I asked you to play a dungeon, why don't you just raise the BOSS here?

Chapter 71 Anyway, we won’t get pregnant if we try, right?

Chapter 71 Anyway, if we give it a try, we won’t get pregnant, right?

"You guys who have killed a thousand swords, how dare you act so boldly in the Grand Master's house! You can't rebel if you want to!"

Gao Qiu was holding back his anger and ignored the maids and servants running around. He walked alone through the spacious and deserted jade corridor, opened the door to the outer courtyard, and cursed.

A billowing smell of blood hit his face.

"Ah this..."

Gao Qiu stopped and looked at the scene not far away that looked like Shura's killing ground. He shrank his neck and stepped back cautiously.


At this moment, a gloomy and hoarse voice sounded: "So what?"

"Huh? You, you..."

Gao Qiu looked out and his whole body trembled as if shaking: "Lin Lin, Lin... Coach Lin?"

Even if Gao Qiu didn't report the news, it was time for the Royal Forest Army to dispatch.

"I impulsively insulted my mother!"

Gao Qiu was shocked, gathered all his strength, and slammed forward.

With Lin Chong's level of force, he actually couldn't stab that guy.

Lin Xuan actually didn't care much about Gao Qiu's tip.

Taking advantage of the favorable location, he sniped people and shot horses.

The dodges and feints are incredibly strong...

  The sound of horse hooves rolled, and a group of imperial guards quickly approached here.

However, what surprised Lin Xuan was that Gao Qiu ran so fast.

"it is good!"

"Quick location check!"

There are at least hundreds or thousands of guards in the Cai Mansion, and it is impossible to kill them all in an instant.

After all, in order to protect important ministers like Cai Jing, there is a garrison of the Royal Forest Army not far away, and the city patrol army can arrive in a moment.

"This is Captain Gao's order!"

Huang Rong rolled her eyes, turned her back, and squeezed back like a steel-backed beast.

"Lin, Coach Lin, well... long time no see."

Gao Qiu was completely frightened. He forced out a smile that was uglier than crying: "Don't..., don't be impulsive!"

This is the sniper spot chosen by Hua Rong, his sister, and others early in the morning.

"Enemy attack?"

Lin Chonghu roared, jumped into the air, and smashed the snake spear directly at Gao Qiu.

The snake spear rotated, thrust out at an almost impossible angle, and passed through the heart of an expert guard.

It is indeed the hope of the national football team!

Lin Xuan swung his sword and chopped down a guard, then took two steps forward and blocked Huang Rong's opponent: "Rong'er, go and help Coach Lin."

Gao Qiu screamed, tore apart the talisman he had just taken out, turned around and ran away.

Killing Gao Qiu was a serious matter. Huang Rong nodded slightly and jumped into the air. After a few ups and downs, she appeared in front of Gao Qiu.

This kind of thing is definitely inevitable.

"Grand Master's Mansion!"

Lin Chong didn't wipe it at all, he just stared at Gao Qiu, motionless.

Blood flowed down Lin Chong's angular cheeks, like a hell-blooded demon.

The moment Lin Chong turned his head, he suddenly shook his snake spear.

"Go away!"

Then, at the gate of Cai Mansion, the sound of fighting continued, people fell on their backs, and screams continued.

Lin Chong shook the snake spear again, and blood splashed out, covering Lin Chong's head and face.

"Bump! I'm afraid you won't make it!"

After a few rounds, the Taishi Mansion could be blocked by the corpses of the war horses alone.

Several garrison generals were frightened and hurriedly prepared their troops.

"The movement is a bit loud, and people outside can't hold on for long."

Completely negating the mobility of the Guards Cavalry.

"I didn't expect that Lieutenant Gao would still remember me, Lin Chong."

The clear and loud bell rang, like cracking rocks and piercing clouds, echoing endlessly throughout the capital.


Amidst the deafening screams, Gao Qiu had at least seventy or eighty barbs on his chest and stomach...

"You dare to bump into me with this little skill, do you feel comfortable now?"

Huang Rong curled her lips, twisted her waist, and freed all the barbs from Gao Qiu's body, returning to the ground.

As a result, there were seventy or eighty blood holes in Gao Qiu's body.

Gao Qiu's face was pale in pain and he couldn't even speak. He could only twist and struggle on the ground.

"Teacher Lin, let's do it."

Huang Rong smiled: "When this guy's blood dries up, you won't be able to take revenge."

"...Thank you, Second Master, for reminding me."

Lin Chong was stunned, glanced at Huang Rong with some gratitude, and raised the snake spear.

To be honest, Lin Chong was quite happy to see Gao Qiu like this.

However, Huang Rong's words do make sense.

For revenge, it would be better to kill him with your own hands.

A flash of cold light!
  Gao Qiu's head was lifted up by Lin Chong, like a wine gourd, hanging on the Zhangba snake spear. Lin Chong laughed and cried at the same time. His gun was as powerful as a demon and he knocked over several forest guards who came to the rescue one by one.

[Gao Qiu has been killed and the challenge mission has been completed. 】

[Killing the remaining targets can improve the challenge mission evaluation. 】

"Please, Taoist Master, please take action."

Lin Xuan led the people into the inner courtyard and ordered as he listened to the sound of the crowd getting closer and closer behind him.


Gongsun Sheng had no time to say anything more, so he bit the tip of his tongue suddenly and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the peach wood sword.

In the blink of an eye, dark clouds covered the place, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, strong winds were blowing all around, and sand and rocks were flying.

It was like a wind dragon passing through the border, blowing towards the forest guards.

"How can the land of the capital allow you to act so arrogantly!"

At this moment, a majestic and arrogant man's voice came from the sky: "The five gates of Xuande come to all nations, and the single palace of Shenxiao governs all the heavens!"

Above the nine heavens, thunder surged and gathered into a pale white thunder column.

As soon as the thunder pillar took shape, it crashed down and landed among the overlapping dark clouds.

In an instant, brilliant skylight erupted over the entire capital, making people blind and unable to see directly.

The dark clouds have dispersed, and the sky is as clear as water!

Gongsun Sheng suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and his expression changed drastically: "There are masters!"


Thunders gathered together, stars flickered, and the figures of five Taoists appeared.

The leader is a middle-aged Taoist with a slim build and an ethereal temperament.

Rays of thunder swam endlessly on the Taoist's robe, like a spiritual snake.

"Prince Yuyi, Mr. Yuanmiao?"

Gongsun Sheng's heart skipped a beat, he pulled out his mahogany sword and stabbed suddenly.

But he saw a streak of golden light rising through the air and stabbing towards Lin Lingsu.

"Ruyunlong Gongsun Sheng? Are you the bandits from Liangshan?"

Lin Lingsu smiled coldly, stretched out her hand and pointed casually: "How can it hurt me on a mere trail?"

The golden light hovered in the air, then suddenly disintegrated and turned into golden powder all over the sky.


Gongsun Sheng was struck by thunder and took several steps back, his face pale.

"We are ordered to defend the capital!"

Lin Lingsu glanced at Gao Qiu's body indifferently and said calmly: "Thieves here will be killed without mercy."


The four Taoist priests bowed their heads at the same time and drew their magic swords.

"Are you the bandit leader of Liangshan?"

Lin Lingsu flicked her sleeves, and her figure suddenly appeared in front of Lin Xuan: "Everyone who is rebellious and traitorous will be punished..."

"Kill your sister."

Lin Xuan frowned slightly, took out the jade talisman given by Master Luo, and flicked it hard.

The jade talisman disintegrated into powder silently.

A green brilliance flashed in the air.

In the void, a huge ancient seal of subduing demons appeared.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is like a tide, converging towards the Ancient Seal of Subduing Demons.

In Lin Lingsu's shocked eyes, the Ancient Seal of Demon Subduing fell from the sky and crushed him with the force of Mount Tai.

A thunderous blast sounded, and the ancient seal shattered.

Lin Lingsu's Taoist robe exploded, like a deflated baby, and white smoke came out all over his body.

The next moment, the layers of space collapsed, trapping Lin Lingsu in it, and disappeared together.

"Old thief Luo, you deserve to die!"

Vaguely, Lin Lingsu could be heard roaring with rage and rage.

The space vibrated, thunder rolled, and ripples appeared in the void.

It seems that in an unknown corner, an extremely terrifying confrontation is taking place.


The four Shenxiao Taoists stopped their movements at the same time, their heads covered with black lines, looking at Lin Xuan with great vigilance.

Obviously, they didn't expect such outrageous things to happen.

For a moment, the four of them were a little confused and didn't know whether to take action.

"Wait for Lao Huang and the others to come over."

Lin Xuan let out a sullen breath and grabbed Huang Rong's sleeve: "Don't scatter, don't rush in."

"Okay! But, how do you know that thing is useful?"

Huang Rong was dumbfounded: "Did Mr. Luo tell you secretly?"

"No, Lao Luo didn't dare to hint too much. He only said that this thing is the same as him. Taoist Master Gongsun said that this thing contains deep spiritual power."

"Then you can guess it based on this sentence??"

"Just now I saw that the Taoist priest was unhappy, so I hit him with this thing. If it didn't work, I just returned."

While Lin Xuan was looking for flaws in the four Taoists, he said smoothly: "Anyway, if we give it a try, we won't get pregnant, right?"

Huang Rong: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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