The world begins with Hong Kong TV series

Chapter 54 [The Table Overturning Madman] [Zombie Priest] [Fire Extinguisher Master]

Chapter 54 [The Table Overturning Madman] [Zombie Priest] [Fire Extinguisher Master]

Causeway Bay.

Hongxing’s territory.

Choose your match location here.

In fact, it is also a very particular thing.

As both sides of the competition, Dongxing and He Liansheng did not dare to hold a boxing match on each other's territory.

After all, there is home field advantage.

If the opponent still can't afford to lose, thousands of young and Dangerous guys will surround you in the territory. So what if you win the game? Can you get out?

The relationship between Hongxing and Heliansheng has always been good.

the other side.

Although Hong Xing and Dong Xing have always been in tit-for-tat, the leader of both societies, Jiang Tiansheng, has a very good personal relationship with Luo Tuo.

As Dongxing's Luotuo gets older, he has really been kind to others over the years and has taken the initiative to maintain friendly exchanges with bosses from all walks of life.

This also paved the way for his future death at the hands of crows.

After all, uncle, you run a club, not a church.

There are a lot of jackals, tigers and leopards among the subordinates, playing the role of "nice gentleman"?

The moon is dark and the wind is high.

The night is dark.

A private underground boxing gym in Causeway Bay is in full swing.

The person in charge of the boxing match is Hongxing’s boss B.

As the current leader of Causeway Bay, he is also happy to be the host of this event.

So a few days ago, I paid to rent the largest underground boxing gym in Causeway Bay.

As long as the boxing match is done well, it will definitely be a blessing to his reputation and influence in the club.

After all, Dongxing and Heliansheng are both large-scale societies that are not inferior to Hongxing.

For this boxing match, Deng Bo and Luo Tuo, the leaders of the two major associations, chose to send out ‘hero posts’ widely, inviting various large and small associations to come and watch the match.

While helping your own club stand, you can also further ensure the fairness of this boxing match.

"Brother Chao!"

Those who greeted Gao Gao were Chen Haonan, Shan Ji and others.

In this boxing match, Chen Haonan was entrusted with important tasks by Big Boss B and was responsible for many things. However, he was severely criticized by many club bosses.

"Haonan, Pheasant, you are getting more and more handsome. Let's go fishing together when we have time."

Gao Chao briefly chatted and laughed with them.

"Brother Chao thinks highly of us. It's an honor for us. We will definitely go when the time comes." Chen Haonan can still speak and speak clearly.

Knowing that Gao Ming's current status in the world is no longer comparable to that of Pheasant.

Although the last time we met at You Guanqi Restaurant, Gao Ming was not even the first person to brag about chicken.

"Brother Chao! I bet on you to win! Come on, beat those Dong Xingzi fiercely!"

Pheasant said with a smile.

Compared to Chen Haonan, he is more familiar.

"Buy more, the opportunity to make a fortune is not always available." Gao Chao patted Pheasant on the shoulder.

Tonight is a rare event in the community.

The young and Dangerous guys who are all possessed of the Five Poisons have naturally opened the market long ago.

Led by several big clubs, countless young and Dangerous guys are chasing after them to place bets - although the underground boxing gym tonight has limited space and cannot accommodate too many people.

But the outcome of every boxing match will be announced immediately by the people in the boxing gym, shouting.

People from various gambling stalls outside will also look forward to it and wait outside early.

The superb odds are 1 to 2!

Not the lowest.

It shows that his reputation has not fermented fast enough. In the eyes of others, he is not the one with the highest chance of winning.

After all, the higher the winning rate, the lower the odds.

And Gao Chao has already spent three million to get out.

Two million of them were borrowed by Gao Chao from here and there during a period of time.

He can only afford one million now.

There is no way, although there are two streets of territory, and both black and white are taking money, Gao Ming has not had much time to develop after all.

Otherwise, he would dare to buy himself 10 million!

Just so confident!


The moment Gao Ming entered the underground boxing gym accompanied by Chen Haonan.

Sir Li from Wan Chai Police Station was also bringing a middle-aged police sergeant, followed by several plainclothes police officers.

In terms of rank, Li Sir is several levels higher than this middle-aged police chief.

However, his expression was always respectful. "The person who went in is the target?" the middle-aged police sergeant asked, staring at Gao Gao's back.

He has high eyebrows, prominent cheekbones, and sharp eyes. His appearance is not very pleasing, but he has an upright face and a thick unibrow, which gives people a strong sense of reliability!
  Impressive at first glance.

"It's him." Li Sir, also in plain clothes, nodded.

They were able to get in because of the cooperation of informants within the society and did not expose the identity of the police.

"Team leader, there are so many young and Dangerous people gathered here, and they are still fighting illegally, why don't we arrest them?"

A young police officer couldn't help but ask.

"How to catch it?" Li Sir asked, pointing around:
  "There are people from dozens of clubs, large and small, gathered here, including almost half of Hong Kong's clubs. Let's not talk about whether we can arrest them all, and whether they can fit in the detention room... It's really so simple to arrest them. Yes, tomorrow I guarantee that a bunch of young and Dangerous guys will come to the police station and cause trouble, and it will be on the international news!"

"Cases should be handled one by one. Let's finish the Victory Garden case first!" Li Sir said seriously.

If only the problem of Young and Dangerous could be solved by catching him.

Hong Kong Island's societies would not have been so rampant for so many years.


Under the arrangement of Li Sir's informants, several plainclothes police officers sneaked into the underground boxing gym.


In the boxing gym.

The arena is in the middle.

The stage was filled with wooden tables and chairs, with fruit plates and various snacks on the table.

Many of the big guys from various clubs were already sitting there drinking tea and chatting, while the younger guys were surrounding the edge of the ring, huddled together with their big guys as the center.

Gao Chao glanced at it.

  Very messy!

Yet there is order amid the chaos.

While the big guys seemed to be in harmony, none of these young and Dangerous boys dared to cause trouble.

This allowed the entire boxing gym to operate normally.

Dozens of clubs, including Liansheng, Dongxing, Hongxing, Number Gang, Xinji, Changle Club, etc., were centered around the arena and were seated around it.

Gao Chao came in.

It attracted a lot of people's attention.

"Ah Chao!"

"Brother Chao!"

Over there with Liansheng, someone waved to Gao Chao.

Among the uncles, besides Deng Bo, many people came here, including Chuan Bao, Long Gen, Leng Lao...

People like Big D, A Le, Yu Toubiao and Da Po Hei are also there.


Many people over at Dongxing were also observing Gao Gao.

Gao Chao nodded towards his club.

It didn't pass immediately.

Instead, he started looking around.

Dark mist rolled in the depths of Gao Chao's eyes.

There are many societies gathered here today.

Movies involving a lot of gangster themes.

There are definitely special talents.


[The table-turning madman (Is it difficult to handle? I’m sorry...then don’t do it!)]

——After overturning the table in public, the probability of creating conflicts and stirring up a big rhythm is moderately increased.

——After flipping the table, the agility and physique of ordinary people are basically strengthened.

(Lift the table ten times in public)

[Zombie Taoist Master (half a bowl of water illuminates the universe, a spiritual talisman brings ghosts and gods!)]

——When facing hostile creatures such as ghosts, zombies, evil mages, etc., the mana recovery speed will be moderately enhanced, the physical defense will be highly enhanced, the damage caused by magic weapons will be slightly enhanced, and luck will be slightly enhanced.

——It is easier to make inferences about demon-conquering spells that have been mastered.

——Self-taught without a teacher, and acquired the master-level ‘Maoshan Talisman’ skill.

(Kill ten evil-doing ghosts, zombies, and evil mages respectively)

[Master of Fire Extinguishing (Who is so bold and dares to kill my sworn brother Baguan? I am very angry now...)]

——The body is more likely to get angry.

(Learn Liangkun’s ‘physical fire extinguishing method’ five times)


(End of this chapter)

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