Chapter 93: Leader, don’t be stubborn!
  "Reporting to the leader, the Songshan sect has invited the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains to prevent Junior Brother Liu from washing his hands in the golden basin."

"We are members of the Wuyue Sword Sect. Junior Brother Liu must obey the order of the leader when it comes to washing his hands in a golden basin."

Mr. Mo Da sighed and said in a low voice: "In my opinion, the leader should invite the senior brothers from the Songshan Sect to come out and let everyone talk."

He also felt that he was a bit embarrassed and quite offended by being like this.

Forget it, just be embarrassed if you are embarrassed, and offend others if you offend others!
  wrong! I am actually enduring the humiliation, destroying Zuo Lengchan's plan, and revitalizing Hengshan!

Thinking of this, Mr. Mo Da couldn't help but feel excited and felt that he was quite great.

When I first met Yao Yue, my Taoist heart that was almost collapsed has also healed a lot.

"That's fine too."

Yao Yue showed a sneer on her face: "All the cats and dogs of the Songshan sect who are hiding in the dark, come out."

The internal energy surged, and the cold and delicate voice spread in all directions, echoing endlessly in half of Hengyang City.

"..." Mr. Mo Da sighed again, feeling a little tired.

All the people present started talking and making a "buzzing" sound, as if thousands of flies were gathering together for a meeting.

There was also a sentence: "Cats and dogs, get out!"
  It's not the case if the three of them come out, it's not the case if they don't come out...

Yao Yue hummed softly, her eyes sweeping over the whole place, her delicate body exuding a hint of coldness.

All three of them were in extremely annoyed moods.

Fei Bin said coldly: "But if you want to openly protect the scum of your family in front of the heroes of this world, I'm afraid it's not enough."

"...As the leader of Hengshan Mountain, the girl must be proficient in martial arts. The three of my brothers are probably no match for the girl."

The man at the west end is very tall and thin. He is Lu Bai, the third crane hand.

The leader doesn’t want it!
  "That's quite interesting."

It seemed that he was really weighing whether he could kill all these two thousand people by himself.

The yellow shadow shook, and the two of them appeared side by side at the entrance of the hall.

Anyway, Zuo Lengchan would definitely not give up the leadership of the Five Mountains Alliance honestly.

"Huh? According to this little girl, the Hengshan Sect is going to fight with the Songshan Sect?"

"On the orders of the leader of the Zuo Alliance, we are here to clean up the family and kill the scum of the martial arts world who are colluding with the demon cult's monsters."

"Please also ask the new leader of the Hengshan Sect to give us brothers an explanation."

"But I don't know why this young girl from the head of Hengshan said something rude?"

"Even with this level of internal strength, you dare to speak rudely. I'm afraid you've never died, right?"

"Isn't that enough?"

The solemn atmosphere that the Songshan Sect had managed to create suddenly became like a farce.

The faces of the Songshan disciples present became more and more embarrassed, and they cursed secretly in their hearts.

"...Does the Five Mountains Sword Sect still seem to be in the same spirit now?"

Although his internal strength cultivation is not as good as Yaoyue's, these words are enough to reach everyone's ears.

Mr. Mo Da, who was standing aside, felt cold all over his body, his heart was beating rapidly, and he subconsciously took a step back.

Forget it, I have already broken up with the Songshan Sect anyway, so I don’t care about this anymore.

The one at the east end is a fat man with a tall build, Ding Mian, the second best tower player in Songshan.

Suddenly, the originally quiet courtyard became silent.

Seeing that Yao Yue really had plans to take action, Lin Xuan sighed secretly, stood up and left the table: "You guys, the Songshan sect has been doing some shameful things all day long, do you deserve to be mentioned as a hero in the world?"

"What little girl? Mr. Mo Da already said that he is the leader of Hengshan. Do you think he is teasing you? Are you worthy?"


Originally, they had planned to make their official debut and capture Liu Zhengfeng.

If Yao Yue was just using the Songshan Sect to establish his authority, Lin Xuan would naturally be happy to see it succeed.

"You three are worthy of me giving you an explanation?"


The Songshan sect is famous all over the world, and except for the sworn enemy of the Sun and Moon Sect, the other black and white sects will give them some face.

He is Zuo Lengchan's fourth junior brother, Fei Bin, a master of the Great Songyang. His set of the Great Songyang is famous in the world.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense. The Five Mountains Sword Sect is like a branch. If you really offend the leader of Hengshan, do you still want to leave?"

There was a cold snort, and a thin man in his forties jumped from the roof with an extremely ugly face.

But luckily, a female headmaster of Hengshan suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Even if the Wuyue Sword Sect fights internally behind closed doors, it's not the outsiders' turn to comment. Just watch the fun with peace of mind and don't talk too much."

The three of them have never encountered such a disgusting thing.

"???Have you ever died?"

You have to go do his thing sooner or later, so there is no need to form a good relationship.

Well, Yaoyue can win even Feng Qingyang, so beating these three Songshan Taibao will definitely be a piece of cake.

You can enjoy your meal in peace and watch the excitement, just shout "666" a few times.

However, Fei Bin casually guided the remarks, and Yao Yue really transformed into a flat-headed brother in an instant, planning to have a "Liu Mansion Battle".

Lin Xuan couldn't stand it anymore...

are you crazy!

I want you to be the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains, not the public enemy of the martial arts!

Moreover, do you think you are Li Yuanba? Unparalleled from the start?
  Lin Xuan felt that since this Samsara copy was matched, it meant that Samsara Space must have considered the balance of combat power.

Even if it's really Li Yuanba, he probably can't be careless.

After all, Yao Yue is a teammate. Even if he fights with everyone present and both sides suffer, it will still be troublesome.

Forget it, just think of this girl as a girly version of Master Lu for now.

In this case, Lin Xuan is quite experienced in dealing with it.

"Nonsense! How often have we, the Songshan Sect, done anything shameful?"

Fei Bin's hatred value was instantly transferred, he looked at Lin Xuan and shouted: "Boy, you have insulted our sect. If you don't have an explanation today, you will be bloody for five steps."


Feeling the angry gazes of everyone in the Songshan Sect, the old man Da Qiufeng was so frightened that his whole face turned pale, and he lay on the table in a panic and pretended to be dead.

I asked you to leave an impression in front of the big shots, but I didn’t ask you to leave this impression! I really want to leave this impression...

Stay away from me!

"Zuo Lengchan is a despicable person. He has repeatedly conspired against me, a fellow member of the Five Mountains."

Lin Xuan left the seat and stood side by side with Mr. Mo Da: "The leader of our sect leads Senior Brother Mo to speak uprightly. What's wrong with that?"


Mr. Mo Da and Liu Zhengfeng looked at each other with confusion on their faces.

What Lin Xuan said was so reasonable.

If the two of them hadn't been in the Hengshan sect for decades...

Maybe they really believe that this young man they have never met is their junior brother.


Yao Yue was also stunned for a moment, and her eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

With her mind, she could naturally see that Fei Bin deliberately got involved in the battle between good and evil just now, intending to force himself to the opposite side of everyone present.

But she never bothered to explain, and without saying a word, she had already made plans to fight to the death.

Now that the situation has changed, Yao Yue also has some doubts in her heart, wondering what Lin Xuan's plans are.

After thinking about it, Yao Yue decided to wait and see what happens.

Anyway, with her emotional intelligence, she couldn't cooperate.

If we really want to have such a random fight...

Although Yaoyue said she was not afraid, she still felt aggrieved in her heart.

"How presumptuous! Senior Brother Zuo is such a person, how can you..., how can others be allowed to talk nonsense?"

Ding Mian said sternly: "If you slander me today, I will cut you into pieces on Songshan Mountain!"

Several of them are now riding a tiger with difficulty.

Originally, he was just here under orders to deal with the matter of Liu Zhengfeng's friendship with Qu Yang, the elder of the demon sect.

If Liu Zhengfeng refuses to give in, he will destroy his entire family, establish his authority in one fell swoop, and build momentum for the Five Sacred Alliance Sect.

As a result, it turned out to be like this inexplicably, making them completely forget about Liu Zhengfeng.

Well, Liu Zhengfeng just secretly befriended people from the Demon Cult.

These two young men who appeared out of nowhere in front of me scolded the three of them and Zuo Lengchan...

If these two people cannot be properly resolved today.

Even if Liu Zhengfeng is killed, it will not help.

Don't talk about killing chickens to scare monkeys...

Maybe, the Songshan sect will have a bad reputation of bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

Then the meaning of this trip is completely lost.

"Okay, let's start with the Huashan Sect."

"Several of you must also know that the leader of the Left Alliance sent his disciple Lao Denuo to apprentice with Yue Buqun many years ago as an undercover agent."

Lin Xuan took a look at the Huashan disciples' table and found an old man in his fifties. "This must be the student of the Zuo Alliance Leader. You might as well get up and show it to everyone."

Yue Buqun: "..."

Laudnor: "..."

Disciples of the Huashan Sect: "..."

"Second Senior Brother, are you really from the Songshan Sect?"

A pretty girl pointed at Laudno and said angrily.


Lauderno was panicked and subconsciously looked at Lin Xuan.

Seeing that the other party was unmoved, he looked like he didn't care.


Lauderno sighed secretly and kept silent.

He was Zuo Lengchan's secretly accepted disciple, and even few people in the Songshan Sect knew about it.

Since the other party knows all the secrets.

And he pointed it out without caring.

You must be prepared!

Lauderno felt that there was no need for him to continue acting.

After so many years of acting, I am really tired.

"That's unreasonable!"

There was a flash of sword light, and a young man with sword-shaped eyebrows and thin lips drew his sword out of its sheath, pointing the sword tip at Laudno.

"That's enough, Chong'er, put the sword back."

Yue Buqun sighed and said calmly: "De Nuo, you can go back with the brothers from the Songshan Sect later. By the way, I want to tell the leader of the Zuo Alliance that Yue's martial arts is low and he really can't teach his disciples."

He was deeply scheming and had already seen that something was not right with Laudno, but he was just pretending not to know.

The original plan was to take advantage of the situation and ambush Zuo Lengchan at the critical moment.

For example, getting a fake copy of "Zixia Magic" for Zuo Lengchan.

But now this matter has been made clear...

If I still pretend to be ignorant, I can only say that I look down on the intelligence of both parties.

The Huashan sect didn't have much spare money to begin with, so Yue Buqun secretly felt distressed when he thought that he had raised Lao Denuo in vain for so many years.

"Master Yue, take care."

Lauderno stood up, kowtowed to Yue Buqun, walked out of Liu's house dejectedly, and left alone.

In this case, although everyone understands what is going on.

But the basic rules still need to be talked about...

No matter what, he couldn't go back with the Songshan Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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