The world begins with Hong Kong TV series

Chapter 55 East Star Five Tigers

Chapter 55 East Star Five Tigers
  Three new talents!

For Gao Chao, who has unlocked fourteen talents, although the number is not as high as expected, he is generally satisfied.

Especially the [Zombie Taoist Master] is multi-faceted and extremely strong. It is no wonder that Master Lin, represented by Uncle Jiu, can become the head of the novice village in all the worlds.

The most important thing is that this talent has no restrictions on the basis of "ordinary people"!

In other words, if Fan Gui and Qi Qi possess this talent, it will be strengthened on the basis of the [Healthy Person].

In Chen Jiaju's words, it is to strengthen on the basis of [amazing physique]!
  This means that even if Gao Gao evolves into a god-level physique in the future, the talent of [Zombie Priest] will still not be eliminated!

Unfortunately, the unlocking conditions are too harsh.

This otherworld is obviously not dominated by supernatural films.

Unless artificially cultivated...

If they are allowed to do evil, it should be reasonable not only on Hong Kong Island, but also in places like Japan and the Golden Triangle...

Many ideas came to Gao Chao's mind instantly.

As for [Table Overturning Maniac], the effect is not satisfactory, but if used well, it may turn Gao Gao into a rhythm master.

The last [Fire Extinguishing Master] is even more of a useless talent.

Gao Miao was a young man with a strong temper, and he was very angry every day. Ruby, who was still angry yesterday, was trembling all over, which made her whole body and soul clear.

There’s a need for that talent out there.

However, you can do the same as [Seeing Money], after collecting nine waste talents, designate the tenth important talent, and increase your solidified talents through the system's sacrifice function.


Inside the underground boxing gym.

As Gao Ming and other participating club members came in, the young and Dangerous boys started talking among themselves, and the atmosphere suddenly soared, making the scene noisy.

Most of the crowd watching the game were young men who were not qualified to sit. Li Sir and a few plainclothes policemen were mixed in and frowned and said:
  "Gao Chao seemed to have glanced at our side just now... He won't be exposed, right?"

"There are so many people here, there is no reason to spot us at a glance... But he has met you, the team leader, so he can't tell for sure!" a police officer said in a low voice.

He saw his subordinates looking at him eagerly, obviously waiting for the next order of action.

Li Sir shook his head:
  "Let's take care of it as it comes. Since Gao Chao didn't point it out, let's take a look first and let them fight enough before we talk!"

Li Sir quickly calmed down. As an experienced senior inspector, he had seen far more storms than these young police officers, so he was certainly not afraid.

As for the middle-aged police chief next to him, his face was always calm, and he seemed unfazed by everything in front of him.

This person is Feng Laosi from Dongpingzhou, Hong Kong Island. He is known as Uncle Feng in the world, and he is the master of the gifted [Zombie Taoist Priest].

With his talent detected by the system, Gao Miao determined the identity of Uncle Feng the first time he saw him in the crowd.

It's exactly the one in the movie "Exorcist Cop", his appearance features are too obvious.

Gao Ming doesn't remember the specific plot very clearly.

I just remember that Uncle Feng’s niece is quite young and cute. The real-life actress is called ‘Little Manyu’, but in fact, she looks much cuter than Manyu.

Of course, in terms of acting skills and professional achievements, there is a long way to go.

Also in the movie, the sorceress, the villain of the Kuju Sect, is also very cool. She is played by the Japanese action actress Michiko Nisigyo. She has a strong body and is a real beat-em-up girl.


Over there at Eastern Star.

"That's superb? I thought it was three heads and six arms, damn! It's so amazing!"

Crow's tone was arrogant, he leaned on the wooden chair casually and commented casually on Gao Chao. He, who looks exactly like [King of Fighters] Iori Yagami, is the owner of the talent [Table Overturning Madman]. Playing with a pair of sunglasses in his hand, he continued to say to the smiling tiger next to him:
  "Let's go and join in the fun with Liansheng!"

"Forget it, crow..." The Smiling Tiger lives up to his name, always with a false and cunning smile on his face:

"You are so interested in Gao Chao. You can just defeat him in the ring later. Once Brother Crow takes action, who will be your opponent with Lian Sheng?"

"Crow! Be honest!"

The camel sitting next to him frowned and scolded.

As the leader of the East Star, he is here tonight.

Unlike Dumbledore, Luo Tuo is much younger and still in good health. He liked fighting when he was young and is still very interested in boxing matches.

The camel continued to scold:
  "The talker He Liansheng just died is still a superb big brother. Why are you provoking them now?!"

He knew very well about Crow's tendency to cause trouble.

I knew it would be up to no good if the crows joined in the fun.

As for the other three tigers of Dongxing, Situ Haonan, Lei Yaoyang and others are also here tonight.

But they are obviously not from the same faction as Crow and Smiling Tiger, and they don't communicate much with each other.

"Boss, I just want to communicate with them. I'm not looking for trouble. What are you doing?"

The crow shrugged and smiled eloquently:
  "We are our own people. You can't be more and more kind to outsiders and become more and more cruel to your own people..."

It seemed like a joke, but Crow's words revealed a hint of dissatisfaction. He obviously did not approve of the result of the negotiation between Camel and Dumble - the boxing match.

Since when did mixed societies rely on diplomacy?

Two immortals, do you think they are messing with the United Nations? Ambassador of peace!
  Crow expressed that he was very unhappy!
  "What did you say?!"

Luo Tuo glared and slammed the table in anger.

"Boss, don't be angry, sorry, it's just a joke!" Crow made a funny expression like fear, but a coldness flashed deep in his eyes.

He continued to smile nonchalantly and said:

"Boss, you know me well. My mouth is so annoying, but when it comes to my loyalty to the club and to you, boss, I have no problem at all!"

"Yes, Crow is very filial to the boss." Smiling Tiger, who was watching coldly, also stepped forward to smooth things over.

Start to ease the atmosphere between the two.

"Sooner or later you're going to spoil your bad mouth!"

The camel pointed at the crow with a cold face, not giving the crow any face in front of all the younger brothers.

When Crow and Smiling Tiger snatched Hong Tai's territory, he was not consulted in advance!

Two large societies almost started fighting. If he and Uncle Deng hadn't both wanted peace, how many people would have been killed or injured!
  The Crow and the Smiling Tiger were not stupid either. After taking away Hong Tai's territory, they immediately used it to exchange interests with the other three East Star Tigers.

Not only did he successfully gain a lot of profits in a short period of time, he also tied the other three tigers to the chariot.

This made it difficult for Luo Tuo to openly accuse Crow and the two of them about the territorial issue, and couldn't help but feel even more angry.

"Hehe..." After being scolded by the boss in public, Crow smiled indifferently on the surface.

He just smiled and put on his sunglasses to hide his eyes.

Immediately, Crow looked at Situ Haonan, who had been silent and just observing the master in silence:
  "It is said that our Dongxing's Qinlonghu is the best. Brother Haonan, I'm looking forward to seeing you show off your skills later!"

"Crow, don't you want to fight in the ring yourself?" Situ Haonan said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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