I asked you to play a dungeon, why don't you just raise the BOSS here?

Chapter 155: A skill above the legendary level, the main mission is completed, and the chapter is un

Chapter 155: A skill above the legendary level, the main mission is completed, and the authority returns!

"Hahaha! So what if you, a dead monk, are so good at martial arts? You're not dead yet!"

Xie Xun stood up unsteadily, hugged Lin Xuan, and laughed hoarsely: "Thank you, Master Lin, for avenging Xie."

Although he was blind and seriously injured, he was not dead after all.

My mind is as clear as a mirror to what is happening around me.

"Hey, although it was Brother Lin who defeated this monk, it was me who killed him."

Huang Rong was a little dissatisfied: "You didn't mention me at all. Isn't it a bit disrespectful?"

"...Xie is talking about Cheng Kun."

Xie Xun was stunned for a moment, then changed his words: "Xie's skills are not as good as others. He can't defeat this Huogong Tutuo, so he has nothing to take revenge on."

"Huh? Are you so open-minded..."

Huang Rong shrugged: "That's okay."

"It turns out that King Xie also knows about this."

Lin Xuan smiled: "Are you willing to kill your enemy and get the Dragon Slaying Sword?"

Xiao Zhao told Dai Qisi about killing Cheng Kun.

It's not surprising that Xie Xun knew.

"I wanted this dragon-slaying knife to kill Cheng Kun. Now that he is dead, this dragon-slaying knife is useless."

"Originally, I knew what happened. When I returned to the Central Plains, in addition to wanting to see Wuji's child, I also wanted to give this dragon-slaying knife to Hero Lin."

"Now that Xie is about to die soon, it's okay that Wuji's child is gone."

Xie Xun laughed: "This place is very nice. I would like to ask Mrs. Han to remember the past and bury me here."


Dai Qisi sighed: "Brother Xie, go in peace. Your Wuji kid is very powerful. Let him kowtow in front of your grave in the future."

"Even if you die, you don't have to worry about whether you have these things or not."

Xie Xun shook his head and sat down cross-legged.

"The supreme king of martial arts, he slays the dragon with his precious sword."

Lin Xuan was slightly emotional, walked to the dragon-slaying knife, and stretched out his hand to grab it.

With a surge of energy, the dragon-slaying knife stuck in the rock jumped out on its own and landed in Lin Xuan's palm.

This knife seems to be pretty good.

In web game advertisements in previous lives, I always saw "Dragon Slaying Sword, click to get it" and "Dragon Slaying Sword at the beginning, level 999 with one sword".

Although I don’t know if they are the same thing, at least they all have this name...

Lin Xuan felt that the main reason was that the name was simple and crude, and it also had an unruly and domineering air.

"Master Lin, Master Huang, how do Chen Youliang know this place?"

Dai Qisi looked at the dark dragon-slaying knife and seemed a little jealous, but she didn't say much.

Anyway, with her martial arts skills, even if she holds a dragon-slaying knife, she cannot be the supreme martial arts master.

Moreover, she was nicknamed "Purple Shirt Dragon King", which was targeted by the name of this sword.

Seeing this knife, Dai Qisi felt some inexplicable palpitations in her heart.

These days, people in the world are still quite superstitious and like to talk about good words.

"Chen Youliang used to be responsible for collecting intelligence for the Beggar Clan, but now he has joined the Mongolian court, and he is even more comfortable in this regard."

"Even if we don't necessarily know that you are the Purple-shirted Dragon King, it shouldn't be difficult to find clues if you take Xie Xun to Spirit Snake Island."

"It's nothing to make a special trip just for the dragon-slaying knife."

In the original plot, it seemed that only Chen Youliang came to the door with a few disciples of the Beggar Clan.

But now the entire plot is in a mess, and the original process has little reference value.

Lin Xuan was too lazy to think carefully about Chen Youliang's motives.

Everyone is dead anyway.

"My Spiritual Snake Island is in a remote location, I'm afraid it's not that easy to find."

Dai Qisi frowned, as if she didn't believe it.

"With their level of cultivation, it is absolutely impossible for them to walk on the sea. Naturally, they came by boat."

"In my opinion, Dragon King might as well go to the shore and find the ship they came from."

Lin Xuan sighed: "When the time comes, the Dragon King will casually question the crew members on the ship. Isn't it more reliable than making random guesses here?"

"This..., thank you, Master Lin, for your advice!"

Dai Qisi stayed still for a moment, feeling as if she had become an idiot.

"Hurry up and go take a look. Don't let people find out something is wrong and drive the ship away..., eh?"

Lin Xuan's heart moved: "If someone blows up the boat we came over, will the Dragon King know how to build a boat?"

"There are many trees on Spirit Snake Island, so it shouldn't be difficult..."

"I'll go take a look first and then talk."

Dai Qisi's body swept away and turned into a purple shadow, disappearing far away.

"Mom, where are you going?"

At this time, Xiao Zhao also climbed up the mountain panting. When he saw Dai Qisi's retreating figure, Xiao Zhao was shocked and shouted quickly.

"Mom, go and pick some coconuts at the beach. Just stand here and don't move. Wait for me to come back."

Dai Qisi didn't look back, and her voice came from far away.

"Oh! Boss! Mr. Lin! Uh-huh? What on earth happened here?"

Looking at the devastation all around him that had been burned by fire, Xiao Zhao blinked his big eyes, full of doubts.

"It's nothing, just two dogs dead."

Xie Xun laughed and sat down cross-legged: "It's time for me to go."

"Xie Shiwang is probably still a little unwilling."

Lin Xuan smiled: "It doesn't hurt to tell you the secret of this dragon-slaying knife."


Xie Xun turned pale in horror, with an extremely shocked expression on his face.

Over the years since he acquired the dragon-slaying knife, he has been racking his brains all day long, but he can only use it to unleash his sword energy and chop polar bears.

The power is indeed extraordinary, and there is no other famous sword in the world.

However, Xie Xun felt that if he just chopped down a few polar bears, he probably wouldn't be able to become the supreme martial artist...

But Xie Xun really can't figure out other high-end gameplay.

Seeing that Lin Xuan promised to help him solve his doubts, Xie Xun's energy was greatly boosted, and he directly overdrawn his potential and activated the flashback. "The secret of relying on the sky to slay the dragon is not outside it, but within it."

Lin Xuan smiled slightly and took the Yitian Sword from Huang Rong: "Miss Yang, this is also the opportunity I mentioned."


Huang Shi bit his lip lightly, looking curious.

Although she is a otaku, she has still heard of the Heavenly Sword and the Dragon-Slaying Sword.

"It's just chance. This 'Martial Arts Supreme' is probably different from what the Lion King thought."

Lin Xuan held a knife in one hand and a sword in the other. He swung the swords at the same time and cut each other.

The next moment, the swords broke at the same time.

Two pages of the silk book fell out and fluttered in the air. They were densely covered with small regular script.

Not bad, it is the setting of the old version.

The newly revised version seems to bury things on Peach Blossom Island. There are two pieces of iron stuffed inside the sword, with a treasure map on top.

If you are unlucky, it will take another month.

"What's this?"

Huang Shan was slightly startled when he saw the silk book falling.

"This is the secret of relying on heaven to slay the dragon."

Lin Xuan waved his right hand, rolled his palm, and took two pages of the silk book into his palm.

"When the city of Xiangyang was destroyed in the past, the hero Guo Jing knew that he would be unlucky and wanted to fight to the death to serve his country. He found a master craftsman in advance and forged the Dragon Slaying Sword and the Heavenly Sword."

"Among them, the Yitian Sword contains the peerless magical skills "Nine Yin Manual" and "The Essence of the Eighteen Palms for Subduing the Dragon", and the Dragon Slaying Sword contains the former Wu Mu Yuefei's military book "Wu Mu's Suicide Note"."

Lin Xuan smiled: "So, thank you Lion King, the Dragon Slaying Sword you have studied over the years actually contains the "Wu Mu's Suicide Note", which is not of much help to you."

""Wu Mu's Suicide Note"?"

Xie Xun was startled and looked confused: "Then...then why can this dragon-slaying sword command the world?"

"In Guo Jing's eyes, the meaning of "slaying the dragon" means overthrowing the Mongol court, killing the Mongol emperor, and recovering the Han people."

Lin Xuan said calmly: "At that time, those who hold the dragon-slaying knife can command the world, and no one dares to disobey. What does a mere martial arts supreme mean?"

"Hey, that's it...Thank you, Master Lin, for informing me about this!"

Xie Xun let out a long sigh: "All these years of fighting bravely and fiercely have made Daxia Guo's hard work go to waste. Anyway, this is considered pure."

The next moment, Xie Xun's head dropped, lifeless.

But judging from Xie Xun's expression, he left quite peacefully.

After all, Cheng Kun is dead, and the great revenge has been avenged. After decades of racking his brains, he finally has the answer.

[The reincarnator has obtained the Yitian Sword and the Dragon-Slaying Knife, and knows the secrets. 】

[The third main task has been completed, and 2000 points of reincarnation experience have been obtained. The reincarnator is currently lv15 (500/2500), strength +20, stamina +20, skill +20, spirit +20. 】

[Judging that the main tasks have been completed, the reincarnator can choose to return to the original plane, or be forced to return at the end of the copy time. 】

[Note: Before returning, it may still cause illness, serious injury or even death. Reincarnators are advised to carefully weigh subsequent actions. 】

Almost at the same time, the system prompt sounded in the ears of Lin Xuan and Huang Rong.

[The reincarnator has obtained the full version of the legendary skill "Nine Yin Manual", and the current cultivation level is 43%. If the cultivation level reaches 100%, reincarnation points can be consumed to upgrade to the genius-level skill "Nine Yin Manual". 】

[Reincarnators can consume reincarnation points to increase the level of practice of this martial arts! 】

[Consuming 5700 reincarnation points, the cultivation level of this skill can reach 100%.]

[Note: Full cultivation level only represents the level of cultivation of the skill, but depending on the reincarnator's physical fitness, martial arts realm, skill cultivation, combat performance, etc., there will still be different fluctuations in combat power. 】


Lin Xuan was slightly startled and looked at his personal panel.

At some point, the words "Nine Yin Manual (Legendary, 43%), Great Shift of the Universe" were added to the skill column.

However, the Great Shift of the Universe and the Wedding Clothes Divine Skill are not marked with the level of the skill.

As for the martial arts skills of Tai Chi and Tai Chi Sword, they still have not been displayed.

"I see……"

Lin Xuan's heart moved and he let out a sullen breath.

Now it seems that martial arts classifications such as "World-Suppressing Level" and "Legendary Level" are not universal classifications for all martial arts.

There is a high probability that a martial art has different versions at the same time, and there is a huge gap in combat power between them, so they are distinguished through this method.

This situation does not exist for the Great Shift of the Universe and the Magical Wedding Clothes, so there has never been a specific grade.

As for the Nine Yin Scriptures...

In the metal system, although the Nine Yin Manual is a top martial arts, its positioning is definitely higher than the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

But the lethality is not that fantastic, and it is probably not as good as Huang Yi's four magical powers.

But in the "Legend of the Emperor" system, Huang Shang understood the Nine Yin Scriptures in three years, created his own nine magical powers, slaughtered all the masters in the world, and became invincible in the world.

Well, the Legend of the Emperor belongs to the high martial plane, and being invincible in the world is quite valuable.

Later, Huang Shang felt that all warriors in the world were useless, and it was meaningless for the Yutang Bureau to kill them randomly.

In his later years, with his supreme power, he became an immortal in one fell swoop.

In the "Dragon and Tiger Gate" system, Huang Shang is set to be a great Confucian of the Han Dynasty. From the 384 lines of the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes, he understood the ancient and unparalleled "Nine Yin Manual".

Several years later, Huang Shang achieved enlightenment, took advantage of the Nine Yin Qi, chased the moon and ascended to immortality.

In the high martial arts system, there are very few martial arts that can directly become immortals.

It is more desirable than the vague broken void.

It's a pity that none of the successors of this martial arts in the comics have reached the peak of their skills and their performance is insufficient.

It seems that it is not as well-known as martial arts such as Jiuyang Shengong and Yijin Jing.

Well, considering Huang Shang's character..., it's normal for others not to be able to practice.

For Lin Xuan, this is of course good news!

Originally, Lin Xuan was a little jealous of the Hong Kong comic version of Nine Suns.

But if you practice it to the extreme, you can achieve the Nine Yin Manual of Immortal Body...

Then the Nine Yang Divine Art is dispensable.

After all, this version of the Nine-Yang Divine Art is the most powerful of the Yangs. For most magical arts, it is a "you and no me" situation.

If a high-end internal skill is rewarded in the future, I might be forced to give up...

The "Nine Yin Manual" adheres to the concept that the best is as good as water, and can stand out among martial arts in the world in terms of compatibility.

Of course, subsequent upgrades will probably consume a lot of reincarnation points.

Determine the direction and take your time.

(End of this chapter)

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