I asked you to play a dungeon, why don't you just raise the BOSS here?

Chapter 154 Mr. Lin knows very well. The Yitian Sword is meant to drink human blood.

Chapter 154 Mr. Lin knows very well. The Yitian Sword is meant to drink human blood.

"Did Lord Buddha make a mistake? How could there be such a wasteful True Dragon Emperor!"

Huo Gong Tutuo's eyes widened, he was stunned for a while, and then he took a sip at Chen Youliang's body: "Silly dog! He died well!"


Lin Xuan was stunned for a moment and said with a smile: "Master is quite honest."

"It belongs to his grandma. This stupid dog found Buddha and said that he is the real dragon emperor and wants his grandma's throne treasure in the future."

"Buddha misunderstood and actually believed this nonsense and accepted this silly dog ​​as his disciple."

The more Huo Gong Tutuo thought about it, the angrier he became, and he spat at Chen Youliang's body again: "He is obviously a short-lived ghost, but he still thinks about all these things all day long."

"Brother Lin, what's going on here? Do you want to take action?"

"Mr. Sir, who is this monk?"

While talking, Huang Shan and Huang Rong had already arrived behind Lin Xuan.

The two girls looked at the half-dead Xie Xun and then at Chen Youliang, who was lying dead on the side. They were a little confused.

The figure flashed and Dai Qisi appeared ten feet away.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Dai Qisi's eyes were a little frightened, and she silently took a few steps back.

Although she didn't know Huo Gong Toutuo, she was still very familiar with Xie Xun.

Dai Qisi understood that her martial arts skills were at least on par with Xie Xun's, but her internal strength cultivation was still slightly behind.

Seeing Xie Xun injured like this showed that this monk was extremely skilled in martial arts and he was definitely no match for him.

She was a person who cherished her life. When she found out that she was in danger, she subconsciously frowned and retreated behind everyone.

"Don't worry Dragon King, I'm here."

Lin Xuan looked back at Dai Qisi and said calmly.

This matter involved the main mission, and Lin Xuan originally planned to solve it himself.

Lin Xuan really didn't care whether Dai Qisi was willing to take action.

However, since Dai Qisi planned to stay out of the matter, the most he could do was help her deal with the Persian Ming Cult as promised.

Naturally, the benefits of Yitian Sword and Dragon Slaying Knife are not shared by her.

Fair and reasonable!

"Hmph! Are you here? What a loud tone! That old woman...huh?"

Huo Gong Tutuo sneered and glanced at Dai Qisi, feeling disgusted in his heart: "Fuck! You are such an ugly old woman and you dare to come out to see people. Stay away from death!"


Dai Qisi took a deep breath, hummed softly, and kept silent.

For a moment, she wanted to pull off the human skin mask on her face and let Huo Gong Tutuo see how valuable she was, the most beautiful woman in the world in the past.

But then I thought about it, I wore the human skin mask just to look ugly.

Seeing Huo Gong Tutuo's reaction, I should be happy...

But why are you still angry?

Dai Qisi also didn't quite understand.

"This Granny Jinhua is the owner of the island. Master shows up uninvited and speaks rudely. Doesn't it seem a little inappropriate?"

Lin Xuan smiled, looked at Huo Gong Tutuo, and said calmly.

"You have some courage. Others are scared to death when they see my ancestor. You dare to say that my ancestor made rude remarks. You must have practiced martial arts very well."

"Oh, you said your name is Lin Xuan, ancestor, I remembered that this silly dog ​​Chen Youliang often said your name a while ago."

Huo Gong Tutuo looked at Lin Xuan carefully and laughed: "Sure enough, he is a young hero just like the ancestor. He is much better than the ancestor's bunch of useless disciples!"

"...Master, at your age, calling yourself a young hero is a bit too much, isn't it?"

Lin Xuan said calmly: "Master, there is no need to be mysterious. Whether to fight or to retreat, you might as well speak frankly."

"Hahaha, although my ancestor is a little older now, he was once young."

"In the past, my ancestor rebelled against Shaolin and beat up the bald men who were frightened by the news. What's wrong with calling himself a 'young hero'?"

"After all these years, the world is quite lively now, and there are still some young heroes."

"These two girls have excellent qualifications. Although they are inferior to you, they are still rare talents made in heaven." "

Huo Gong Tutuo laughed loudly, showing extremely cruel killing intent: "Excellent, my ancestor likes to kill people like you the most!"

The Nine Sun Divine Fire rolled around, and the surrounding temperature rose rapidly. The air seemed to be boiled, making a crackling sound.

The next moment, Huo Gong Tutuo seemed to transform into a huge fire element. The grass and trees around him were burning, and billowing heat waves swept around.


Amidst the loud shouts, Huo Gong Tutuo had already arrived in front of Lin Xuan and punched out.

The majestic fist power surged, and the ground was instantly roasted and cracked, and the surrounding area turned into a sea of ​​fire.

"This Nine-Yang Divine Skill is a bit too much... No wonder this Huo Gong Tutuo talks like crazy."

Lin Xuan's thoughts moved slightly, and the Zhiyin palm power of "Don't use the Hidden Dragon" was launched.

As soon as the palms of the two people touched, Lin Xuan moved the universe, reversed the yin and yang qi, and triggered the palm power of Huo Gong Tutuo to rebound back.

Huo Gong Tou Tuo let out a loud roar, used all his internal strength, and took a step forward forcefully.

The Gangjin that had been compressed to the limit exploded, and the two of them shook their bodies at the same time and took three steps back.

"It's pretty awesome..."

Lin Xuan nodded, with one palm up and one down, turning into the meaning of "riding six dragons at the same time" to control the sky.

Great Qianyuan, all things have begun, and they rule the sky!

According to the setting of the original work, this Huo Gong Tutuo should be an old man nearly two hundred years old, much older than Lao Zhang.

However, this set of Nine Yang Magic is obviously from the movie version, and this guy's age is probably not that exaggerated.

But Lin Xuan estimated that there should be some who are over a hundred years old.

This person can become a great master by secretly learning martial arts, and his talent is obviously of a very high level.

In the past hundred years, he has been able to practice the Nine Yang Divine Skill to the pinnacle, which is much deeper than Zhang Wuji's internal strength.

The reason why Zhang Wuji cannot be defeated in the movie is because he is disabled and can only do a few simple movements...

Now that Huo Gong Tutuo was in his complete form, Lin Xuan could only compete with him using the Great Shift of the Universe.

However, since they are evenly matched, there is nothing to worry about.

It's nothing more than a tactic to outlast the old man. Everyone just puts in the effort and fights!

Well, even the war eagle can beat the old lady.

"Something evil!"

Huo Gong Tutuo slowly exhaled and let out a long roar, his expression a little solemn.

He roamed the Western Regions for no apparent reason, and his fame lasted for decades. In the eyes of all the countries and forces in the Western Region, he is like an undefeated God of War.

The long-term invincibility gave Huo Gong Tutuo the confidence to win.

So, he swaggered to the Central Plains, intending to use his peerless martial arts to make the entire Central Plains feel pain.

Then, Huo Gong Tutuo happily challenged Zhang Sanfeng.

Finally, Lao Zhang, who was invited, slapped him so hard that he vomited blood and jumped off a cliff.

Huo Gong Tutuo felt that this was an accident. He should be the second master after Zhang Sanfeng.

As a result, Lin Xuan now slapped Lin Xuan with all his strength.

Others seemed fine, but the back of his hand and even his meridians were numb due to the inner strength of the other person.

No, this is not inner strength!

Huo Gong Tutuo suspected that this was the other party's pure physical strength!

And the back of my hand also turned bronze...

Oh, this one seems to have been burned by his own Nine Yang Divine Fire!

What is this ghost?

A male disciple from Emei who is in his twenties, has deep inner strength, is proficient in leveraging force, and is born with supernatural powers and is indestructible?

Huo Gong Tutuo never thought about such outrageous things in his dream.

But now it's really happening!

"If you don't die, you will be another old dog!"

Under the nine-yang divine fire, Huo Gong Tutuo looked ferocious, and he shouted and rushed towards Lin Xuan again.

"You look quite like a dog now."

Lin Xuan did not retreat but instead advanced, and the huge palm of the "Six Dragons of Time" was like a giant dragon, crushing towards the Huo Gong Tou Tuo.

"Brother Lin, do you want the little girl to help?"

Huang Shi blinked his eyes and looked at the battlefield that seemed to turn into a sea of ​​fire around the two of them.

"Miss Yang, there is no need to take action."

Lin Xuan smiled: "Since you brought the jade flute, you might as well play a song for me."


Huang Shan was slightly startled, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he picked up the jade flute and started playing.

A trace of clear sound seemed to rise slowly on the distant horizon.

In the Ruoyouruowu interval, the sound of the flute turned into the sound of the Jin Ge and Dang bandits.

The sound of gold, drums, swords and crossbows, and the sounds of men and horses reverberating endlessly in the mountains.

It is the ancient song "The Song of King Lanling Entering the Battle".

"Is this considered invisible flirtation..."

Huang Rong muttered, ignoring the frown and nervously watching the fight between Lin Xuan and Huo Gong Tutuo.

"This bald man is old and his physical strength can't be exhausted by me. He should run away in less than ten moves. When the time comes, Ronger, use your sword to kill him."

At this moment, Lin Xuan's voice rang in her ears: "It's better to do this kind of thing yourself, so don't bother Miss Yang."

"One of my own... Mr. Lin knows very well."

Huang Rong was slightly startled, curled her lips, and felt a hint of sweetness in her heart.

"Go away!"

At this moment, Huo Gong Tutuo roared loudly and struck out the Vajra Prajna Divine Palm.

Lin Xuan blocked it with Zhiyang's palm, and the two bodies shook at the same time, their bones cracking.

Huo Gong Tutuo spurted out a mouthful of blood, and with a sudden force, his body changed from forward to retreat, crashing backwards like a train.

"I really want to run away..."

Huang Rong snorted, jumped forward, unsheathed the Yitian Sword, and slashed out the Nine Yin Jue Sword.

The sword light flashed, turning into a sword energy that filled the sky and the earth, and chopped off the head of Huo Gong Tutuo who was unable to dodge.

An arrow of blood splashed out from Huo Gong Tutuo's headless body like fire oil.

When it falls on the ground, it bursts into flames.

This is Huo Gong Tutuo pushing the Nine Yang Divine Art to the limit. The magma-like true energy travels through the limbs and bones, causing the blood to reach an unimaginable high temperature.


The Yitian Sword was full of human blood, and the sword body trembled on its own, making a sword whistling sound like a dragon's roar, as if it was extremely satisfying.

This version of Yitian Sword is said to be made by combining the two sharpest swords in the past, the Gentleman's Sword and the Lady's Sword.

Although the names of Gentleman's Sword and Lady's Sword sound quite gentle.

But Yitian Sword is not a good thing.

Miejie Shitai said more than once: "This sword will not drink human blood after it is taken out of the box, and it cannot be returned to the sheath."

Although it doesn’t mean killing someone every time you take it out of its sheath.

But drinking a little high-quality blood from time to time is still necessary to maintain a sword.

Well, it seems that Huo Gong Tutuo's blood quality is pretty good.

Now the sword is full, and the murderous intention has faded a bit.

"The leader played well."

Lin Xuan smiled at Huang Rong, looked inwards at himself, and used his inner strength to slowly repair the hidden wounds caused by the previous fight.

"Thank you Mr. Lin for your guidance."

Huang Rong blinked and sheathed her sword.


Seeing the shocking confrontation in front of her, Dai Qisi took a deep breath, feeling ecstatic in her heart.

Anyway, she had already surrendered to Emei.

He should be regarded as one of Emei's own people.

With Lin Xuan's temper, Emei would definitely protect her as long as she didn't jump around trying to die.

In front of this unprecedented and outrageous Emei, the Persian Ming Cult seems to have nothing to fear.

"If you can't rely on the sky, who can compete with you? It is indeed a peerless sword!"

Huang Shan finished playing the last note, put down the jade flute, and sighed softly.

(End of this chapter)

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