortals.

The purpose of practicing in the deep mountains and old forests is to avoid crowds and avoid karma, and this Ten Thousand Immortals Association is like a gathering point of karma, which cannot be avoided.

Especially when discussing Taoism.

When monks discuss Taoism, it is not just a matter of merit, but also a matter of one's own Taoist heart and Taoist fruit. Failure in discussing Taoism may produce inner demons, which is extremely harmful.

Therefore, few people discuss the Tao, but most people seek it.

People who discuss Tao are mostly in opposition, and the method they adopt is competition.

Talking about the Tao purely in words is the most likely to cause chaos.

Of course, as long as you ignore some fights, there will be no causal contamination.

But some causes and effects have been involved for a long time.

There was a conflict between two Taiyi Jinxian disciples not far away from them. There were three people on one side and eight people on the other side.

However, on the side with eight people, all eight are true immortals, but those three are all mysterious immortals.

When fighting, there will naturally be conflicts.

Among the eight people who were suppressed, several were seriously injured. Just when one of them was about to be hit again by a Xuanxian from the other side, Lu Runping saw that person and immediately took action.

Although he only has the cultivation level of the Shangdong True Immortal, he is not afraid of the Xuanxian at all, because he has already obtained a Xuanxian Dao Fruit and knows the strength of the Xuanxian.

The attack he released was the magnetic divine light carrying the [Taiyin True Water]!

 Thank you all for your support over the past year. Happy New Year and good luck in the Year of the Dragon!



(End of this chapter)

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