I asked you to play a dungeon, why don't you just raise the BOSS here?

Chapter 156: The 9 Yin Manual is nothing special, so what if the Holy Fire Token is in hand?

Chapter 156 The Nine Yin Manual is nothing special, so what if the Holy Fire Token is in hand?

"Miss Yang, the "Nine Yin Manual" in your ancient tomb was written by Master Wang back then to compete with your ancestor. The technique is not complete."

"After this "Nine Yin Manual" returns to Emei, you should also make a copy."

Lin Xuan put away the silk book and said calmly: "Don't practice the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon. It doesn't suit your style, and you won't be able to practice it even if you practice hard."

He currently only has 3000 reincarnation points, which is definitely not enough to directly increase his cultivation level to 100%.

However, there should still be some things that Lin Xuan can master in the complete version of the Nine Yin Manual.

Lin Xuan plans to spend a few months practicing hard and breaking through 70% will be enough.

It is unrealistic to practice hard to 100%.

After all, Lin Xuan is not Lao Huang, and many of the martial arts in the Nine Yin Manual are very abstract and do not match Lin Xuan's style.

Even if you practice for a hundred years, it will be difficult to practice to the point of perfection.

It's better to just "space, add points".

"The complete set of Nine Yin Manual... is too expensive."

Huang Shan frowned slightly, feeling a little embarrassed: "I'm just a guest, and I haven't made much contribution."

"It's okay. Anyway, everyone is a member of the family and everyone has a share in seeing you."

"The threshold for this martial arts is quite high. Maybe no one will lose it in the future. Miss Yang will be the elder who teaches this martial arts from now on."

Huang Rong smiled and said, "Xiao Zhao can practice if he wants."

"Ah? Can I do it too?"

Xiao Zhao was stunned for a moment, a little flattered.

"I'm just letting you practice. It's up to you how much you can learn."

Huang Rong waved her hand: "So, it's just a martial arts, nothing special. Don't be too stressed."

"Then...thank you, Master!"

Huang Shan was silent for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile: "The leader is so courageous, a little girl can't match it, so I am convinced."


"Master Huang, Master Lin, help!"

At this moment, Dai Qisi's scream came from afar.

In a moment, Dai Qisi was seen rushing over in a panic.

Even the coral gold crutch that never left his body was thrown aside.

Not far away, there were several "ding-ding" sounds, and three people performed Qinggong, following closely behind.

I saw two men and one woman among the three people, all wearing loose white robes.

One of the two men has a curly beard and blue eyes, and the other has a yellow beard and an eagle nose. They are obviously not Han Chinese.

Although the woman has black hair, her eyes are very light, almost colorless.

The corners of each person's white robe were embroidered with a flame shape.

He saw Lin Xuan and others gathered on the hill, and then looked at the bodies of Huo Gong Tou Tuo and the others.

The three of them were a little confused about the situation. They paused for a moment, each took out a pair of tokens of different lengths, stopped far away, and started talking quietly.

"The Dragon King went to the beach, why did he find three Persian friends..."

Lin Xuan glanced at Dai Qisi and thought slightly: "Did they recognize you?"

"Master Lin, these three are the Three Envoys of the Persian Chief Religion, and their martial arts are extraordinary."

Dai Qisi coughed and hinted with a wink: "They just recognized me as the purple-robed Dragon King and asked me to pay homage to them."

If she is a beautiful woman, this expression should be quite charming.

But Dai Qisi's human skin mask was too eye-catching, leaving Lin Xuan speechless for a while.

"Only recognize this one?"

"...Isn't this enough?"

Dai Qisi was so frightened that her heart beat a few beats faster, and she waved her hands repeatedly.

"Okay, how did you meet these people?"

In the original book, these three guys did come to Spirit Snake Island.

Lin Xuan just thought for a while, but he couldn't remember how they found them.

It's quite mysterious.

"Chen Youliang was on a Mongolian ship. It seems that King Ruyang valued him quite a lot and asked this group of Persians to escort them over."

"It's also possible that this group of Persians knew the whereabouts of me and the Lion King, so they came here specially."

Dai Qisi said in a deep voice: "These three are pioneer officers, and there should be a Persian fleet behind them. They are all here to help the Mongolian court fight water wars."

She had just caught a sailor on the shore, and after questioning him for a few words, she was discovered by the Three Envoys of the Wind, Cloud and Moon.

With one against three, Dai Qisi was no match, and she was worried that there were other Persian masters on the ship, so she had to run away in a hurry.

"No wonder Chen Youliang is so confident. It turns out he has a helping hand."

Huang Rong chuckled: "It's a pity that Mr. Lin moved too fast and didn't give him a chance at all."

"I am over-flattered."

Lin Xuan smiled and looked at the three envoys of Fengyunyue: "Are you three the only ones from the Persian Ming Cult? Did the King of the Twelve Treasure Trees come together?"

"How presumptuous! How respected is the identity of King Baoshu, that you can mention it arrogantly?"

Seeing that Lin Xuan and Huang Rong looked disapproving, the leader of the Miao Feng Envoy was very unhappy. He held up the Holy Fire Order and shouted: "The Suppressing Holy Fire Order is here. If you don't kneel down to greet us, when will we wait?"

The intonation of the words was not accurate and seemed extremely stiff. "

"The Great Sage King received the message and learned that the leader of the Middle-earth sect was missing. The disciples were killing each other, and the sect was in decline."

"That's why we, the three envoys of Fengyunyue, are ordered to come and rectify the teaching affairs. All members of the teaching staff should follow the orders together without making any mistakes."

Liuyun envoy shouted: "You gathered here must be my disciples, why don't you kneel down and accept my order?"

"I have some friendship with the Ming Cult, but I am not a member of the Ming Cult."

"Furthermore, as far as I know, although the Mingjiao in China originated from Persia, it has been an independent sect for hundreds of years and has never been under the jurisdiction of the Persian General Church."

Lin Xuan looked at the Holy Fire Tokens in the hands of the three of them and said calmly: "The three of you came all the way to deliver the Holy Fire Tokens. I thank the three of you for your kindness on behalf of Master Zhang. If you leave the Holy Fire Tokens, please come back."

Although the words were a little rude, considering that these international friends came all the way to deliver the treasure...

The affection is really touching.

Lin Xuan still planned to give them a chance to survive.

"How presumptuous! You are not a disciple of our religion, yet you dare to point fingers here!"

Liuyunshi was furious and shouted: "Who are you talking about, Master Zhang?"

"Master Zhang is naturally the contemporary leader of the Ming Cult in China."

Lin Xuan smiled: "I don't even bother to covet these black iron tokens. I will transfer them to Leader Zhang when I get back."

"Is there such a thing?"

"The Mingjiao of Middle-earth, when did it have a leader?"

"Hmph! The leader surnamed Shi was incompetent at the time and lost the Holy Fire Order, leaving it to the head teacher to find it."

"Those Chinese barbarians don't have the Holy Fire Order and have lost their status, yet they dare to falsely claim to be the leader!"

The three of them discussed for a while and sneered: "Dragon King in Purple Shirt, we will order you to kill all the people outside the sect and bow down to the Holy Fire to apologize for your sins!"

Okay, just make your own way...

Lin Xuan didn't care and said calmly: "Dragon King, what do you think of these three people's remarks?"

"Hmph! Miao Feng Envoy, Liu Yun Envoy, and Hui Yue Envoy, you three are so brave!"

Seeing Lin Xuanyun's calm look, Dai Qisi's heart suddenly tightened.

After a slight hesitation, Dai Qisi tore off her mask and glanced at the three of them with cold eyes.

"Purple-shirted Dragon King, you..., huh? That's not right!"

"You...are you that person back then? You actually became the Dragon King protecting the barbarians in Middle-earth!"

"Great Saint! Hahaha! You have made it easy for the brothers in the church to find you these years!" "No wonder King Wisdom specially ordered us to come to Spirit Snake Island. It turns out that he has already figured out your identity."

Seeing Dai Qisi's original appearance, the three envoys rubbed their eyes in disbelief, and then showed expressions of ecstasy.

When Dai Qisi went to Middle-earth, they were still young and did not know each other.

But seeing Dai Qisi's face and looking at Xiao Zhao not far away, the three of them immediately understood the cause and effect.

"Who do you think you are? You dare to speak rudely to me?"

Dai Qisi sneered and said: "I will kill you today, just in time to sever ties with the Persian Ming Cult."

Although the Persian Ming Cult is controlled by the King of the Twelve Treasure Trees, the official position is still respected by the leader.

Under the leader, there are three saints, who are like deputy leaders.

The third envoy of Fengyunyue was in charge of the Holy Fire Order. He looked extremely majestic, but his status in the sect was far lower than that of Dai Qisi.

In Dai Qisi's eyes, they were like eunuchs reading out imperial edicts.

The total amount is not as important as the Holy Fire Token in hand.

"Great Saint, your status is so respected that we are naturally inferior to you. We should have given you a teaching ceremony."

"But after years of separation, your mission has not been completed, and you have lost your virginity to the barbarians from China."

"No matter what, you can't escape this punishment of burning yourself with fire."

Miao Feng made a wave with his left hand, and Liu Yun and Hui Yue both jumped up at the same time, and rushed towards Dai Qisi in an extremely weird posture.

The next moment, Miao Feng made his figure flash and appeared in front of Lin Xuan, the Holy Fire Token piercing out like a dagger.

"My martial arts skills are not great, but I am quite confident."

Lin Xuan shook his head, used the Wedding Clothes Magic Skill, and punched the Holy Fire Token with a random punch.

Just now he was worried about some unplanned changes, so he listened silently for a few words.

But it seems that the status of the third envoy of Fengyun Yue is not high. He has only a little understanding of King Baoshu's plan and is just a tool.

Now that he takes the initiative to attack him, he can just kill him directly.

It is probably unrealistic for the reactionary forces to ask them to voluntarily hand over the Holy Fire Order.


Under the collision of internal energy, the wonderful wind caused the body to tremble, and the Holy Fire Token flew away from his hand.

Although they were good in actual combat, they also relied on the Holy Fire Order to Shang Huoshan's assassination skills, which were unpredictable and gave them the advantage in close combat.

Real martial arts are not as good as those of the masters of the Ming Cult.

Now in a head-to-head fight with Lin Xuan, he was seriously injured with just one move.

"Let's all move around."

Lin Xuan took advantage of the situation and took a step forward, pressing down with a palm.

Miao Feng used his whole body's energy to block the attack with his hands.

Lin Xuan moves the universe and moves forward one by one.

Miao Feng turned her palm around and slapped her head hard.


The sound of bones exploding sounded. The Miao Feng user looked at Lin Xuan blankly, moved his mouth, fell back, and died.

"These barbarians are not very good at martial arts, but they are quite arrogant when they talk."

Huang Rong shook her head and moved forward side by side with Huang Shan.

One of the two girls used the Luoying Shen Sword Palm, and the other used the Great Demon-Suppressing Fist.

Within a few moves, Liuyunshi and Huiyueshi also vomited blood and fell to the ground.

"This is a sacred object of Mingjiao. Please show it to Mr. Lin."

Dai Qisi did not hesitate to give each of the three fellow villagers a hard blow. The ones who were dying died directly, and the dead ones were whipped to death.

Then, he gathered the Holy Fire Token together and handed it to Lin Xuan.

By killing the three envoys of Fengyun Yue, she had become completely hostile to the Persian Ming Cult, and it was considered as a surrender.

Xiao Zhao seemed to be relieved and looked a little happy.

She grew up in the Central Plains and could only sing a few Persian ditties. She had no sense of identity with Persia, a country she had never been to.

[The reincarnator has collected six Holy Fire Tokens. If he has held and carried them for more than thirty days continuously, he will be deemed to have completed this task. 】

This sacred fire token is neither gold nor jade. It is extremely hard and comes in different lengths and sizes.

It seems like there are flames flying, but in fact the material reflects the light and the color changes.

The material is probably a mixture of platinum, black iron and emery.

The other two are fine, but Xuan Tie is too hellish to be mass-produced.

As a result, the Mingjiao of China lost the Holy Fire Order and could not recast it.

"The Holy Fire Order is indeed an immortal weapon, but it is nothing more than that. How can a mere object be superior to millions of people?"

Lin Xuan took off his backpack and put the Holy Fire Tokens in sequence.

There are twelve sacred fire tokens in total, all of which were cast by Huo Shan, an old man in the Persian mountains.

He carved the essence of his lifelong martial arts on six of them, which can be said to be the pinnacle of left-handedness.

The other six were originally empty. After they were transferred to the Mingjiao, the Mingjiao canon was added.

In terms of practical value, the martial arts version of the Holy Fire Token in Lin Xuan's hands is naturally far superior to the canonical version of the Holy Fire Token.

However, this thing mainly comes from surprise, and it won't be of much use against an expert.

Let Xiao Zhao translate it on the way so that you can understand it better.

The current focus is definitely still on the Nine Yin Manual.

"Finally done."

Huang Rong asked: "What should we say now? Go back?"

"Well, of course I should go back,"

"These three envoys can be considered important figures of the Persian Ming Cult. The ship will not leave on its own. We can seize the ship and ask about the situation. We can grasp the movement of the Persian Ming Cult's warships."

"It's also a good time for them to do some physical work and bury these corpses one by one in vertical tombs."

Lin Xuan ordered: "After we get ashore, I would like to ask Dragon King to make a trip and inform Mingjiao Zhang Wuji to go to Wudang Mountain to receive the Holy Fire Order. By the way, you can discuss how to target the Persian Mingjiao fleet."

Lin Xuan thought about it and felt that there was no point in staying and waiting for the Twelve Treasure Tree King to come.

What a waste of time and quite stupid.

What if the other party is a genius and uses cannons to blow up the ships here on the shore, and then leaves directly...

Then I have to stage a desert island survival, which is an extremely waste of time.

So, just send a message.

Anyway, this version of Zhang Wuji is still a bit ambitious, and he definitely doesn't want the Persian Ming Cult to dominate him.

This was originally something that Zhang Wuji, the leader of the Ming Cult, should worry about.

There is no need for you to overstep your authority.

"Wudang Mountain?"

"Well, it's almost time, just in time to go see Master Zhang."

Lin Xuan said calmly: "If we leave in advance, the Holy Fire Order will stay on the mountain."

"Yes! I understand, and I will definitely live up to my trust."

Dai Qisi exhaled a sigh of relief and nodded repeatedly.

Over the years, the Persian Ming Cult has almost become her inner demon.

Now that it is possible to completely solve the hidden dangers in one fell swoop, she is naturally very concerned about it.

It's really hard to live in hiding all day long.

(End of this chapter)

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