I asked you to play a dungeon, why don't you just raise the BOSS here?

Chapter 72 Aren’t you afraid of divine punishment?

Chapter 72 Aren’t you afraid of divine punishment?

"According to the order of His Majesty, the traitors and traitors will be killed without mercy!"

Seeing Wu Song and others running towards him one after another, the Taoist priest who led him did not dare to delay any longer and pointed at Lin Xuan.

The strong wind gathered at his fingertips, turning into a wind blade and slashing out suddenly.

"Do it!"

Lin Xuan was already prepared, swung his sword to block the wind blade, and ordered.

There is no enmity or enmity between Shuibo Liangshan and Shenxiao Sect.

Lin Xuan himself didn't want to fight with these Taoist priests.

However, since they have already taken action...

That’s not much to say.

The long wind howled and swept towards the four Taoist priests.


"There may not necessarily be a distinction between the two. Only by achieving the ultimate level can one be invincible."

"It doesn't matter."

The power is infinite and cannot be resisted by human beings.

Huang Shang stretched out his hands and formed an unparalleled fist stance: "This fist is called the 'Great Demon-Suppressing Fist'!"

After fluttering for a few times, he became motionless.

"A vulgar warrior dares to speak arrogant words!"


The magic sword trembled violently, and fell to the ground as if it had been hit seven inches by a poisonous snake.

The magical sword that he had sacrificed immediately released its true energy and fell limply to the side.

Huang Shang looked at the Taoist priest in front of him and said calmly: "Master, it's okay to go, just leave this place to the disciples."

The Taoist priest had an unbelievable look in his eyes, took three steps back, and slowly sat down on the ground, looking sluggish.

The talisman turned blood red, triggering the lightning, intertwined into a thunder net, and struck down with a crash.

Huang Shang flicked his sleeves and said calmly: "But if you have no cultivation, if you don't cultivate your mind, there will be disharmony everywhere and you will be vulnerable!"

The Taoist priest snorted coldly and made a secret.

With a flash of shadow, Huang Shang suddenly appeared beside Wu Song, and with a flick of his finger, he knocked on the spine of the magic sword.

The Taoist priest showed anger on his face, bit the tip of his tongue, and sprayed blood on an apricot-yellow talisman.

"You! You, you..."

"It's a wicked way and it's shameless to talk nonsense!"

Wu Song's heart trembled, and he quickly twisted in the air to avoid the sharp edge.

But the old man in front of him, half of his body was about to be buried in the ground, just stretched out his hand a little.

Wu Song was covered in blood, he picked up the iron rod and slammed it down.

"Old Huang, can you do it?"

The Taoist priest looked at Huang Shang as if he had seen a ghost.

The magic sword folded again, as if it had intelligence, and slashed towards Wu Song's left arm.

Huang Rong was startled and said softly: "No, don't hold on!"

The magic sword broke through the air and turned into a thunderbolt, like lightning shooting from the stars, slashing towards Wu Song's head.

Huang Shang's face remained calm, and his right fist slowly hit the air.

"This talisman is ten times more powerful than me. If a Taoist master had used it with his own hands, I would have no bones left."

If it weren't for the help of experts from both Buddhism and Taoism, we could only use dirty methods like black dog blood to break through...

His sword is the real secret of Xuanmen sword control.

Wu Song let out a sigh of relief and quickly thanked him.

"The disciple just saw the ancient seal of subduing demons, and he felt something in his heart. After thinking about it for ten months, he suddenly understood a boxing skill, and he may not lose to these Taoist disciples."

It’s so weird!
  "Taoist techniques and techniques can be called magical powers, and martial arts are also magical powers."

"Takejiro, be careful."

The vast fist turned in the air and tore the thunder net apart.

Before he finished speaking, the wind and clouds were surging between heaven and earth!
  It was as if the general trend of the world was borrowed by Huang Shang, and the wind started blowing at a thought.

Huang Shang smiled and looked at the Taoist from before.

"This bird sword is so powerful, thank you Master Huang for saving me!"

"You bunch of unscrupulous Taoist priests, take a stick from someone!"

The remaining three Taoist priests looked horrified, their magic swords returned to guard, lightning flashed and thunder roared, barely able to resist Huang Shang's explosive momentum.

"Wind blows!"

Gongsun Sheng was relieved of his pressure and quickly activated his remaining magic power to summon a hurricane of sand and rocks, which swept towards the imperial guards gathered at the entrance of Cai Mansion.

"...Old Huang, please fight slowly! The others will follow us."

Huang Rong let out a sullen breath, took Lin Xuan's hand and swept forward.

Wu Song, Qin Ming, Lin Chong, Lu Zhishen, and Gongsun Sheng looked at each other and ran after Lin Xuan.

Seeing Huang Shang's posture, everyone felt that since they couldn't make a move, there was no point.

Don't say it's mixed in, you can't even understand it!

  There was a buzz around the inner courtyard, with countless men and women running around in panic.

Seeing Lin Chong and others covered in blood, many were so frightened that they became weak and collapsed on the ground, excreting and urinating.

"There is... purple energy coming from the east on Mirror Lake?"

Gongsun Sheng could hardly believe his eyes: "How is that possible!"

"So, is old thief Cai Jing over there?"

Huang Rong said irritably: "Don't talk about things I don't understand at this time!"

"It should only be him..."

Gongsun Sheng was still a little confused and reluctantly nodded.


Huang Rong's figure flashed and flew towards Jinghu Lake.

In the square outside Jinghu Lake, there were more than ten men holding various weapons.

His face was full of insensitivity and his eyes were full of dead silence.

Even when they saw Lin Xuan and others arriving, they remained silent. Even without blinking an eye.

As if there is no soul at all.

"Old thief Cai is in that bird pavilion, right?"

Lu Zhishen shouted: "You get out of the way, the Sa family won't kill you."


A man holding a nine-ring sword heard the sound and turned to look at Lu Zhishen. The sword swept across and slashed towards Lu Zhishen's neck.

The sound of the sword ring vibrated, like a demonic sound coming from the underworld.


Lu Zhishen was furious, raised his water-milling Zen staff, and smashed it down.

The swords and sticks collided, and the nine-ring sword broke.

The man with the big sword jumped forward, but Lu Zhishen punched him in the head.

"Is this person stupid?"

Lu Zhishen said doubtfully as he swung his Zen staff and blocked the thrusts of two steel spears.

"These should be the dead soldiers raised by Cai Jing. They were given drugs to wear away their minds, and they don't know whether to live or die."

While Lin Chong was talking, he waved his eight-foot-long snake spear and knocked over a man holding a copper hammer: "Kill them all, there is no reason to explain this kind of thing!"

"Wu Song, Qin Ming, gather these people together!"

Lin Xuan's eyes flashed and he shouted.

"Well, this old thief is really unscrupulous in what he does!"

Wu Song nodded, and Qin Ming followed him to the left and right, swinging the two sticks with heavy shadows, forcing the dead man to the center.

"I never thought I would actually use this thing one day..."

Lin Xuan rushed forward, took out the lime powder packet, and threw it in the air: "Everyone, close your eyes!"

The dead soldiers were attracted by Lin Xuan's movements and looked up.

With a flash of the sword, the bag of lime powder was chopped open by Lin Xuan. The lime powder exploded with a "bang" and dispersed in the air.

All the dead soldiers groaned at the same time and subconsciously stretched out their hands to rub their eyes.

The sword flashed again, and blood splashed!
  After Lu Zhishen, Wu Song and others broke up, Lin Xuan and Huang Rong walked through the blood rain and came to the bridge pavilion.

"You are not that old, but you are able to come before me like this. It is true that heroes have emerged from youth since ancient times."

Cai Jing raised his head, looked at the two of them, smiled and said, "Are you tired? Do you want a cup of tea?"

"We are here to kill you, not to drink tea."

Huang Rong said coldly: "Why didn't you take advantage of the chaos and escape?"

"I have limited legs and feet, so I can't walk fast."

Cai Jing smiled and said, "Besides, why do I want to leave?"

"Oh? Do you think the feng shui here is good, so you want to die here?"

"You are right, the feng shui here is indeed very good!"

Cai Jing's smile did not change: "Within a thousand miles, even the Feng Shui of my Great Song Dynasty Palace may not be better than this place."

"Is this old man scared out of his mind by us?"

Huang Rong was startled, then she held the Emei thorn tightly: "Then let's stop talking nonsense and just do it."

"Second Master, you can't do anything!"

Gongsun Sheng reacted suddenly, with a look of horror on his face: "This place looks like purple energy coming from the east, it is extremely valuable! Old thief Cai is located here, even the emperor has to demote him before he can touch him."

"I told you not to talk about things I don't understand!"

Huang Rong was a little annoyed: "What will happen if it moves?"

"Old thief Cai is probably fine, but whoever takes action will definitely die."

Huang Rong: "???"

"Hahaha, this little Taoist priest does have some knowledge."

"In our Song Dynasty, the emperor and the scholar-bureaucrats have always shared the world. Now I have not lost power. I am an upright prime minister and grand master. I have power over the government and the public, and I have the protection of mountains and rivers."

Cai Jing laughed loudly: "The magic formation here was set up by an expert. I sit at the center of the formation. If you take action against me rashly, you will be punished by God!"

"So this is ah……"

Lin Xuan sighed: "You might as well not explain."

"Huh?" Cai Jing was startled when he heard this: "Why do you say that?"

"You'll know soon."

Lin Xuan looked at Huang Rong: "Are you afraid?"

"you guess."

"Then do it."


"it is good!"

Amidst Gongsun Sheng's screams, the sword flashed past.


Cai Jing lowered his head in confusion, looking at the Emei thorn inserted into his heart with a weird expression.

The next moment, a pool of blood burst out from his neck, and his head fell to the ground dangling.

After the head fell to the ground, Cai Jing blinked and looked at the sky blankly.

The purple air in the sky quickly dispersed and disappeared without a trace.

This also means that Cai Jing's life has come to an end.

In a flash of inspiration, Cai Jing seemed to understand something.

Unfortunately, this is no longer important.

He is dead.

Don't rest your eyes!

[Grand Master Cai Jing has been killed, and the mission evaluation and personal reputation have been greatly improved! 】

"God's punishment is indeed powerful, but it's a pity that we are not afraid of it."

Lin Xuan turned around and smiled: "Please ask the Taoist priest to cast a spell and send everyone out of the city."

Gongsun Sheng: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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